Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
.22 used to be the number 1 round used to kil in domestic cases
What is it now? The 9mm?
.22 used to be the number 1 round used to kil in domestic cases
and anyone who watched him shoot two people who tried to kill him, yet still call him an active shooter is a moron of the highest caliber. congrats on that titleCall it whatever you like but anyone who is witnessed shooting two unarmed men looks like an active shooter to me.
A sniper would have been righteous to put a round through his chest or Grosskreutz empty his magazine into Kyle's back.
this shows that you have a serious lack of knowledge about what the founders believed about rights..........
And as I keep asking, why do you think you understand what no one including the SCOTUS and Scalia, the major proponent of Originalism, couldn’t do, and as I showed you, cherry picking quotes from the Founding Fathers is easy to defend any point of view
Are you saying there are no natural rights and that you only have the rights given to you by the State?
You're wrong. Laws are based on reason. Rights are based on our natural right as human beings.
because I read ALL of the founders comments and commentaries, whereas you avoid them. I've been on record from day one that Scalia is not a fucking originalist. you've been shown all the quotes, but you ignore them, simply because they prove you wrong.
concepts are difficult for liberals, it leads them down paths they fear to tread. most liberals are terrified of the freedom of others............which is why they hang on 'well regulated', but refuse to acknowledge the fears of the founders........
and we're left quibbling about the differences between organized and unorganized............I don't see a benefit for either of us in this.........we both know what it means and what it allows.
Bam, did I call that, "got a feeling I am going to see another copy and paste off of the Google list of fallacies, as noted earlier, and proven again here, when "nightingale" can't refute what others have offered out comes the Google glossary of fallacies, too funny
Oh no, another "right" to own a gun is a God given natural right, seen it three times already
Simple fact, all rights are based upon reason, not desire, otherwise all would be anarchy
Call it whatever you like but anyone who is witnessed shooting two unarmed men looks like an active shooter to me.
A sniper would have been righteous to put a round through his chest or Grosskreutz empty his magazine into Kyle's back.
I gave you Federalist #29, read it, you can paraphrase a quote, but in its entirety, Hamilton is arguing anything but what you want to believe. If your understanding of the Constitution is based on quotes your knowledge of it is limited
And as I’ve said, conservatives, as they see fit to explain what they want to believe, often reduce abstract concepts down bumper stickers, given their views during Covid, I can’t imagine how they would have responded to the last generational crisis WWII, “I ain’t going to be drafted, it is against my freedom,” “forget asking me to ration gas and sugar, it violates my freedom,” “don’t tell me when to turn off my lights, it’s my freedom to do it when I want,” etc., etc., etc
Nah. This whole thing started because of faulty reasoning on your part concerning the use of 'militia' in the 2nd amendment.
...and he took advantage of it as a result.
What is it now? The 9mm?
And as I keep asking, why do you think you understand what no one including the SCOTUS and Scalia, the major proponent of Originalism, couldn’t do, and as I showed you, cherry picking quotes from the Founding Fathers is easy to defend any point of view
You are arguing in circles
Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6. The lesson learned here is 1) don't attack an armed man unless armed and 2) don't hesitate to kill an active shooter.and anyone who watched him shoot two people who tried to kill him, yet still call him an active shooter is a moron of the highest caliber. congrats on that title
wrong, but had I been there the kick face dude would have an empty skull, huber would have had two giant holes in his chest, and grosskreutz would have lost his brain along with his bicep............
Lol, A well regulated militia.
I'm pretty sure regulated fits with background checks.
Now who is it that's a bestial retarded Animal!?
What is it now? The 9mm?
Google says .22 back in 2011, a 2018 link say 9mm
A .22 is great for plinking and assassination but shitty for self-defense. A 9mm is better for self-defense and, compared to other like-sized calibers or larger, is cheaper to shoot.