Democrats to halt giveaways to big oil, and give incentives to "green" energy

"Well, I don't want to pay more $$$ for gas period."

A gallon of milk costs more than a gallon of gas. As does a gallon of coffee, soda or almost any other liquid you can think of. The only reason people don't get as worked up about it is that they don't consume them as fast.

Perhaps the higher prices will help people realize better ways to get from place A to place B.

but a gallon of milk lasts a week for two people, a gallon of gas is just one way to work, for one car, on one day of the week....

comparing gasoline to milk doesn't really mean anything, does it super? ;)

happy new year btw!

"but a gallon of milk lasts a week for two people, a gallon of gas is just one way to work, for one car, on one day of the week....

comparing gasoline to milk doesn't really mean anything, does it super?

happy new year btw!


Care a gallon is a gallon.... gas costs far more to produce than does milk... yet costs less. Just because people consume more gallons of gas per week than they do milk does not change the fact that gas is cheaper even though it is far more costly to produce.

And if you are burning a gallon each way to work, then you are just plain evil ;) for not caring about the environment. I get to and from work on about 1.5 gallons per week.

Happy New Year to you as well. I hope all is well with you and your family.
A gallon of milk lasts me about 3 days, by myself. It is obvious that Super has never been involved in the dairy industry.
you guys are funny

did your turbo-lib half ass reporter calculat anything for GW affect of kicking SAdams ass out of Kuwait as a price reducer?
Past history Damo. What about us kicking hitlers sidekick out of Iran after WW2 and putting his son (The Shaw) in charge ? Helped with short term oil but not too good of a deal in the long run...
We gotta look forward.
Gas costs what the market will pay without getting upset about it. The real cost to produce it is nuthing compared to the price we pay at the pump. Why do you think oil companies are having record profits...

They have successfully tricked the American Public into beliveing that its a deal at 3.00 a gallon. If people stoped using so much gas the price point would come down. Its all about how much they can get away with charging. If they can limit competition and prevent other oil dealors from selling it cheaper... they can all raise the price.

Gas prices are a protected monopoly the Government allows due to the kickbacks! Clear as day.
demand is going up not down USC.
People are not going to stop driving, however they don't care if the fuel is made out of superglue.
Biodiesel and ethonal could go a good way to providing a decent percentage of our fuels.
Conservation has been preached for 30yrs and each year we use more gas. It's like telling a teenager to not have sex, and thus trying to save money on condoms.
just mostly lip service for 30 yrs though Spin, we need action by the govt to herd the sheep. They are far to greedy and lazy to do it on their own.
Much of the action in the last 30 years has been in the wrong direction. Raising speed limits, Reducing mileage requirements on vehicles, etc.
Hmmm, I am raising about 50 acres of corn this year....
Will use some for heating in a corn burning stove, some to feed stock. will sell the rest.

I have been playing the stock market though, have doubled my money in the last few months. Pulled half out in cash for a downpayment on some property.

I don't really know crap about the game, but am doing well on mostly short term gambles on little known stocks.
I still don't view the stock market as investments though, but gambling.
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cool cypress hear corn is at all time high, it will only go higher.
Wish I knew more about it. Was reading a website on it after hearing farm land was up more than NY Apt's. Most of the farmers said it's still very hard to make good money farming corn.
I may buy some ADM again.
I am not trying to make money on it, but save money. Well... might make a bit of money by fattening up stock ;)
Woohoo, not buying any propane next winter :D
"I hope oil stocks plummet with the dems in office to record lows. I'd kill to have clinton oil prices back.
It will nice to see congress actually presenting legislation that will help america and not wasting our time with steroid hearings and trying to save vegetative anorexics."

Not going to happen.... until there is a viable alternative. This is a good step by the Dems as Big Oil has said they no longer need the subsidies given the current price levels. Shifting this money into alt energy is a good investment for the future.

"Clinton oil prices": too funny... tell me, exactly what did CLINTON do that caused the oil prices to drop the $12-15 barrell range?
"cool cypress hear corn is at all time high, it will only go higher.
Wish I knew more about it. Was reading a website on it after hearing farm land was up more than NY Apt's. Most of the farmers said it's still very hard to make good money farming corn.
I may buy some ADM again."

Can check out DBA as well. Will expose you to all the grains.

The reason prices are going higher....

1) China became a net IMPORTER of grain for the first time

2) As countries like China and India become more urbanized (and both have a long way to go) they tend to eat more meat. The animals they breed for the meat eat a lot of grain (that is in addition to what the people already consume)

3) Grain based fuel... while not as big of a factor as of yet, it is still adding to the demand for grain.