DeSantis, on Defense, Shows Signs of Slipping in Polls

His entire political life is predicated on culture wars and religious wars. Religion is becoming a less important issue than it used to be. Abortion rights are approved by the masses. His book burning is not popular. He is running on unpopular platforms. He fooled the people of Florida. But nationally, he will have to pivot.

He can try to pivot, but all opponents have to do is point to what he's done in Florida to debunk whatever new face he tries to put on.
He can try to pivot, but all opponents have to do is point to what he's done in Florida to debunk whatever new face he tries to put on.

Tacts do not matter on the right. Feed the righys what they want to hear and they will vote for you. he ant to everything to everybody, but is actually nothing to anyone. He has the Trump thing. It is all about him. He wants power as badly as Trump.
Desantis only shot is Trump being found guilty of his crimes. The mass of his followers would not care, but enough people will flee from the crook, Trump, that he cannot win. Elections re close in America,. If a couple percent of Trump followers leave him for being a disgusting crook, he cannot win.