Everyone should clearly see Trump is a criminal
So is Biden that is why the FBI refuses to release documents
Everyone should clearly see Trump is a criminal
So is Biden that is why the FBI refuses to release documents
Somehow you think deflecting changes the fact Trump is a treasonous criminal
Somehow you think deflecting changes the fact Trump is a treasonous criminal
Yet you deny how Biden is using the FBI and IRS and DOJ to protect him and as a political weapon
Deflection again from Trump Treason
See you won't address what h=the whistle blowers are showing. You ignore how the FBI refuses to turn over documentation
Deflection from Trump treason
Biden will not be next President
Nope. DeSaster has zero chance. It will be either Trump or whoever Democrat superdelegates choose to install via election fraud (seems to be Biden at this point).Trump or DeSantis.
Democrat VOTERS? Agreed. Most of them have been programmed to hate anyone with an R next to their name. Democrat POLITICIANS? Nah. They're perfectly fine with DeSaster. He's "one of them" (elitist globalist Uniparty member). Sure, they'll do their kabuki theater BS, using "culture wars" to pretend that they oppose each other, but when it comes to economic ("eat the bugs") and foreign ("slava ukraini!") policy, they are both in lock step with each other.Right now Democrats hate DeSantis as much as Trump and that hate will loe them elections
What do you call when the FBI hides information for you? The FBI has lost all credibility
Nope. DeSaster has zero chance. It will be either Trump or whoever Democrat superdelegates choose to install via election fraud (seems to be Biden at this point).
Democrat VOTERS? Agreed. Most of them have been programmed to hate anyone with an R next to their name. Democrat POLITICIANS? Nah. They're perfectly fine with DeSaster. He's "one of them" (elitist globalist Uniparty member). Sure, they'll do their kabuki theater BS, using "culture wars" to pretend that they oppose each other, but when it comes to economic ("eat the bugs") and foreign ("slava ukraini!") policy, they are both in lock step with each other.
Democrats do not want Biden. DeSantis will be President
Democrats want Biden.
Most Democrat voters or those who lean Democrat do not want President Joe Biden to run for reelection in 2024, according to a new poll commissioned by The Washington Post and ABC News.
According to The Washington Post, 58% of Democrat-leaning adults, 47% of Democrats, and 77% of independents who lean Democrat said they wanted the Democrat Party to nominate “someone other than Biden.”
This would be good if Manchin would run third party and take votes away from Democrats
So, you think we're going to have an actual election in 2024? I don't think we will, I think we'll have more theater.
The Democrats will be watched much more closely this time as will the voting machines
You should be watching the GOP traitors just as closely.
They didn't steal the presidential election