I wonder why the MSM is not screaming about how this president has used a .gov website to set the stage for violence against protesters by union thugs? And the irony that this man was called a ni**er by these thugs as 4 of them proceeded to kick and hit him...and the MSM is SILENT!
Hopefully the victim of this crime will come forward and get on some conservative talk shows. He could become the poster child against the Democrats predictably racist response to any black who doesn't toe the line.
Hopefully the victim of this crime will come forward and get on some conservative talk shows. He could become the poster child against the Democrats predictably racist response to any black who doesn't toe the line.

He is talking. He told his story on Fox this evening. The tall white guy off to the left in video telling the thugs to stop? He is the guys friend, witness, and an attorney~~~ though this particular kind of crime is not his specialty, he not only makes for a credible witness, but the kind of witness who will not back down!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
I am SO tired of this BS spouted by neocons and their supporters on this.

Bottom line: astro-turf assholes go to DEM town meetings for the EXPRESS purpose of disruption....not debate, not discussion, not to voice their opinions, but to shout down and prevent the Congressional reps from talking to their constituents.

In ANY meeting, when a person disrupts the meeting for no other reason, they are escorted OUT. Well, the neocons wanted confrontation, they got it. So the nazi party like tactics are being thwarted, and the little liars/cowards are now whining about "thugs" and freedom of speech. What a bunch of hypocrits.

Why don't these assholes petition their GOP leadership to hold townhall meetings to voice THEIR concerns and viewpoints? Why hasn't the the GOP congressional leadership publically condemn the astro turf disruptors?

Sorry neocons, but America isn't buying your BS don't have the bully pulpit, and if you want a confrontation, you're going to get one.

This sounds like a declaration or war. Let the shooting start, liberal. We'll be there. :)

Thanks for proving my point, Southie.

You and your ilk are just one fantastic group of suckers. You LOST an election fair and square, because Obama sure as hell didn't have a governor brother use flawed data to disenfranchise thousands of voters, nor did he have a supporter in charge of distributing electronic voter machines that flipped McCain votes for Obama or tally more GOP voters than registered in a district.

You lost...the country finally woke up to the PNAC agenda. But dummies like you just never learn.

Reaganomics taught you nothing. The S&L scandal taught you nothing. Enron taught you nothing. The Wall St. bailout taught you NOTHING! Liberals weren't the driving forces behind the forementioned that put us in the economic dire straits we're currently in.....but you fools will CONTINUALLY VOTE against your best interests because someone tells you, "don't let those liberals and minorities win".

You dope. You gladly let the Shrub & company throw habeus corpus out the window along with congressional oversight, and bend over with a smile as the Shrub & company spy on you for no reason, detain/rendition innocent people, start a war based on lies and then bitch over VA benefits. You'll let insurance companies rip you off, and Wall St. shine their shoes on your money after their greed destroys the economy.

And now, totally without a new ideology or plan, you support clowns using nazi tactics to prevent American citizens the right to have political meetings.....and town halls held by bonafide congressional reps no less!

The people have had you can spew all the propaganda and double talk all you don't have the edge anymore...the people are tired of the likes of you. If you try to stop the people with force, guess what you're going to get in return? Cheney, Limbaugh, Delay, Malkin, the Shrub....they don't give a fuck about YOU, Southie. They'll gladly send your dopey ass to a war of choice based on lies, and then squabble over your benefits to your family. They'll maintain a health care system that denies you proper care because they don't like paying out for all those installments you make. But if you remain willfully ignorant, you'll just grab a sign and run to where you're told, screaming platitudes and hoping for a confrontation.

Be careful what you wish for.
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Thanks for proving my point, Southie.

You and your ilk are just one fantastic group of suckers. You LOST an election fair and square, because Obama sure as hell didn't have a governor brother use flawed data to disenfranchise thousands of voters, nor did he have a supporter in charge of distributing electronic voter machines that flipped McCain votes for Obama or tally more GOP voters than registered in a district.

You lost...the country finally woke up to the PNAC agenda. But dummies like you just never learn.

Reaganomics taught you nothing. The S&L scandal taught you nothing. Enron taught you nothing. The Wall St. bailout taught you NOTHING! Liberals weren't the driving forces behind the forementioned that put us in the economic dire straits we're currently in.....but you fools will CONTINUALLY VOTE against your best interests because someone tells you, "don't let those liberals and minorities win".

You dope. You gladly let the Shrub & company throw habeus corpus out the window along with congressional oversight, and bend over with a smile as the Shrub & company spy on you for know reason, detain/rendition innocent people, start a war based on lies and then bitch over VA benefits. You'll let insurance companies rip you off, and Wall St. shine their shoes on your money after their greed destroys the economy.

And now, totally without a new ideology or plan, you support clowns using nazi tactics to prevent American citizens the right to have political meetings.....and town halls held by bonafide congressional reps no less!

The people have had you can spew all the propaganda and double talk all you don't have the edge anymore...the people are tired of the likes of you. If you try to stop the people with force, guess what you're going to get in return? Cheney, Limbaugh, Delay, Malkin, the Shrub....they don't give a fuck about YOU, Southie. They'll gladly send your dopey ass to a war of choice based on lies, and then squabble over your benefits to your family. They'll maintain a health care system that denies you proper care because they don't like paying out for all those installments you make. But if you remain willfully ignorant, you'll just grab a sign and run to where you're told, screaming platitudes and hoping for a confrontation.

Be careful what you wish for.

What does GW, Jeb, 2000 elections have to do with the health care bills?
Thanks for proving my point, Southie.

You and your ilk are just one fantastic group of suckers. You LOST an election fair and square, because Obama sure as hell didn't have a governor brother use flawed data to disenfranchise thousands of voters, nor did he have a supporter in charge of distributing electronic voter machines that flipped McCain votes for Obama or tally more GOP voters than registered in a district.

You lost...the country finally woke up to the PNAC agenda. But dummies like you just never learn.

Reaganomics taught you nothing. The S&L scandal taught you nothing. Enron taught you nothing. The Wall St. bailout taught you NOTHING! Liberals weren't the driving forces behind the forementioned that put us in the economic dire straits we're currently in.....but you fools will CONTINUALLY VOTE against your best interests because someone tells you, "don't let those liberals and minorities win".

You dope. You gladly let the Shrub & company throw habeus corpus out the window along with congressional oversight, and bend over with a smile as the Shrub & company spy on you for know reason, detain/rendition innocent people, start a war based on lies and then bitch over VA benefits. You'll let insurance companies rip you off, and Wall St. shine their shoes on your money after their greed destroys the economy.

And now, totally without a new ideology or plan, you support clowns using nazi tactics to prevent American citizens the right to have political meetings.....and town halls held by bonafide congressional reps no less!

The people have had you can spew all the propaganda and double talk all you don't have the edge anymore...the people are tired of the likes of you. If you try to stop the people with force, guess what you're going to get in return? Cheney, Limbaugh, Delay, Malkin, the Shrub....they don't give a fuck about YOU, Southie. They'll gladly send your dopey ass to a war of choice based on lies, and then squabble over your benefits to your family. They'll maintain a health care system that denies you proper care because they don't like paying out for all those installments you make. But if you remain willfully ignorant, you'll just grab a sign and run to where you're told, screaming platitudes and hoping for a confrontation.

Be careful what you wish for.

:hand: :hand: :hand:
yeah taichi, that was a real assslapper, while you all sit here and let the Hugo put our kids, our grand-kids, our great kids into dept..

he sends out Union thugs to attact every day people protesting...

he is trying a HOSTILE take over of our healt care system..

and you all sit and do NOTHING...

so here's a friggen hand for you...

What does GW, Jeb, 2000 elections have to do with the health care bills?

Remember Annie, the anti-Obama crowd maintained that it was "media bias" and "mesmerized people" and "white guilt" and "socialist conspiracy" that got Obama into office. The ideology and mentality that blindly supported all the lies and deceit of the Shrub & company were behind (to a slight lesser degree) McCain's campaign. The American public in general had enough....yet morons like tea baggers and astro turf'ers just don't (or won't) take the hint. Re-read what I wrote and keep in mind the type of tactics being used in just 6 months into Obama's 1st year in office.
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and the fact that you approve of those tactics?.....I expect you'll be ordering a brown shirt before the year's out....

teabaggers are the new jew.....

WTF are you babbling about now? READ what I wrote, genius....READ IT CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY. I'm describing the heinous Rove inspired/created smear tactics and such that were used AGAINST Obama. Let me dumb it down for you....I'm against it.

And puh-leeze spare me with this lame ass attempt to categorize successful thwarting of Rovian neocon bullshit as "anti-semetic". You're dopey buddy Southie tried that by stating that "neocon" was a anti-semetic slur. So now "teabagger" is in the same category. What's next, "ultra-conservative"?

You guys are indeed "intellectually bankrupt" if this is the best you can do to try and counter the criticism of the latest neocon antic.
yeah taichi, that was a real assslapper, while you all sit here and let the Hugo put our kids, our grand-kids, our great kids into dept..

he sends out Union thugs to attact every day people protesting...

he is trying a HOSTILE take over of our healt care system..

and you all sit and do NOTHING...

so here's a friggen hand for you...


Obama "sends out Union thugs to attact every day people protesting..."?

Take the crack out of the pipe, honey, you're starting to hallucinate.

And puh-leeze spare me with this lame ass attempt to categorize successful thwarting of Rovian neocon bullshit as "anti-semetic".

I realize that it is difficult for you to understand things that haven't already been posted at the Democratic Underground web site, but my comment had nothing to do with was, however, reminiscent of the use of thugs to beat the opposition into submission....a tactic that you are heralding as a "successful thwarting" I say, you should wear brown shirts so you don't beat up the wrong folks......
I realize that it is difficult for you to understand things that haven't already been posted at the Democratic Underground web site, but my comment had nothing to do with was, however, reminiscent of the use of thugs to beat the opposition into submission....a tactic that you are heralding as a "successful thwarting" I say, you should wear brown shirts so you don't beat up the wrong folks......

The left would sell their mother's souls.
He is talking. He told his story on Fox this evening. The tall white guy off to the left in video telling the thugs to stop? He is the guys friend, witness, and an attorney~~~ though this particular kind of crime is not his specialty, he not only makes for a credible witness, but the kind of witness who will not back down!

I saw that interview. Is there a video on the net or did Obama have his henchmen remove it?
This is hilarious. As if anyone cares what a pack of birthers and teabaggers think anyway.