Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Thanks for proving my point, Southie.
You and your ilk are just one fantastic group of suckers. You LOST an election fair and square, because Obama sure as hell didn't have a governor brother use flawed data to disenfranchise thousands of voters, nor did he have a supporter in charge of distributing electronic voter machines that flipped McCain votes for Obama or tally more GOP voters than registered in a district.
You lost...the country finally woke up to the PNAC agenda. But dummies like you just never learn.
Reaganomics taught you nothing. The S&L scandal taught you nothing. Enron taught you nothing. The Wall St. bailout taught you NOTHING! Liberals weren't the driving forces behind the forementioned that put us in the economic dire straits we're currently in.....but you fools will CONTINUALLY VOTE against your best interests because someone tells you, "don't let those liberals and minorities win".
You dope. You gladly let the Shrub & company throw habeus corpus out the window along with congressional oversight, and bend over with a smile as the Shrub & company spy on you for know reason, detain/rendition innocent people, start a war based on lies and then bitch over VA benefits. You'll let insurance companies rip you off, and Wall St. shine their shoes on your money after their greed destroys the economy.
And now, totally without a new ideology or plan, you support clowns using nazi tactics to prevent American citizens the right to have political meetings.....and town halls held by bonafide congressional reps no less!
The people have had enough....so you can spew all the propaganda and double talk all you want....you don't have the edge anymore...the people are tired of the likes of you. If you try to stop the people with force, guess what you're going to get in return? Cheney, Limbaugh, Delay, Malkin, the Shrub....they don't give a fuck about YOU, Southie. They'll gladly send your dopey ass to a war of choice based on lies, and then squabble over your benefits to your family. They'll maintain a health care system that denies you proper care because they don't like paying out for all those installments you make. But if you remain willfully ignorant, you'll just grab a sign and run to where you're told, screaming platitudes and hoping for a confrontation.
Be careful what you wish for.