and the fact that you approve of those tactics?.....I expect you'll be ordering a brown shirt before the year's out....
teabaggers are the new jew.....
you don't need crack lady, you are way out there as it is...
Your rightwingnut terror groups are about to be history.
You don't know the half of it. Her husband is this amish looking dude that is into all of this 16th century monkish stuff...very bizzarro!
I was thinking that looked more like an Orthodox Jew.
Whatever it is, it's skinny, hairy, and gawdawful ugly!![]()
I was thinking that looked more like an Orthodox Jew.
Oh, I don't know about that. It does however make me want to go out and rent Witness though; just because the look is so close.
LOL, dream on, Mrs. Buttnski baby.
Nothing's more amusing than watching you vulgar slatterns rattle on and on over your fictitious scenarios.![]()
Hee-hee... yeah...uh "Christie"....
WOW...mare's had her oats this evening~~~
Remember Annie, the anti-Obama crowd maintained that it was "media bias" and "mesmerized people" and "white guilt" and "socialist conspiracy" that got Obama into office. The ideology and mentality that blindly supported all the lies and deceit of the Shrub & company were behind (to a slight lesser degree) McCain's campaign. The American public in general had enough....yet morons like tea baggers and astro turf'ers just don't (or won't) take the hint. Re-read what I wrote and keep in mind the type of tactics being used in just 6 months into Obama's 1st year in office.
You must be smoking crack or drinking booze!!
Why everyone knows that:
"Mares eat oats and does eat oats, and little lambs eat ivy!'
Hitch her up to the cart and Giddy-up!
Hee-hee... yeah...uh "Christie"....
Posting under the influence, when you would so rather be sitting under that tree and rubbing Stanley's . . . . head.![]()
Well that would certainly be better than stroking Tom, Mrs P....., eh?
Mrs. "P", loves a man in a waggin'.![]()
Mrs. "P", loves a man in a waggin'.![]()