I am SO tired of this BS spouted by neocons and their supporters on this.
Bottom line: astro-turf assholes go to DEM town meetings for the EXPRESS purpose of disruption....not debate, not discussion, not to voice their opinions, but to shout down and prevent the Congressional reps from talking to their constituents.
In ANY meeting, when a person disrupts the meeting for no other reason, they are escorted OUT. Well, the neocons wanted confrontation, they got it. So the nazi party like tactics are being thwarted, and the little liars/cowards are now whining about "thugs" and freedom of speech. What a bunch of hypocrits.
Why don't these assholes petition their GOP leadership to hold townhall meetings to voice THEIR concerns and viewpoints? Why hasn't the the GOP congressional leadership publically condemn the astro turf disruptors?
Sorry neocons, but America isn't buying your BS anymore......you don't have the bully pulpit, and if you want a confrontation, you're going to get one.