Here's the complaint, no mention of pregnancy.
This is March 2021. At the time of Floyds death. It was reported that his criminal record was one of a very violent man and it was reported that he committed that act against a pregnant woman. But still the BLM and Dem/lefties IMMEDIATELY took the view FLOYD was a GOOD GUY, a NICE FAMILY MAN ........ BOLLOX.!!
So lets look at your thinking by posting this latest assertion:
Are you actually inferring that (now its 6 big black men) criminal menacing men entered a womans home and - "the biggest guy of the 6 stuck a pistol in the females stomach and forced her to comply" !! that this is fine with you? Are you truly minimising this violent terrifying act against the woman, in her own home, is any less serious because you can not show she was pregnant???
I dealt with criminals for many years. One violent guy used a sawn-off shotgun on a bank raid - he stuck the gun in the face of a young girl and told her to hand over the money. When I spoke with, over time, I called him a violent thug; He replied ... "well at least I am not a rapist or sex offender" ... I said: "You ask that young girl which she would prefer, a shotgun in her face while doing her job or to be raped" !!!!
Stop minimising because in so doing you support the violent thug Floyd. You support thuggery and crime and evil.
I will finish with this: I HAVE DAUGHTERS, BOTH ARE CaPABLE IN SELF DEFENCE - ONE IS MORE THAN CAPABLE OF FIGHTING A MAN (and she is a very beautiful slim woman) with a punch like a sledge hammer and she has used it) but no way do they want nor could they be free of severe mental stress if a huge thug stuck a gun in their face or stomach.
I take the view that FLOYDS NEXT VICTIM might be my daughter. Its as simple as that. Floyd is dead but there are many thousands of violent thugs out there destroying the lives of hard working good people of all colours and ethnicity. Including cops.