You are still making false accusation about a flag avatar. You can't get any other posters on this board to vouch for you either, yet one has corrected you. This is the third time, at least, so prove it or shut up.
Well, since you've changed your avatar at least twice within the past 2 seems you're desperate to cloud the issue (or that you're easily entertained). But if I did indeed get some people to corroborate my story, you'd just call them liars or mistaken. And since I don't have access to the the site where you got your avatar's just my word against yours. I'll leave it at that.
And again, if you have a specific accusation with respect to my supposed support of another posters Confederate flag avatar, then cite it. Or shut up. Your broad brush accusations don't fly.
I love it when dopes like you put their foot in it.,+southern
Lastly, Mr. Metrosexual,
(beg pardon? Is this some dumb ass backwoods mindset that all city dwellers are "metrosexual"? Newsflash genius, that phrase went out of style as quickly as it came in. And if wearing a leather jacket in fall is "metrosexual" in your neck of the woods, I say it's time for you to move.) the phrase is "this dog won't hunt", not "this dog won't fly". So either stick to the city language or continue to look like a fool.