Mason Michaels
Verified User
Not from what I've observed
I'd love to see the VP take over!
Not from what I've observed
I'd love to see the VP take over!
Based on .....?
shut up you stupid asshole
Right based on absolutely nothing. I figured as much it's nice to see you confirming it.
I'm thinking him and or RFK jr.
shut up you stupid asshole
Nope. You're waste of air and space.
Joe Manchin is a big nobody. Biden will be next President.
What I have seen Democrats hate RFK JR because he was against vaccines. Shows how petty Democrats are
Biden will not be next President
That cackling idiot? I'd rather see my dog in charge
Biden will not be next President
3rd party candidates are always a concern- FOR BOTH PARTIES!
Joe Manchin running as a 3rd party candidate would not be a blow to Biden's campaign, as he would only possibly win in his own state, and the Democrats never count on W. Virginia going their way anyway.
W. Virginia only has 5 electoral delegates anyway!-WHOOP-DITTY-DOOOOOOOOOOOO!
shut up you stupid asshole
Nope. You're cockroach which is actually an insult to cockroaches. You are garbage
Don't mess with Sistas
That's exactly right. They have no moral compass at all.
shut up you stupid asshole
Who will?