DeSantis proposes daily fines for Big Tech that deplatform political candidates

Strictly a PR stunt by the Governor,
Don't bet on that.
with the Trump’s taking residence in Florida I’d expect all the Republicans in the State are going to be tripping over each other attempting to outTrump the other
They don't need to.
Where does a Governor get the authority to regulate a private company?
The people of the State of Florida and Section 4 of the Florida State constitution.
There’s no “freedom of speech” issue here,
Yes there is.
they are private entities,
the can basically do as they want as long as it doesn’t violate a law or endanger anyone
They are violating contract law. They are violating slander law. They are endangering people with their censorship.
As I said, a photo op moment for the base and Trumps
Don't bet on that.
Is that what your doctor said and your reply back to him? ROFLMAO. Duuuude! Don't you see the irony? Your phrase "Buzzword fallacies" is a Buzzword fallacy.

Are you agreeing Trump and DeSantis are full of hubris if not bovine excrement?

Lame inversion fallacy. Insult fallacy. Psychoquackery. Fallacy fallacy.
Soros deserves the blame he gets.
MSM deserve the blame it gets. It's dying, you know.
Twitter, Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon have ALL broken their own terms of service. They are ALL losing business because of their censorship.
Democrats deserve the blame they get.

Are they all enemies? Yes.

Democrats blame the Koch Bros for being 'evil' (namely, making a profit in their legitimate businesses).
Democrats blame conservatives for being 'evil' (namely, upholding the Constitution of the United States).
Democrats blame Trump for being 'evil' (namely, for upholding the Constitution of the United States and being successful as President).

Do Democrats consider them all enemies? Yes.

Kettle logic.

You make my point. You find many enemies to blame for any problems yet are willing to believe wild claims about election fraud and blaming everybody for the attack on the Capitol on Trump supporters. If your side says it that makes it true because you don't want to accept any responsibility.

If Apple, Google, and Facebook are dying then let them die. Don't regulate them unless you like government that reduces your freedom.

Into the Night 12/31
Currently, it looks like GA is going to choose Republican electors.
AZ looks like it might also, but seems to be further away from actually choosing
I do as well as everyone else. What rules are you claiming I'm not following?
I have already reported those instances. I'll let the moderators decide that issue.
No shit and you would be wise to not step on it, dumbass. That said, you are obviously too deluded to understand the analogy.
There is no analogy.
Usually. The fact you, once again, don't know what you are talking about regarding Paxton's legal issues, is more proof your grasp on reality is tenuous.
Define 'reality'.
I have already reported those instances. I'll let the moderators decide that issue.

There is no analogy.

Define 'reality'.

Awesome! Hopefully you gave them an extremely detailed report. They love those.

None that you can understand which figues considering your condition.

That which you cannot grasp.
You make my point. You find many enemies to blame for any problems yet are willing to believe wild claims about election fraud and blaming everybody for the attack on the Capitol on Trump supporters. If your side says it that makes it true because you don't want to accept any responsibility.

If Apple, Google, and Facebook are dying then let them die. Don't regulate them unless you like government that reduces your freedom.

Into the Night 12/31
Currently, it looks like GA is going to choose Republican electors.
AZ looks like it might also, but seems to be further away from actually choosing

Kettle logic.
Sucking up to tech oligarchs is not a smart move.

They are not actually oligarchs themselves, since they are not government, though they are trying to be a branch of the SODC. They have effectively become 'enforcers' of the SODC.

And no, it's not a smart move. It's like watching people invest in IBM because 'that was computers', just before it got it's clock cleaned by the personal computer industry.
Trump has been gagged for treason, lies and hate speech. Ha! I love America.

Sweet justice.

YAVAC. No treason. No lies. No hate speech by Trump. You are describing yourself. Inversion fallacy.

You don't love America. You support the SODC.

You can't gag anyone. You can't stop the signal.