Democrats Want Kamala Harris Off Ticket As Well—Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I so wish Michelle Obama would be the nominee and kick Trump's ass.

The exploding Trumper heads would be endlessly hilarious!!! :rofl2:
Michelle Obama as President and Tammy Duckworth as VP would really make the rights heads spin.
an intelligent Black woman who is very well liked and knows some thing about what actually goes on in the White House and another very intelligent woman with lots of education , a military Vet, a WAR vet, a woman that had her Helicopter shot down by an RPG in the Iraq war and lost her legs , a woman that was a Congressmen and is now a two term Senator who backs legislation favoring , women , Vets , wounded Vets, families and a lot more.
Duckworth would take any advantage the Republicans thought they had with Vance away .
and she is from the mid west too.
This slate for President and VP would be very hard to beat .
Yes an open convention with them ending up drafting Obama and Duckworth would be fantastic.
Have a nice day
Biden/Harris is a learning opportunity for the WOKE.....quality matters......picking inferior people tends to hurt in the end.
Well it ain’t Democrats who refer to Nazis and Klansman as “some very good people,” has been actually sued for racism, invite Holocaust deniers over for diner, and referred to African nations as “shitholes,”
Just because you stir lots of bullshit together doesn't make any of it true. Just like the nightly news you spew disinformation. You're nothing but a parrot. Polly want a cracker?
We dont let you racists define what racism is

That would be like letting child molesters define what child molestation is

You don’t know anything worth respecting

Quit pretending you are respected
Not even worth a response piss ant.
Well it ain’t Democrats who refer to Nazis and Klansman as “some very good people,” has been actually sued for racism, invite Holocaust deniers over for diner, and referred to African nations as “shitholes,”\
don't be silly.......Demmycrat have in fact done all those things.....what we know is Trump hasn't...;;; people are actually stupid enough to believe your own lies.....
Another term with Trump as president is what would be a catastrophic disaster for the entire free world...not an administration headed by Joe Biden OR Kamala Harris.

Too bad you MAGA morons cannot (or more properly, WILL NOT) see that.
odd given how much better off we were under Trump than we were under O'Biden......
Just because you stir lots of bullshit together doesn't make any of it true. Just like the nightly news you spew disinformation. You're nothing but a parrot. Polly want a cracker?
Oh, so now you are saying Trump did not refer to Nazis and Klansman as “some very good people,” has been actually sued for racism, invite Holocaust deniers over for diner, and referred to African nations as “shitholes?”
don't be silly.......Demmycrat have in fact done all those things.....what we know is Trump hasn't...;;; people are actually stupid enough to believe your own lies.....
Really, so Biden referred to Nazis and Klansman as “some very good people,” has been actually sued for racism, invite Holocaust deniers over for diner, and referred to African nations as “shitholes?” Show us where
Really, so Biden referred to Nazis and Klansman as “some very good people,” has been actually sued for racism, invite Holocaust deniers over for diner, and referred to African nations as “shitholes?” Show us where
Not trying to tell anyone what to do, but a little friendly advice.... you really should stop wasting your time trying to engage in rationality with these juvenile clowns.

It's like having a conversation about history with a squirrel.