Dems next move

Were you raised this way? Or were your parents normal and somehow you ended up a Klan rally one day?

I'm bored of the Jewish conspiracies. Tell how much dislike the negros.

Blacks are victims to the jew system as well, moreso than whites. Check out jewish involvement in the slave trade out of NewPort, Rhode Island. It was their idea. But be careful, jews are lobbying ISPS to block entirely content they don't agree with. and google is already tracking your every search.
Blacks are victims to the jew system as well, moreso than whites. Check out jewish involvement in the slave trade out of NewPort, Rhode Island. It was their idea. But be careful, jews are lobbying ISPS to block entirely content they don't agree with. and google is already tracking your every search.

Really a jewish person initiated slavery? I heard it was Elves from middle earth. Man, you're just full of jems. Good thing you warned me about googling because I was just about to look up these facts.
Ass must be right. Seeing as how Jews were among the first to hire blacks in their stores and petition for the civil liberties, its only fitting that they were the masterminds behind it all.
Really a jewish person initiated slavery? I heard it was Elves from middle earth. Man, you're just full of jems. Good thing you warned me about googling because I was just about to look up these facts.

Well, whatever you do, don't type the word "Jew" into google because that tips them off that you're on to them, and then they train one of their many satellites onto you.
Ass must be right. Seeing as how Jews were among the first to hire blacks in their stores and petition for the civil liberties, its only fitting that they were the masterminds behind it all.

They were also the most active of whites in the civil rights movement. Some of them were killed. You know, done in by AHZ types. But I think that was just a cover for their real agenda.
They were also the most active of whites in the civil rights movement. Some of them were killed. You know, done in by AHZ types. But I think that was just a cover for their real agenda.

Hah hah! You know what? I've actually met Jewish conspiracy nut a few months ago at my hair dresser's! He was hilarious. He kept me and my hair dresser entertained for hours when he left we had laughing material for ages. He tried to refer me to some website that had, "the truth". He, like ass, alleged that Jewish people collectively have some kind of agenda to do the black race in. I asked him a few simple questions and of course he froze and said, "well, I don't but if you go on the website, you'll see what I mean".

Keep in mind he was an ex crack head and ex convict who doesn't pay taxes and sniffs his own shit (don't ask how I know).
Hah hah! You know what? I've actually met Jewish conspiracy nut a few months ago at my hair dresser's! He was hilarious. He kept me and my hair dresser entertained for hours when he left we had laughing material for ages. He tried to refer me to some website that had, "the truth". He, like ass, alleged that Jewish people collectively have some kind of agenda to do the black race in. I asked him a few simple questions and of course he froze and said, "well, I don't but if you go on the website, you'll see what I mean".

Keep in mind he was an ex crack head and ex convict who doesn't pay taxes and sniffs his own shit (don't ask how I know).

There are times when they build people up as foils against other groups. They play groups against each other, to achieve political ends, and attract attention away from themselves.
Hah hah! You know what? I've actually met Jewish conspiracy nut a few months ago at my hair dresser's! He was hilarious. He kept me and my hair dresser entertained for hours when he left we had laughing material for ages. He tried to refer me to some website that had, "the truth". He, like ass, alleged that Jewish people collectively have some kind of agenda to do the black race in. I asked him a few simple questions and of course he froze and said, "well, I don't but if you go on the website, you'll see what I mean".

Keep in mind he was an ex crack head and ex convict who doesn't pay taxes and sniffs his own shit (don't ask how I know).

LOL. No, I'm not going to ask don't worry.
There are times when they build people up as foils against other groups. They play groups against each other, to achieve political ends, and attract attention away from themselves.

OH, I believe you. Those crafty sons a bitches created American idol. While we're all busy voting for internet whores they have their weekly meeting.
Yes. We call these people "Re-pub-li-cans"

Let me explain the two parties to you.

The republicans are responsible for doing the grunt work of constructing the corporate/military apparatus which will become the technological backbone of the new world order. The SOLE function of american liberal democrats is to make sure americans don't try to stop them, when they realize what's going on. When americans finally wise up to how our nation is being destroyed, the liberals will be there to beat them down and call them "nationalist" or "racist" if they try to reverse course.
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Then end it. Do as Darla suggests. Cut the funding with the exception of providing transport home. Explain the case to the public and DO IT.

I think the Dems want this to drag out as well. They want this to be a 2008 election issue. They do not want to make their stand until next year.... or at least that is the way it appears to me.
Seriously, if you honestly believe that there is no other moral option than leaving, then this is the only possible moral vote. Any other vote with Reid's type of rhetoric makes it appear that you want to continue the war longer than necessary to gain votes. That will bite you in the ass once people start realizing it. Especially with the "This war is lost" speech he recently gave.
It's a business/politics/academia construct. It's called globalism or internationalism. There is a spiritual component to it called "New Age". It's all about a new global spiritual order. This will be the new church of the antichrist. Google NOAHIDISM as well to learn the jewish connection.

tell me where the rainbow, seen on gay cars, comes from.

"tell me where the rainbow, seen on gay cars, comes from"

China I would say like the support our troops ribbon/magnet.
Let me explain the two parties to you.

The republicans are responsible for doing the grunt work of constructing the corporate/military apparatus which will become the technological backbone of the new world order. The SOLE function of american liberal democrats is to make sure americans don't try to stop them, when they realize what's going on. When americans finally wise up to how our nation is being destroyed, the liberals will be there to beat them down and call them "nationalist" or "racist" if they try to reverse course.

Republicans actually do work ? Get real!
That is what democrats are for.
Republicans actually do work ? Get real!
That is what democrats are for.

grunt work on the new world order project means doing the day to day controlling of the multinationals to achieve the correct social control. They still have to be profitable, inside the monopoly money system they've created.

It is still true that free markets are best at distributing resources efficiently. It's just NOT true that we must engage in trade which is detrimental to other aspects of our lives, if we determine that to be the case.
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