Why the fuck do you pinheads keep challenging me to find information for you? Go look it up yourself and post the links to it here, if you think you have an argument, it's not my place to do your research! Being reviewed and being overturned are two completely different things anyway, so what is your point?
As I said, a GOOD judge, a GOOD candidate for the Supreme Court, shouldn't have ANY decisions overturned, and very few (if any) reviewed. When you go by the letter of the Constitution in your decisions, there is nothing to really challenge, hence, no reviews. Now if you just want to be idiotic and anal, go ahead, but what I have stated should be fucking common sense to anyone with half a brain.
You asserted that "GOOD judges, GOOD candidates for the SC shouldn't have ANY decisions overturned and very few reviewed." I replied that at least two of our most renowned justices, Holmes and Cardozo, didn't meet the standard you set. As far as I'm concerned, your example of Bork is irrelevant. His nomination was rejected on the basis of his extremism, therefore the Senate decided he wasn't as GOOD a candidate as you would assert, and wouldn't have made a GOOD judge on the court.