Democrats to halt giveaways to big oil, and give incentives to "green" energy

Democrats to halt giveaways to big oil, and give incentives to "green" energy

Finally.... about time......

cutting our dependence on foreign oil will help curb terrorism and is pretty much the only way to win the war on terror....

you win the war on terror by cutting off its funding... its as simple as that....

not to mention that this will help save the enviornment and ecosystems and cut back on asthma and make our quality of life better

Democrats want to shift oil tax
Plan would cut oil incentives, boost federal royalties, give to green energy

WASHINGTON - House Democrats are crafting an energy package that would roll back billions of dollars worth of oil drilling incentives, raise billions more by boosting federal royalties paid by oil and gas companies for offshore production, and plow the money into new tax breaks for renewable energy sources, congressional sources said yesterday.

"The Democrats are appropriately shifting money from the 20th-century technologies to the 21st-century industries," said Rhone Resch, president of the Solar Energy Industries Association. "If we want to see solar, wind and biofuels, we have to make that investment today."

:party: :woot: :cheer: :hedb:
Demos picking on big oil, they will be classified with Chavez by some. It seems to be unamerican to mess around with big oil.
I hope oil stocks plummet with the dems in office to record lows. I'd kill to have clinton oil prices back.
It will nice to see congress actually presenting legislation that will help america and not wasting our time with steroid hearings and trying to save vegetative anorexics.
I hope oil stocks plummet with the dems in office to record lows. I'd kill to have clinton oil prices back.
It will nice to see congress actually presenting legislation that will help america and not wasting our time with steroid hearings and trying to save vegetative anorexics.

Shoot ..I'll better that .... Id kill to have Reagan oil prices back ... ;)

Actually.. I think you've forgotten how oil prices had begun to escalate during Clintons final two years ... remember when he released the reserves to fight off the rising prices (On Gores advice)? Despite the criticism he recieved.. that tactic actually worked!
Actually imho , I think the prices need to stay a bit high , otherwise we will never work to do what we can to wean ourselves off cheap oil. And just keep on spewing massive polloution.
Actually imho , I think the prices need to stay a bit high , otherwise we will never work to do what we can to wean ourselves off cheap oil. And just keep on spewing massive polloution.

Well, I don't want to pay more $$$ for gas period.
Klaatu how are you enjoying New York again?

Doin good! So far ...Im enjoying global warming here in Western NY ... 50's 'bout that! We are due though... we'll get some normal mid winter weather in the next couple of weeks... but heck.... before you know it ...its Feb and March is right around the corner...
Finally.... about time......

cutting our dependence on foreign oil will help curb terrorism and is pretty much the only way to win the war on terror....

you win the war on terror by cutting off its funding... its as simple as that....

not to mention that this will help save the enviornment and ecosystems and cut back on asthma and make our quality of life better

Democrats want to shift oil tax
Plan would cut oil incentives, boost federal royalties, give to green energy

WASHINGTON - House Democrats are crafting an energy package that would roll back billions of dollars worth of oil drilling incentives, raise billions more by boosting federal royalties paid by oil and gas companies for offshore production, and plow the money into new tax breaks for renewable energy sources, congressional sources said yesterday.

"The Democrats are appropriately shifting money from the 20th-century technologies to the 21st-century industries," said Rhone Resch, president of the Solar Energy Industries Association. "If we want to see solar, wind and biofuels, we have to make that investment today."

:party: :woot: :cheer: :hedb:

unfortunatley, reducing drilling incentivres actually INCREASES dependance on foriegn oil. instead of 'taxing' drilling for domestic sources, they should instead leave the incentives for domestic drilling and tax any oil imrted form certain countries. that will give us incentive to use our own oil while reudcing the amount of money we pay to people who want to kill us and use the tax money for assisting in developing alternative energy sources.

they should also cut off spending on any military items that are not purely used for defense and plug the money into alternative energy INDEPENDANCE.
But Bush says inflation is fine after how many years of high oil prices ;)

well, gasoline bottomed out a $1/gal in jan 99, and made it to $1.5/g in jan 01, and then to about $2.4/g today which is about the same as last year, so after about 7 years of fairly steady increase in gas prices, it is fairly stable for now.
Actually imho , I think the prices need to stay a bit high , otherwise we will never work to do what we can to wean ourselves off cheap oil. And just keep on spewing massive polloution.

Pump prices in the United States have never really reflected the real costs of either production or maintenance of the infrastructure. It's painful, yes, but I'm afraid it's the only way.
au contrare; pump prices in the us do indeed reflect the cost of production an maintennce, etc. the one huge cost it does not reflet is the cost of ACCESS to the resource.

I read somewhere recently that someone calculated that including the military, foriegn aid, etc that it costs to get access our tax bill for oil access brings the REAL cost to about $7.50/gal.
Finally.... about time......

cutting our dependence on foreign oil will help curb terrorism and is pretty much the only way to win the war on terror....

you win the war on terror by cutting off its funding... its as simple as that....

not to mention that this will help save the enviornment and ecosystems and cut back on asthma and make our quality of life better

Democrats want to shift oil tax
Plan would cut oil incentives, boost federal royalties, give to green energy

WASHINGTON - House Democrats are crafting an energy package that would roll back billions of dollars worth of oil drilling incentives, raise billions more by boosting federal royalties paid by oil and gas companies for offshore production, and plow the money into new tax breaks for renewable energy sources, congressional sources said yesterday.

"The Democrats are appropriately shifting money from the 20th-century technologies to the 21st-century industries," said Rhone Resch, president of the Solar Energy Industries Association. "If we want to see solar, wind and biofuels, we have to make that investment today."

:party: :woot: :cheer: :hedb:
Cheering for an increase in the cost of gas, Rob? Lovely intentions, but...
"Well, I don't want to pay more $$$ for gas period."

A gallon of milk costs more than a gallon of gas. As does a gallon of coffee, soda or almost any other liquid you can think of. The only reason people don't get as worked up about it is that they don't consume them as fast.

Perhaps the higher prices will help people realize better ways to get from place A to place B.
"Well, I don't want to pay more $$$ for gas period."

A gallon of milk costs more than a gallon of gas. As does a gallon of coffee, soda or almost any other liquid you can think of. The only reason people don't get as worked up about it is that they don't consume them as fast.

Perhaps the higher prices will help people realize better ways to get from place A to place B.

why don't you give me a ride big boy... i live to conserve.... :cig: