Democrats Want Kamala Harris Off Ticket As Well—Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Trump/Pence/Vance is a learning opportunity for the WORLD.....quality matters......picking inferior people tends to hurt in the end.
and the Republicans did just that when they picked Trump and Vance, I don't think they scraped the bottom inside of the barrel for these two I think they turned it upside down and scraped the under bottom of it.
Have a nice day
Not trying to tell anyone what to do, but a little friendly advice.... you really should stop wasting your time trying to engage in rationality with these juvenile clowns.

It's like having a conversation about history with a squirrel.
With a squirrel?
aren't you giving them 40 or 50 IQ points ?
a squirrel is a lot smarter then most of the right wingers on here .
so PLEASE stop insulting squirrels, , they haven't done anything to you.
thank you.
Have a nice day
As the reader can see, old Vole kept it together until the end. He just couldn't contain the sheer stupidity of his racist mentality and makes an absurd accusation.

Bottom line: the Dem party is going through the trials and tribulations that the GOP ALMOST went through when the Tea Party took over ... and later morphed into the mess we see now.
Really, so Biden referred to Nazis and Klansman as “some very good people,” has been actually sued for racism, invite Holocaust deniers over for diner, and referred to African nations as “shitholes?” Show us where
every time he trash talks Maga.....all of your shit is lies about Trump....but then you already knew that.....