Shaken, not stirred!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Actually, EVERYONE seems to overlook the FACT that a LARGE PORTION of the folk that voted for Obama in 2008 were polled and were found to be pissed off that Obama "wasn't fighting hard enough for his campaign promises".... they showed their disdain BY NOT VOTING. And as we all know, Republicans do well when there is a low voter turn out. Just saying.
Doesn't change anything, it was still a debacle for the Democrats. But Obama doing nothing should have been expected seeing as how the guy has done that his whole life. Outside getting elected--something he's absolutely incredible at--he's totally useless at producing results.
Beg to differ....if you exclude other factors in favor of the ones you like, you give an inaccurate account of history. The generalized statement, "...debacle for the Democrats" is true...the REASONS WHY must be all inclusive to reach the aforementioned conclusion....and the vote is the final determiner. Your finale statement in just the continuing sour grapes by the right wing peanut gallery...which is pretty stupid considering that if it weren't for Obama things like the near Depression he inherited from the Shrub, and the ending of Bin Ladin wouldn't have happened. A matter of fact, a matter of history. Just saying.