Dictator Republicans think they should decide what is best for America

I stand anti-party but every conversation I have with Republicans today ends the same. I ask "Who runs this Country, Government or the People? I was blown away when 100% of Republicans I knew personally, and online, answered "The Government".

Yeah right! Everybody knows that Wall Street runs the country, don’t they? Oh, wait a minute! Its them bastards in Washington that’s running the country Wall Street just bribes them into running it to favor the BIG loot on Wall Street.

Hey Goober, the only way the people could run this country is get constitutionally educated and hold the bastard’s in Washington feet to the fire of the Constitution. Of course in a nation of fucking political constitutionally uneducated morons, who allow politicians to bribe their vote with social programs financed by other people’s money, fat chance that “The People” will ever run anything or even could if they really wanted to.

Republicans openly state that "Americans are stupid and think that they should make Governmental decisions for them." Very openly.

A correct analysis for sure! Also one made correctly by our founders when they rejected democracy and favored a ”Constitutional Republic.” They knew “The People” are often inspired to mob rule so they instituted a government not RUN by the people, but rather run by representatives chosen by the consent of the majority of the people who’s total loyalty and agenda is sworn not to “The People,” but to “The People’s Constitution.

A dictatorship is defined as an autocratic or authoritarian form of government in which a government is ruled by either an individual: a dictator, or an authoritarian party~http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictatorship

Ask a Right Winger today who should hold the power. The Government, or the people?

And what do you notice Washington’s Republicans being successful at DICTATING these days Goober?

Actually, I’ve noticed Democrats dictating an escape for members of Congress having to abide by the GREAT & WONDERFUL Obama-Care that the minions are mandated to suffer through. What the fuck ever happened to that law that Congress passed years ago that stated that Congress had to abide by every law they imposed on the minions? Oh! That’s right! Congress doesn’t obey laws, they just make laws, huh?
dear idiot they are already covered by their employer.

that is the EXACT same treatment everyone is getting
Yeah right! Everybody knows that Wall Street runs the country, don’t they? Oh, wait a minute! Its them bastards in Washington that’s running the country Wall Street just bribes them into running it to favor the BIG loot on Wall Street.

Hey Goober, the only way the people could run this country is get constitutionally educated and hold the bastard’s in Washington feet to the fire of the Constitution. Of course in a nation of fucking political constitutionally uneducated morons, who allow politicians to bribe their vote with social programs financed by other people’s money, fat chance that “The People” will ever run anything or even could if they really wanted to.

A correct analysis for sure! Also one made correctly by our founders when they rejected democracy and favored a ”Constitutional Republic.” They knew “The People” are often inspired to mob rule so they instituted a government not RUN by the people, but rather run by representatives chosen by the consent of the majority of the people who’s total loyalty and agenda is sworn not to “The People,” but to “The People’s Constitution.

And what do you notice Washington’s Republicans being successful at DICTATING these days Goober?

Actually, I’ve noticed Democrats dictating an escape for members of Congress having to abide by the GREAT & WONDERFUL Obama-Care that the minions are mandated to suffer through. What the fuck ever happened to that law that Congress passed years ago that stated that Congress had to abide by every law they imposed on the minions? Oh! That’s right! Congress doesn’t obey laws, they just make laws, huh?

I'm not sure why you poked your nose in here. I respect that you notice Corporate Corruption in Government but I can't stand that you think it's because of Government. It's because of a weakly regulated market and you know it. We have absolute Corporate disfunction even with regulation so how is regulation promoting this kid?
The American people don't want a Government Shutdown. Congress SHOULD do what we want. The American people want Universal background checks, Congress SHOULD do what we want. The American people want some type of gun control, Congress SHOULD do what we want. The Right is standing Dictatorship firm against these changes.

The people don't want to attack Syria, and we didn't. The people want to see how Obamacare plays out instead of defunding it and we are.

The American Opinion matters. American runs this Country kid, not the Government! WE TELL THEM WHAT TO DO! NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!
the republican don't SEE elected power the way the rest of Americans do.

they think it mean they can FORCE us to do what they want.

Cheating gave them that Idea.

Its what happens to a party when the abandon Democracy and start cheating to win
The American people don't want a Government Shutdown. Congress SHOULD do what we want. The American people want Universal background checks, Congress SHOULD do what we want. The American people want some type of gun control, Congress SHOULD do what we want. The Right is standing Dictatorship firm against these changes.

The people don't want to attack Syria, and we didn't. The people want to see how Obamacare plays out instead of defunding it and we are.

The American Opinion matters. American runs this Country kid, not the Government! WE TELL THEM WHAT TO DO! NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!

just an aside.....as a postmodernist I have to chuckle at all the capitalizations.......
Government Shutdown......Right.....Dictatorship.........American Opinion.....Country......Government.......you gotta know that one of these "Ideals" is gonna walk through the door and kick you in the eye like Chuck Norris.......Huzzah!.....all power to the Capital Letter!.........
holding the country hostage to GET what you want because you could not get the votes for what you want is anti democracy.

the republicans think they can FORCE what they want instead of governing for what they want.

they don't belong in government
I stand anti-party but every conversation I have with Republicans today ends the same. I ask "Who runs this Country, Government or the People? I was blown away when 100% of Republicans I knew personally, and online, answered "The Government".

Republicans openly state that "Americans are stupid and think that they should make Governmental decisions for them." Very openly.

A dictatorship is defined as an autocratic or authoritarian form of government in which a government is ruled by either an individual: a dictator, or an authoritarian party~http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictatorship

Ask a Right Winger today who should hold the power. The Government, or the people?

I'm blown away that you're retarded enough to ask your one Republican friend anything and believe that they identify millions of people.

Are you really this incredibly stupid; or do you actually work to be this stupid? :rolleyes:

Gee, you didn't thread ban the Conservatives this time. Maybe if you start a new thread ranting ignorant about Republicans and make sure you thread ban them, you'll get the group think you are desperately searching for.

You're not anti-party. You're anti-intelligent. Dumbass.
In a republic you are supposed to get a representative.

In a republic the KING can pick who represents you.

In a democracy the people get to pick who represents them.

Another Constitutional moron. Do you work at being a retard or does it come naturally?
I'm not sure why you poked your nose in here. I respect that you notice Corporate Corruption in Government but I can't stand that you think it's because of Government. It's because of a weakly regulated market and you know it. We have absolute Corporate disfunction even with regulation so how is regulation promoting this kid?

Why do you pretend you're not a lefttard? You parrot the same brain dead talking points, you whine like a lefttard and with the incredible buffoonery exhibited by Harry Reid and this President, you would think that if you really were an independent thinker, you would find something to criticize about them rather than this wierd obsession you have with Republicans.

Does even occur to you anti-thinker, that the reason there are no jobs, so many are on unemployment for so many months and there are fewer workers in the work force today that it might just have something to do with this President?

We have the worst recovery in our history, and you whine about Republicans in the minority as if they could do something about it?

We have the worst recovery in our history, and a President who actually claims he cannot do anything about it because he has no power? The most powerful man in the world is helpless to do ANYTHING and constantly points the finger of blame at everyone else?

You have to be a gullible brain dead idiot to think that Republicans are the problem. But then, you're the anti-thinker. Who could acuse you of thinking?
I'm blown away that you're retarded enough to ask your one Republican friend anything and believe that they identify millions of people.

Are you really this incredibly stupid; or do you actually work to be this stupid? :rolleyes:

Gee, you didn't thread ban the Conservatives this time. Maybe if you start a new thread ranting ignorant about Republicans and make sure you thread ban them, you'll get the group think you are desperately searching for.

You're not anti-party. You're anti-intelligent. Dumbass.

...............I live in a RED STATE where all information in the media is Red Inforamtion. I tend to balance my information (because I'm not stupid).

I generally only use the Daily Show to balance my Fox News and InfoWars that should never be promoted at this level of forum.

If you know the base of both parties you know that the Right is in an absolute panic to stay alive. They have been supporting Corporations so long they don't have a clue what the people want. Their only strength is that the Left finally joined the Profit battle and is now........sometimes.......spreading propaganda to get more funding. Heavy stuff.
Why do you pretend you're not a lefttard? You parrot the same brain dead talking points, you whine like a lefttard and with the incredible buffoonery exhibited by Harry Reid and this President, you would think that if you really were an independent thinker, you would find something to criticize about them rather than this wierd obsession you have with Republicans.

Does even occur to you anti-thinker, that the reason there are no jobs, so many are on unemployment for so many months and there are fewer workers in the work force today that it might just have something to do with this President?

We have the worst recovery in our history, and you whine about Republicans in the minority as if they could do something about it?

We have the worst recovery in our history, and a President who actually claims he cannot do anything about it because he has no power? The most powerful man in the world is helpless to do ANYTHING and constantly points the finger of blame at everyone else?

You have to be a gullible brain dead idiot to think that Republicans are the problem. But then, you're the anti-thinker. Who could acuse you of thinking?

You only think I'm Left because you never question your authoritarian media kid. Wake up.
Should we discuss how many topics the AMERICAN PEOPLE wanted and the GOP turned down? You do realize that the Government is controlled by the people in a Democracy, (R)ight?
I'm not sure why you poked your nose in here.

Excuse me! I didn’t know this thread was reserved for only folks that agree with you.

I respect that you notice Corporate Corruption in Government but I can't stand that you think it's because of Government.

Well likely the reason you can’t stand that I think it’s government is because you’re a BIG government kinda guy. Your signature bemoans Democrats & Republicans yet your post always protect and defend the BIG government they shove down America’s throat.

It's because of a weakly regulated market and you know it.

On the contrary, I know no such thing! What I do know is corporations are beholden to their stock and bond holders and the bastards in the seats of government are supposed to be beholden to our Constitution. Corporate bribery of politicians is a prerequisite for membership on a corporate board, because if you don’t attempt to bribe the regulating politicians your competition will and you’ll end up shit-out-of-luck. But politicians on the other hand swear an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and they get paid by “The People.” Thus they work for the people and the people’s Constitution. If they stoop to being bribed with campaign loot from corporations and or promises of lobbying jobs once they leave the government, then where I come from, 99% of the blame for the bribery scam belongs to the politicians.

BTW, BIG government’s BIG regulation only limits what smaller competition can afford to do to successfully compete with the BIG boys and that’s why the BIG boys don’t mind the BIG regulations, they even love them and help their government partners in crime write most of that shit. WTF, they can afford to just move business operations anyplace in the world to avoid regulations, their smaller competition can’t.

We have absolute Corporate disfunction even with regulation so how is regulation promoting this kid?

Try to understand all of the above child! I know it’s difficult for you, but you can do it if you try.