DeSantis proposes daily fines for Big Tech that deplatform political candidates

So should we deplatform a politician that supports assassinating public officials? Or is that 'free speech' in your book?
Ken Paxton is a crook and I hope he goes to prison to serve the maximum penalty.

That said, he was a crook working with other crooks. Maybe he'll serve time for conspiring to overthrow the US too. BTW, Paxton wasn't Trump's first choice but because Paxton was a crook, he was the only AG to accept.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's complaint to the U.S. Supreme Court, filed in December in an attempt to nullify election results in four states won by Democrat Joe Biden, was drafted by lawyers close to the Trump campaign and shopped to Republican leaders around the country, according to a New York Times report.

One of the lawyers who wrote the draft, Lawrence Joseph, was hired by Paxton to serve as a "special outside counsel" — at no cost to Texas — to help on the Supreme Court complaint, which was filed Dec. 7, the same day Paxton retained Joseph, the Times reported.

"This appointment is for the limited purpose of assisting the OAG in representing the State of Texas before the United States Supreme Court," according to a letter Paxton sent to Joseph laying out the terms of employment.

Joseph's name appeared on the Texas complaint, as did Paxton's.

Noticeably missing was Kyle Hawkins, Paxton's solicitor general, who has argued before the Supreme Court and who was in charge of appellate court proceedings at the state agency. Hawkins argued against filing the complaint and refused to sign the document, the Times reported.

Five weeks later, on Jan. 13, Paxton announced that Hawkins had stepped down as solicitor general, though no reason for his departure was given.

When the lawyers allied with President Donald Trump approached Paxton, they were working on a tight deadline.

Members of the Electoral College were due to vote Dec. 14 to formally determine who won the November presidential election, and Trump and his supporters were working feverishly to deny Biden the 306-232 margin of victory in electoral votes.

With no time for the usual path to the Supreme Court through the legal system, the Trump-tied lawyers turned to state attorneys general, who could go directly to the high court by suing another state.

Paxton not a first choice
But Paxton, the Times reported, wasn't their first choice because he was under FBI investigation over allegations, lodged in September and October by several top aides, that he was misusing the powers of his state office to help a friend and campaign donor.

The Trump insiders — including Kris Kobach, a former Kansas secretary of state who led Trump's short-lived election integrity commission after the 2016 election, and Mark Martin, a former North Carolina chief justice and an informal Trump legal adviser — made a particularly strong push to engage Louisiana's attorney general but were rebuffed, the Times said.

Texas Trumpublicans are a crooked lot. I wonder where Rick Perry is lying low. ;)
Texas Trumpublicans are a crooked lot. I wonder where Rick Perry is lying low. ;)

Disagreed, but like other states, we do have our crooks. Trump was a crook and conspiracy theory nutjob enabler because he was one himself.

I was expecting Perry to come out yesterday (February 2nd), but he didn't show which means six more weeks of Republican winter. ;)
Wow, the Florida Governor must have gotten some new powers.

LOL at you, comrade.

obviously he would have the power to fine them for actions discriminating against candidates for Florida office.......every state that opposes fascism should do the same......
nazis, you dumbass pig, would be the ones favoring the government to force private businesses to post offensive shit whether they like it or not, as long as it what that government likes. get it, stupid bitch? fuck desantis. fuck trump. fuck you. start your own goddamn lying ass nutbar platform.

you mean like using the government to force people to bake gaycakes?......
I didn't say he exceeded any powers. He doesn't have any power to exceed. He is completely feckless, he's putting on a show for his Dear Leader. Just another good reason that DeSantis never holds another public office again ever.

can Florida pass a law making it illegal for someone to interfere in a Florida election?.......if you want to make sure DeSantis never again holds office you will have to move to Florida.......or use social media to block his campaign......
Disagreed, but like other states, we do have our crooks. Trump was a crook and conspiracy theory nutjob enabler because he was one himself.

I was expecting Perry to come out yesterday (February 2nd), but he didn't show which means six more weeks of Republican winter. ;)
Come on Dutch, they’re all crooked at the top Abbot, Cruz, Cornyn, probably the least corrupt of the bunch, Patrick and Paxton, which of these is not corrupt?
your strawman only bleeds blue.......

Are you afraid of that question? Of course you are. You are whining and pooping your diaper because big Tech is not allowing traitors to use their platforms. They aren't allowing their platforms to be used to coordinate assassination attempts against members of Congress. Ball those little fists and hold your breath, loser.
can Florida pass a law making it illegal for someone to interfere in a Florida election?.......if you want to make sure DeSantis never again holds office you will have to move to Florida.......or use social media to block his campaign......

Of course they can. Good luck defining 'interfering in a Florida election' as a private business making decisions about who they do business with. You are such a fucking twit.
you mean like using the government to force people to bake gaycakes?......

Which is exactly the hazard we face when Republicans act like authoritarian Democrats.

At the end of Orwell's Animal Farm all the animals looked inside the house to see the pigs and the humans laughing and drinking together. After awhile the animals couldn't tell the difference between the pigs and the humans. Same goes for Republicans and Democrats now.
He had only one criticism, he said, to make of Mr. Pilkington's excellent and neighbourly speech. Mr.
Pilkington had referred throughout to "Animal Farm." He could not of course know−for he, Napoleon, was
only now for the first time announcing it−that the name "Animal Farm" had been abolished. Henceforward
the farm was to be known as "The Manor Farm"−which, he believed, was its correct and original name.
"Gentlemen," concluded Napoleon, "I will give you the same toast as before, but in a different form. Fill your
glasses to the brim. Gentlemen, here is my toast: To the prosperity of The Manor Farm! "

There was the same hearty cheering as before, and the mugs were emptied to the dregs. But as the animals
outside gazed at the scene, it seemed to them that some strange thing was happening. What was it that had
altered in the faces of the pigs? Clover's old dim eyes flitted from one face to another. Some of them had five
chins, some had four, some had three. But what was it that seemed to be melting and changing? Then, the
applause having come to an end, the company took up their cards and continued the game that had been
interrupted, and the animals crept silently away.

But they had not gone twenty yards when they stopped short. An uproar of voices was coming from the
farmhouse. They rushed back and looked through the window again. Yes, a violent quarrel was in progress.
There were shoutings, bangings on the table, sharp suspicious glances, furious denials. The source of the
trouble appeared to be that Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington had each played an ace of spades simultaneously.
Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the
faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man
again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
you mean like using the government to force people to bake gaycakes?......

Not exactly, but similar. Probably close enough for your feeble mind. That being said, politicians are not a protected class. Which is why your analogy is for simpletons. Perfect coming from you.
Come on Dutch, they’re all crooked at the top Abbot, Cruz, Cornyn, probably the least corrupt of the bunch, Patrick and Paxton, which of these is not corrupt?

There are levels of corruption and cronyism along with incompetence**. Yes, they're all crooks but Paxton and Cruz are Trump authoritarians seeking to overthrow the US government.

Trump is Dr. Frankenstein. Although problems have been growing for 25 years, Trump called all the nutjobs together and enabled them. Mainline Republicans opposed him but were either kicked out in the 2018 midterm or bent the knee for Trump. In Cruz's case, he slapped his wife and sucked Trump's mushroom dick in public. The rest of the Republican party similarly knelt down to Trump. Now Trump is out but the Monster still exists.

It'll take a little time to kill the Monster....which will happen over the rest of the year.

**Hanlon's Razor applies to many politicians.