DeSantis proposes daily fines for Big Tech that deplatform political candidates

nobody is telling them what TO publish. They are deciding what NOT TO PUBLISH
without ANY transparency and in a capricious manner.

You are standing on your head talking out of your butt

They are using freedom of the press to decide what they do not want to publish. You want the government to tell them what they have to publish. You state they are not using any transparency in their freedom of the press, and are using freedom of expression in "capricious manner". You want all freedom of expression to be government approved.
do you get the fact ANTIFA ( which doesn't exist in your delusionary world)
regularly uses social media to coordinate their targeting /and call out targets and organize for doxxing?

Everyone should remember that trump doxxed Lindsay Graham. Graham gave trump his personal cell phone number to keep lines of communication open. trump thought it would be funny to release that to a crowd of his supporters while encouraging them to call Graham with threats.
Do we hold a speaker accountable for the acts of others, except in the rare case of incitement?

Incitement, conspiracy, libel, espionage... I am sure I could come up with some others. There are many times freedom of speech has its limits. You want to place another one, when publishers refuse to get out the Republican message.
I propose you shut the fuck up for even a week. Didn't work?
OK, see the OP.

We need to shut you liars up, because you liars make morons trash the US Capitol.
Sorry, we won't allow you retards to fine corporate responsibility.

There is no "fair use" part of Section 230. Are you thinking of "good faith"?

Anyway, if you feel you have a "fair use" right, and have been denied it, feel free to take it to court. If the courts find in your favor, I will demand equal time on FoxNews :-P
It is odd that DeSantis, who sent armed police to shutdown a website telling truths he did not like, is complaining about "self censorship."

It's because Rick DeSantis is a self-serving asshole. He's fucked over thousands of Floridians as a sacrifice to Trump.


Among the mistakes DeSantis has made, according to the op-ed: Not closing down the state's beaches as spring breakers partied last month, not yet approving retroactive unemployment benefits for those who have lost their jobs and pushing hydroxychloroquine, a still unproven drug to treat coronavirus. (Hydroxychloroquine is also being heavily pushed by President Donald Trump, the man to whom DeSantis, a Republican, owes his governorship.)
Add to that a few things that happened just yesterday:

* DeSantis declared WWE -- yes, professional wresting -- an "essential" business in the state, meaning that the organization could run live shows from its facility in Orlando. (Sidebar: I am a GIANT pro wrestling fan. But did we need a live "Monday Night Raw" on, uh, Monday night?)

* Florida's surgeon general Scott Rivkees said that social distancing and mask-wearing should continue in Florida until a vaccine for coronavirus is approved. (That is likely to be a year or so from now.) Rivkees was almost immediately then "whisked away" by the governor's spokeswoman, according to the Tampa Bay Times. DeSantis' communications director Helen Ferre disputed that Rivkees was pulled out of the conference, telling CNN in a statement that "Dr. Rivkees was not pulled out of the press conference, which ran longer than expected. He had a pre-scheduled meeting with Governor DeSantis' Deputy Chief of Staff Adrian Lukis he needed to attend. Afterwards, he went to the State Emergency Operations Center with DEM Director Jared Moskowitz."
It is amazing how they defend police censoring people, but are for government forcing publishers to publish things.

I do believe that these monster media platforms should be made into public utilities and have the courts decide what can be censored or not. These platforms do have too much power.
I do believe that these monster media platforms should be made into public utilities and have the courts decide what can be censored or not. These platforms do have too much power.

I believe their should be an attempt to prevent them from becoming monopolies by forcing interoperability.
retard. it's Section 230.
You call Grockmaster out about Section 230, and then you fuck that simple task up

check again, toilet clog. I was repeating what your fellow stooge Grokmaster called it, stupid fuck.....point your lame ass insults at that goon, stupid shit...

Quote Originally Posted by Grokmaster View Post
Damned straight. Should have already happened, as they have consistently violated their title 230 requirements.
Correct but if you say offensive or, as in your case, delusional psychotic bullshit, I have a right to throw you out of my house and off my property. If you refuse to leave, I'll call the police. If you get violent, I will defend myself with deadly force since paranoid schizophrenics are well recognized to be a danger to others and themselves if they are violent.

You don't have a right to spout lies on private property without permission.

I am not on your property, dumbass.
DeSantis simply wants to spew confusion, ...

Proposing fines for censorship and proposing equal treatment of users on websites is not spewing confusion, idiot.

Also, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon are losing customers because of their censorship. They are getting hit where it the pocketbook.
DeSantis, scumbag that he is, has only one remaining purpose in his useless life: protect the diseased pigfucking orangutan from extradition to Cyrus Vance and New York justice.

Idiots in Florida elected a douchebag who doesn't know how the First Amendment works.
I didn't say he exceeded any powers. He doesn't have any power to exceed. He is completely feckless, he's putting on a show for his Dear Leader. Just another good reason that DeSantis never holds another public office again ever.

States DO have the power to pass such laws and file such lawsuits.