Dems next move

Ohh yes the neo carps have their own adgenda and plan for the world. ie federalists papers and such. This is driven by the Christian extremists to some degree and greed is the other major factor.
Fear based hatred is their biggest tool and you are following along nicely.
Ohh yes the neo carps have their own adgenda and plan for the world. ie federalists papers and such. This is driven by the Christian extremists to some degree and greed is the other major factor.
Fear based hatred is their biggest tool and you are following along nicely.

True christians are not the zionist masons that have taken over christianity.
The extreme rights hold on churches in America is faltering. Southern Baptist churches are dropping out and going independent in many areas, etc...
The time of sexism , homophobia and rascism is nearly past...
but not yet and some will linger forever.
If they believe in christ and his message then they're just regular christians.

Nope they are Jews that also believe in the new testament....
the regular Christian label does not fit all who call themselves Christian.
I am not even sure what a "regular christian" is. And don't think many Christian preachers would know either.
I will have to ask DR. B about that the next time I meet him for lunch at the seminary.
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Nope they are Jews that also believe in the new testament....
the regular Christian label does not fit all who call themselves Christian.
I am not even sure what a "regular christian" is. And don't think many Christian preachers would know either.
I will have to ask DR. B about that the next time I meet him for lunch at the seminary.

Believing christ is the saviour is an exclusively christian belief . IF you believe that, you're a christian. If you're racially a jew, you're still just a christian in belief, though orthodox jews would consider you a bad jew.

jews for judaism.
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Or you could be a Moremoan ? Or a Jehovas witness, Snake handler, Holy Roller,etc....
So what is a "regular Christian " ?
Well you do believe in broad coverage labels, so that response was expected AHZ.

And you hide behind nihilist nonmeaning when you know you're wrong, so typical of a pseudointellectual of average intelligence, who memorizes a few nihilist slogans to use to get out of every discussion.
LOL, I am not even sure what a nihilist is.
I am just me and believe what I believe .

I am well above average intelligence, (145 iq if I recall correctly) , well educated in technology with no degree in bullshitology like some I could name ;)
LOL, I am not even sure what a nihilist is.
I am just me and believe what I believe .

I am well above average intelligence, (145 iq if I recall correctly) , well educated in technology with no degree in bullshitology like some I could name ;)

Name away, fuckface. I trounced your ass on this. now you don't defend it anymore, you've retreated to a denial argument. Even weaker.
retreated to denial argument ? splain it to this po ignorant hillbilly.

I am also not really sure what a fuckface is...

I honestly do not know what nihilism is about either. But I am not interested in finding about that either. I am not a follower of anything but my own nose.
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retreated to denial argument ? splain it to this po ignorant hillbilly.

I am also not really sure what a fuckface is...

I honestly do not know what nihilism is about either. But I am not interested in finding about that either. I am not a follower of anything but my own nose.

You've said it's "just not happening". You're "denying" it's happening. Hence, you've retreated to a denial argument. What word don't you understand?
Well perhaps I mistated a bit on that not happening, I should have said something more like ...AA is rarley causing reverse discrimination, and the quota system is pretty rare as well. From you examples it seems to be mostly limited to Govt operations and a few employers.

yep argue long enough with a brick wall and I will misstate something. I should know better to argue with a hater on their subject of hate.
Hate eclipses reason.
Well perhaps I mistated a bit on that not happening, I should have said something more like ...AA is rarley causing reverse discrimination, and the quota system is pretty rare as well. From you examples it seems to be mostly limited to Govt operations and a few employers.

yep argue long enough with a brick wall and I will misstate something. I should know better to argue with a hater on their subject of hate.
Hate eclipses reason.

GO read more examples.

It's not hate to want to curtail racial discrimination. Hatred is wishing to keep discrimination alive and well.
Wanting to curtail racial discrimination is only the tip of the iceberg of your hatred I think.

On the examples I feel that statistically speaking reverse discrimination is pretty scarce. We have far more serious problems to work on than that. and no soloution to combat rascism is perfect, but it is probably the best we have for now.
Wanting to curtail racial discrimination is only the tip of the iceberg of your hatred I think.

On the examples I feel that statistically speaking reverse discrimination is pretty scarce. We have far more serious problems to work on than that. and no soloution to combat rascism is perfect, but it is probably the best we have for now.

I think eliminating racial discrimination of any kind is a step in the right direction. You're the one unwilling to abandon the practice. So get off your pedestal.