Democrats to Delay POTUS Nomination Vote, in a Blatant Disregard for Democracy

Some much for the Democrats much-ballyhooed :defense of democracy" ; as soon as it isn't going there way....democracy is out the window.

Gee...what's wrong Stalin-o-crats? need time to screw Biden over, so he doesn't win the nomination?

What a pathetic cluster of corrupt sleazeballs. :cool:

Democrats postpone official nomination of US presidential candidate, NYT​

The US Democratic Party has postponed the vote in which it is supposed to officially nominate President Joe Biden as its candidate for the upcoming elections, reports The New York Times.

According to the media sources, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer urged party leaders to "delay the start" of the nomination vote, which was scheduled to take place next week.

In particular, as reported by the NYT, Schumer agreed with House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries to press the party to delay the official nomination.

Journalists' interlocutors discovered that Tim Walz, co-chairman of the party's rules committee, which determines when and how candidates will be nominated, informed Biden's campaign manager Jen O'Malley Dillon that the vote needed to be postponed.

Under such pressure, the Democratic National Committee decided to move the vote to the first week of August.

~ According to Axios, Biden may announce his withdrawal from the presidential race as early as this weekend.

Some much for the Democrats much-ballyhooed :defense of democracy" ; as soon as it isn't going there way....democracy is out the window.

Gee...what's wrong Stalin-o-crats? need time to screw Biden over, so he doesn't win the nomination?

What a pathetic cluster of corrupt sleazeballs. :cool:

Democrats postpone official nomination of US presidential candidate, NYT​

The US Democratic Party has postponed the vote in which it is supposed to officially nominate President Joe Biden as its candidate for the upcoming elections, reports The New York Times.

According to the media sources, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer urged party leaders to "delay the start" of the nomination vote, which was scheduled to take place next week.

In particular, as reported by the NYT, Schumer agreed with House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries to press the party to delay the official nomination.

Journalists' interlocutors discovered that Tim Walz, co-chairman of the party's rules committee, which determines when and how candidates will be nominated, informed Biden's campaign manager Jen O'Malley Dillon that the vote needed to be postponed.

Under such pressure, the Democratic National Committee decided to move the vote to the first week of August.

~ According to Axios, Biden may announce his withdrawal from the presidential race as early as this weekend.
Grok, you wouldn't recognize Democracy if it were an animal...and biting you on the ass.
Some much for the Democrats much-ballyhooed :defense of democracy" ; as soon as it isn't going there way....democracy is out the window.

Gee...what's wrong Stalin-o-crats? need time to screw Biden over, so he doesn't win the nomination?

What a pathetic cluster of corrupt sleazeballs. :cool:

Democrats postpone official nomination of US presidential candidate, NYT​

The US Democratic Party has postponed the vote in which it is supposed to officially nominate President Joe Biden as its candidate for the upcoming elections, reports The New York Times.

According to the media sources, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer urged party leaders to "delay the start" of the nomination vote, which was scheduled to take place next week.

In particular, as reported by the NYT, Schumer agreed with House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries to press the party to delay the official nomination.

Journalists' interlocutors discovered that Tim Walz, co-chairman of the party's rules committee, which determines when and how candidates will be nominated, informed Biden's campaign manager Jen O'Malley Dillon that the vote needed to be postponed.

Under such pressure, the Democratic National Committee decided to move the vote to the first week of August.

~ According to Axios, Biden may announce his withdrawal from the presidential race as early as this weekend.
Why did the Republican Party delay their nomination of Trump until their convention?
Because that is when it is typically done. Traditionally the candidate's home state delegates get to put him over the threshold.
Yup. Exactly.

And my comment was in response to Grok's comments essentially asking why Joe Biden has not yet been nominated yet.
Lay down the crack pipe and look at the facts instead of parroting magat talking points, jackwagon.
I am reporting the facts of peoples' real lives, outside of your little bubble,; that you?

Why delay the nomination, if everything is hunky dory?
Grok, you wouldn't recognize Democracy if it were an animal...and biting you on the ass.
I'm sure no one noticed your complete failure to even address, much less rebut a syllable of what I posted...per usual. just childish insults.

I know!!! Call me hitler !!!
I'm sure no one noticed your complete failure to even address, much less rebut a syllable of what I posted...per usual. just childish insults.

I know!!! Call me hitler !!!

I have rebutted two of your comments. Apparently you would not recognize a rebuttal any easier than you would recognize Democracy. Work on that.
You cannot be serious. All magas on JPP want Democrats gone for good,

I've seen ONE poster here promote genocide on a regular basis - @Guno צְבִי

Douche Duch advocates the murder of those who oppose the democrat party.

I've never seen anyone from the right do either.

and are very vocal about it.

Link it then - because I'm calling you a liar - saying that you accuse the enemy of your filthy party of what it is you do.

Every day it's some version of "just you wait..."

By all means, let's see these posts?
Some much for the Democrats much-ballyhooed :defense of democracy" ; as soon as it isn't going there way....democracy is out the window.

Gee...what's wrong Stalin-o-crats? need time to screw Biden over, so he doesn't win the nomination?

What a pathetic cluster of corrupt sleazeballs. :cool:

Democrats postpone official nomination of US presidential candidate, NYT​

The US Democratic Party has postponed the vote in which it is supposed to officially nominate President Joe Biden as its candidate for the upcoming elections, reports The New York Times.

According to the media sources, Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer urged party leaders to "delay the start" of the nomination vote, which was scheduled to take place next week.

In particular, as reported by the NYT, Schumer agreed with House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries to press the party to delay the official nomination.

Journalists' interlocutors discovered that Tim Walz, co-chairman of the party's rules committee, which determines when and how candidates will be nominated, informed Biden's campaign manager Jen O'Malley Dillon that the vote needed to be postponed.

Under such pressure, the Democratic National Committee decided to move the vote to the first week of August.

~ According to Axios, Biden may announce his withdrawal from the presidential race as early as this weekend.
They're doing it just like they cheat elections, over a period of a week.