DeSantis proposes daily fines for Big Tech that deplatform political candidates

No it isn't, but go ahead and hold your breath until you wish comes true.

It's already coming true. People are leaving Twitter for Gab. Twitter recently posted a huge financial loss.
People are leaving Facebook for Parler (and it's already on its way back up) and Gab. Facebook too is losing business.
People are leaving Google for DuckDuckgo, Bitchute, and Rumble. Google is losing business.
People are leaving Amazon Web Services for independent servers. AWS is losing business.

You can't stop the signal.
You should also follow the rules here.

JPP is actually excellent in this regard. It an exception in this regard. Divisional error fallacy. The exception does not prove the rule.

I do as well as everyone else. What rules are you claiming I'm not following?
I am not on your property, dumbass.

No shit and you would be wise to not step on it, dumbass. That said, you are obviously too deluded to understand the analogy.
Filing a lawsuit is not a criminal offense.
Usually. The fact you, once again, don't know what you are talking about regarding Paxton's legal issues, is more proof your grasp on reality is tenuous.
There are levels of corruption and cronyism along with incompetence**. Yes, they're all crooks but Paxton and Cruz are Trump authoritarians seeking to overthrow the US government.

Trump is Dr. Frankenstein. Although problems have been growing for 25 years, Trump called all the nutjobs together and enabled them. Mainline Republicans opposed him but were either kicked out in the 2018 midterm or bent the knee for Trump. In Cruz's case, he slapped his wife and sucked Trump's mushroom dick in public. The rest of the Republican party similarly knelt down to Trump. Now Trump is out but the Monster still exists.

It'll take a little time to kill the Monster....which will happen over the rest of the year.

**Hanlon's Razor applies to many politicians.

Hallucinations. Psychoquackery.
People who believe in Alternative Facts and live in an Alternative Universe want to make whatever rules suit them best regardless of logic, reason or fairness.

The Republican Party has a rough 4-6 years facing it.

Buzzword fallacies. There are no such things as 'alternative facts'. Learn what 'fact' means. There is no such thing as an 'alternative Universe'. Fanciful tales of an 'alternative Universe' are describing something that is IN The Universe.
It is sublime. Basically, the proposal goes like this: Private social media companies may enforce their terms of service.... except in the case of a politician. No TOS for them, they can say whatever the fuck they want. Because they are a 'protected class'. The stupidity needed to advance that argument leaves me speechless. I agree, I think more on the high side of that time frame.

They are VIOLATING their terms of service. I guess contract law eludes you.
Protected from what? That's the point. Those campaigns are being removed because they violate the terms of service, not because they are politicians. Is this really that difficult for you to figure out?

Lie. These platforms are violating their own terms of service.
OMFG are you fucking serious? That's not what protective class means. Jesus you are just beyond stupid. Being in a protected class means you are protected from actions taken SOLELY BECAUSE YOU ARE A PART OF THAT CLASS. You are not immune and cannot be made immune from a private companies terms of service. I tried, but you are just too fucking stupid. Off you go.

Politicians solely are part of that class. Denial of logic.
Conservatives would not favor more government regulation just because they don't like something. "Big Tech" seems to be the new villain replacing the Koch Brothers, Soros, MSM, etc. We need an enemy to blame for the latest evils.

Soros deserves the blame he gets.
MSM deserve the blame it gets. It's dying, you know.
Twitter, Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon have ALL broken their own terms of service. They are ALL losing business because of their censorship.
Democrats deserve the blame they get.

Are they all enemies? Yes.

Democrats blame the Koch Bros for being 'evil' (namely, making a profit in their legitimate businesses).
Democrats blame conservatives for being 'evil' (namely, upholding the Constitution of the United States).
Democrats blame Trump for being 'evil' (namely, for upholding the Constitution of the United States and being successful as President).

Do Democrats consider them all enemies? Yes.

Kettle logic.
Hallucinations. Psychoquackery.

Is that what your doctor said and your reply back to him?
Buzzword fallacies. There are no such things as 'alternative facts'. Learn what 'fact' means. There is no such thing as an 'alternative Universe'. Fanciful tales of an 'alternative Universe' are describing something that is IN The Universe.
ROFLMAO. Duuuude! Don't you see the irony? Your phrase "Buzzword fallacies" is a Buzzword fallacy.

Are you agreeing Trump and DeSantis are full of hubris if not bovine excrement?
I suspect the Founding Fathers would have supported the 1st amendment over Corporation rights.

It matters not. They are dead. You can't ask them.

You could use the Constitution itself as a reference, but the Democrats do not recognize the Constitution of the United States no any State constitution.
We need someone to stand up to publishers "capriciously" having opinions?
It is not opinions. It is censorship. It is violation of their own terms of service. It is slander.
They need to have government approval to disagree with the Republicans?
No such proposal. You are hallucinating again.
And you think that is freedom of expression?
Censorship is not freedom of expression.
Freedom of expression is having the right to have opinions without the permission of the government.
No one is forbidding opinions except the Democrats and Democrat owned Big Tech.
It does not matter if someone in government finds them "capricious".
Yes it does. Contract law still eludes you. Common carrier laws still elude you.