Democrats to halt giveaways to big oil, and give incentives to "green" energy

"I hope oil stocks plummet with the dems in office to record lows. I'd kill to have clinton oil prices back.
It will nice to see congress actually presenting legislation that will help america and not wasting our time with steroid hearings and trying to save vegetative anorexics."

Not going to happen.... until there is a viable alternative. This is a good step by the Dems as Big Oil has said they no longer need the subsidies given the current price levels. Shifting this money into alt energy is a good investment for the future.

"Clinton oil prices": too funny... tell me, exactly what did CLINTON do that caused the oil prices to drop the $12-15 barrell range?

He did not bring the country in to a full fledge war in the middle east,which causes civil unrest in the region....and higher oil prices from speculators because of this...

He did not pull Iraq's oil off of the market, as we did in Iraq for the majority of it.... due to the war and the civil unrest/sabatoge.

And by not going in to a full fledge war he did not use ALL OF THE OIL that we have had to use for our military...

He did not buy in to our federal reserves when the prices were at their highest.

He threatened to release our oil reserves on to the market and he released some of our federal oil reserves on to the market...

these are just a few reason why oil was less under Clinton that he may have effected through his policies.

His doing NOTHING did not affect the price of oil. In hindsight he SHOULD have filled our reserves as much as possible during the 90's, but he didn't. He should have pushed for higher prices to try to slow consumption. If you want to give him credit for the low prices, then he is also to blame for the mass consumption and burning of fossil fuels.... no wonder the globe heated up so much during the 90's... it was Clinton's fault. :burn:
Not only that we buy gas/diesel in Kuwait and transport it to Iraq and sell it for less than we paid in Kuwait. We are susdsidizing sub $1 /gal gas in Iraq.
Past history Damo. What about us kicking hitlers sidekick out of Iran after WW2 and putting his son (The Shaw) in charge ? Helped with short term oil but not too good of a deal in the long run...
We gotta look forward.
Huh? As far as I know this is my first post in this thread!