Leftist Vermin
"They" as in both major parties? I agree.
IMO, they best do it fast so the Trumpers can't claim it's to target Trump...which they'll do anyway. LOL
Ah yes, the oft-used "witch hunt" meme.
"They" as in both major parties? I agree.
IMO, they best do it fast so the Trumpers can't claim it's to target Trump...which they'll do anyway. LOL
I just can't believe how far from reality that the Republicans find themselves in today!
Instead of coming closer back to the middle, they are hunkering down and taking their party out to the most extreme edges of the Lunatic Fringe- LIKE THAT IS GOING TO WORK! REALLY?
They haven't learned a God Damn thing in the last 3 national elections.
Thing is every election the Republicans lean more and more to one party fascist Politics.
Ah yes, the oft-used "witch hunt" meme.
True. This time around it's book banning, speech stifling, trans-attacking, and trying to pretend that the civil war and racism were like so two centuries ago.
True. This time around it's book banning, speech stifling, trans-attacking, and trying to pretend that the civil war and racism were like so two centuries ago.
preventing kids form seeing filth is not book banning
you retards are too much. you can't even come up with a decent insult because of how retarded you all are
deSantis? the latin use of de makes this a compliment
detox. dehumidify. defend.
The 500 lb Elephant in the room is Republicans fear an American not dominated and controlled by old white men!
It's odd that his approval rating among (R) voters is so high, yet overall he can't manage to beat the corrupt and treasonous Trump. Good news for Democrats in 2024!
Here's an interesting analytical piece on DeSatan's poll numbers.
DeSantis, on Defense, Shows Signs of Slipping in Polls
Here's an interesting analytical piece on DeSatan's poll numbers.
DeSantis, on Defense, Shows Signs of Slipping in Polls
I do not like or trust that guy.
He's paying the price for something. Would be nice if it were his shallowness, or Trump-like "self over everything else on earth", but it probably isn't.
Here's an interesting analytical piece on DeSatan's poll numbers.
DeSantis, on Defense, Shows Signs of Slipping in Polls
I've been saying he's to short, to fat, to uncharismatic, and to untested to be a serious challenge to the Republican demigod Trump.
In the wake of Silicon Valley Bank’s demise, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis pointed fingers at several culprits, including the company’s diversity initiatives and federal regulators who he said “always seem to whiff” at preventing a financial crisis.
But left out of DeSantis’ comments was his own record on banking regulations. As a member of Congress, DeSantis was an outspoken champion for lifting regulation on small and mid-sized financial institutions, and in 2018 he voted for a bill that eventually became law loosening oversight of mid-size banks like Silicon Valley Bank.
The 2018 legislation, which then-President Donald Trump signed into law, is under renewed scrutiny amid the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, the lender to startups whose recent collapse has rocked the venture capital world and sent chills through the country’s financial system. The law, which passed with bipartisan support, rolled back regulations known as the Dodd-Frank Act passed by Congress and signed by President Barack Obama in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, including some for smaller and medium-sized institutions.
I'd also add "hypocritical" to that list but Reichwingers don't care about that. Favorite DeSatan #FailOfTheWeek: He's blaming the SVB failure on "woke," with a tiny smidgeon of "poor banking regulation." Guess who voted to deregulate such banks in 2018?
DeSantis, who blamed diversity initiatives for Silicon Valley Bank’s downfall, pushed for rollback of bank regulations under renewed scrutiny
When we had that cabal of Desantis cheerleaders posting here, they never could prescisely explain what it was about his governance and policy they liked. They didn't seem to be able to articulate a reason to like him, other than book banning and flying asylum seekers around the country on luxury private chartered jets.
The league revealed that it had been denied permission by the Florida Department of Management Services to hold an outdoor rally on the steps of the Old Capitol in Tallahassee under a new DeSantis administration rule requiring groups to first get sponsorship from a sympathetic state agency.
The rule took effect March 1 and says the requested use of the space must be “consistent with the Agency’s official purposes.” Its stated purpose is to ensure that demonstrations are “conducted in a manner that protects public health and safety and ensures that state employees and officials can fulfill their responsibilities.”