try to be rational for a second. do you really think that many boys or men have this urge to dress and act and be as much as possible a girl or woman, and beyond that, also have this strong competitive desire to play organized sports against girls and women? AND EVEN LOONIER, there are more than 20 on the planet who would do it just so they could have a small advantage physically? ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?

Have you taken a mother fuckin look at what people will do for attention now, do do for attention now?

This post smells like yet more Lefty Lyin.
Have you taken a mother fuckin look at what people will do for attention now, do do for attention now?

This post smells like yet more Lefty Lyin.

you mean like this, bitch? and even very few dimwitted, chickenshit trump stooges want attention this bad, you sick ass moron. just because you probably dream about being a lady and wearing makeup and flirting with boys doesn't mean more than 1 out of a 800 males do.

Holy fuck, look what the Chinese, Russians, Romanians and East Germans did!!

I was thinking more along the lines of these guys today who wear dresses, but yes. Being trans now is the route to celebrity and the means to gain almost the only voluntary Victimology Poker points available....but we are told that these are all pure as the driven snow people who somehow got put into the wrong body....there is never any gameplaying going on.
I was thinking more along the lines of these guys today who wear dresses, but yes. Being trans now is the route to celebrity and the means to gain almost the only voluntary Victimology Poker points available....but we are told that these are all pure as the driven snow people who somehow got put into the wrong body....there is never any gameplaying going on.

instead of having an ounce of empathy for people who for some reason have always believed they were trapped in the wrong body, even conservative as hell guys like Bruce Jenner, all you can do is focus on maybe 3 boys or men on the whole planet would would go to such trouble just so they MIGHT could be the best player on a girl's softball team!!! why are you so fucking weird?
imagine how stupid you have to be to believe there is more than 20 athletic, competitive young males in this country who would undergo a sex change, take hormones to keep his estrogen below a certain limit for at least a year before being able to compete, so he could make the girl's volleyball team and kick some ass.


Well if I was one of the 20 I’d forgo competing against girls/women.

Wouldn’t you?
instead of having an ounce of empathy for people who for some reason have always believed they were trapped in the wrong body, even conservative as hell guys like Bruce Jenner, all you can do is focus on maybe 3 boys or men on the whole planet would would go to such trouble just so they MIGHT could be the best player on a girl's softball team!!! why are you so fucking weird?

You Regressive Leftists really do need to make up your minds....can children consent....or not?
Well if I was one of the 20 I’d forgo competing against girls/women.

Wouldn’t you?

well, my point is, it is rare for any boy or man to want to do what it takes to change their sexual identity....AND THE ODDS OF THEM ALSO WANTING TO COMPETE IN SPORTS MAKES IT ALMOST NON-EXISTENT, and it even more rare for a boy or man to do something so drastic JUST SO HE CAN BE GOOD ENOUGH TO PLAY ON A GIRL'S TEAM. IT'S LOONY TUNE.
He's gay as fuck!

you boys are the ones all upset about it. the focus was not on boys playing against girls, you stupid pieces of shit. but you boys are so worried about your own masculinity and sexual identity issues, the same worries that drive you to be trump voters and homophobic shitstains, it makes you uncomfortable to have your fantasies about dressing up like a girl and putting on makeup and letting trump grab your pussy without asking lead you to such a keen interest in this boring ass topic.
well, my point is, it is rare for any boy or man to want to do what it takes to change their sexual identity....AND THE ODDS OF THEM ALSO WANTING TO COMPETE IN SPORTS MAKES IT ALMOST NON-EXISTENT, and it even more rare for a boy or man to do something so drastic JUST SO HE CAN BE GOOD ENOUGH TO PLAY ON A GIRL'S TEAM. IT'S LOONY TUNE.

I think the point is it goes on and when it does the quasi-girl [talk about loony tune] has an unfair advantage in the competition.

If these people want to indulge in gender changes fine, but they should be made to compete against the same gender that’s listed on their birth certificate.

Women’s rights, and all that.
you boys are the ones all upset about it. the focus was not on boys playing against girls, you stupid pieces of shit. but you boys are so worried about your own masculinity and sexual identity issues, the same worries that drive you to be trump voters and homophobic shitstains, it makes you uncomfortable to have your fantasies about dressing up like a girl and putting on makeup and letting trump grab your pussy without asking lead you to such a keen interest in this boring ass topic.

Liar, the Revolution has made Make America Trans one of its highest priorities. Why that is should be being talked about here but sadly it is not but this is most certainly not some back water conversation topic as you claim.

Do you actually know better?

Is this you lying again?
Liar, the Revolution has made Make America Trans one of its highest priorities. Why that is should be being talked about here but sadly it is not but this is most certainly not some back water conversation topic as you claim.

Do you actually know better?

Is this you lying again?

What revolution? Do you really think even transsexuals care if anybody else is? what the hell are you spewing? that is as stupid as believing masks do not work, as believing there was any state affected by any voter fraud enough to change its outcome. why are you so gullible and easily played?
What revolution? Do you really think even transsexuals care if anybody else is? what the hell are you spewing? that is as stupid as believing masks do not work, as believing there was any state affected by any voter fraud enough to change its outcome. why are you so gullible and easily played?

We already have one question mark specialist, we dont need another.

Make Statements.
We already have one question mark specialist, we dont need another.

Make Statements.

fuck you. who died and made you hall monitor, bitch? answer the questions, punk. quit spewing nonsensical replies trying to deflect the fact you do not have a fucking clue about anything you post.