Demonizing Black victims is an old racist trope

Actually, leopards DO change their spots (to use the same cliche). People can change. None of the men chasing him knew about any previous history. They simply chased him down (and eventually killed him) simply because was black.

He did not steal anything at the house under construction. He was not observed stealing anything by any of these men. All three men even admitted in open court they had no idea who he was.

you cant figure out something simple like a face mask. You need to stop posting about stuff educated people know about.
What did he steal? Who did he steal it from?

A TV from a store, for one. Food from convenience stores for another.

His M.O. was running and stealing.

Arbery pleaded guilty to charges that he carried a gun onto a high school campus in 2013, a year after he graduated. Rodney Ellis, police chief for the Glynn County school system, testified at Wednesday's hearing that Arbery tried to evade officers on foot and stopped only when two of them pointed guns at him.

He was also arrested in 2017 on charges that he tried to steal a TV from a Walmart. Court records show he pleaded guilty to shoplifting. Arbery was on probation at the time of his death."
It's on arrest and court records, you rotten fucktard. PS: That's where it counts, moron.

In my state, he was one getting caught stealing away from life in prison if he lived here.
If that were true then why are you idiot friends going to be sucking Aryan cock for 20 to life?
The claim that I'm Wolverine for one..there's're not that important, though.
Wolverine was banned for two weeks. You disappeared the same day and then didn't return until two weeks later. You claim "coincidence" and I say "Occam's Razor".
That's true, but he was a thief.

The white father and son accused of murdering Ahmaud Arbery were told by police that he wasn’t a burglar just days before they chased the Black 25-year-old and shot him dead in the street, according to prosecutors.

Senior assistant district attorney Linda Dunikoski said in the prosecution’s opening statements on Friday morning that Gregory McMichael and his son Travis McMichael knew there was no evidence Mr Arbery had stolen anything from a home under construction in the neighbourhood.

The prosecutor also shared statements from the suspects where they admitted they did not believe he had stolen anything.
It's on arrest and court records, you rotten fucktard. PS: That's where it counts, moron.
Doesn't count. NONE of the three men knew of the any court record of Arbery's record of a shoplifting.
In my state, he was one getting caught stealing away from life in prison if he lived here.
Try English.

Life in prison is not the penalty for shoplifting, even in Florida. The maximum penalty in Florida for shoplifting of the value that was taken is five years and $5000 in fines.
Demonizing Black victims is an old racist trope

Defense attorneys in murder cases ALWAYS portray their client's victims as the bad guy regardless of race. Always nice to see a liberal jump up to prove their ignorance.

How did the mainstream media portray Arbery? How did they portray the McMichaels?