Dictator Republicans think they should decide what is best for America

Should we discuss how many topics the AMERICAN PEOPLE wanted and the GOP turned down? You do realize that the Government is controlled by the people in a Democracy, (R)ight?

The "people" do not control this government and America is not a "democracy," America is and always has been a "Constitutional Republic." The bastards in DC control this government as mandated by our Constitution. The problem is they're supposed to be controlling it by the letter of our Constitution. They have long since trashed that mandate.
...............I live in a RED STATE where all information in the media is Red Inforamtion. I tend to balance my information (because I'm not stupid).

I generally only use the Daily Show to balance my Fox News and InfoWars that should never be promoted at this level of forum.

If you know the base of both parties you know that the Right is in an absolute panic to stay alive. They have been supporting Corporations so long they don't have a clue what the people want. Their only strength is that the Left finally joined the Profit battle and is now........sometimes.......spreading propaganda to get more funding. Heavy stuff.

There are no such things as "red states" and "red information" except in the minds of the gullibly stupid.

If you think "the Daily Show" is news, you're an idiot.

It isn't about what party you belong to or even a false non-affiliation of party fools like you claim; there is the TRUTH, there are LIES and there are those of us who believe in the Constitution and those who want to piss on it.

You represent a dullard class who wants to re-write it and are willing to lie and demagogue those who believe in a literal and faithful interpretation of it. Because you are, in reality, a leftist dullard, you spend a great deal of time on this forum denigrating Republicans who are attempting to get back to the intent of the Constitution and LIMITED government, while giving a complete pass to Dumbocrats who want to shred it and interpret it through their failed brain dead ideological views.

But your worse than even a partisan asshat like Desh; at least she is honest about her hyper partisan views and doesn't try to mask them wonder the guise of being an independent. Unlike you who desperately declares he is the anti-party while only removing all doubt ith is actually anti-thinking with all the leftist Marxist rhetoric you parrot.
You only think I'm Left because you never question your authoritarian media kid. Wake up.

Wrong; but at least you're consistent. I think you're a leftist based on the incredidbly stupid Marxist DNC talking points you parrot at prolific levels. The irony here is that you're too stupid to even comprehend it.

May I ask how old you are? It would explain some of your political confusion.
Should we discuss how many topics the AMERICAN PEOPLE wanted and the GOP turned down? You do realize that the Government is controlled by the people in a Democracy, (R)ight?

I am amused that you presume to speak for the AMERICAN PEOPLE and arrogantly presume you know better what they want. But as is illustrated on this thread, many of we AMERICANS completely disagree with you and the many lefttards in this country who arrogantly presume they know what's best for us.

I'd like to see the entire tax code abolished and supplanted by a Fair Tax. I'd like to see the abolition of five executive departments beginning with education and Agriculture. I'd like to see term limits for Senators and Congresspeople two 12 years total. I'd like to see Social Security privatised and no longer piggy bank for the reckless fiscally irresponsible politicians. I'd like to see Government Welfarisn become a relic of our ignomious past.

So no Anti-Thinker, you don't speak for me or millions of other AMERICANS; you're merely a brain dead robot parroting the dullard leftist talking points the media and Government has programmed you to mindlessly parrot.
Excuse me! I didn’t know this thread was reserved for only folks that agree with you.

Well likely the reason you can’t stand that I think it’s government is because you’re a BIG government kinda guy. Your signature bemoans Democrats & Republicans yet your post always protect and defend the BIG government they shove down America’s throat.

On the contrary, I know no such thing! What I do know is corporations are beholden to their stock and bond holders and the bastards in the seats of government are supposed to be beholden to our Constitution. Corporate bribery of politicians is a prerequisite for membership on a corporate board, because if you don’t attempt to bribe the regulating politicians your competition will and you’ll end up shit-out-of-luck. But politicians on the other hand swear an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and they get paid by “The People.” Thus they work for the people and the people’s Constitution. If they stoop to being bribed with campaign loot from corporations and or promises of lobbying jobs once they leave the government, then where I come from, 99% of the blame for the bribpery scam belongs to the politicians.

BTW, BIG government’s BIG regulation only limits what smaller competition can afford to do to successfully compete with the BIG boys and that’s why the BIG boys don’t mind the BIG regulations, they even love them and help their government partners in crime write most of that shit. WTF, they can afford to just move business operations anyplace in the world to avoid regulations, their smaller competition can’t.

Try to understand all of the above child! I know it’s difficult for you, but you can do it if you try.

Bravo; while there are some issues we disagree on, this commentary is 100% on the target.

A Fair Tax, elimination of many Exucutive Departments, term limits and elimination of all government subsidies would go a long way in solving the issues of Big Government you describe above.
The "people" do not control this government and America is not a "democracy," America is and always has been a "Constitutional Republic." The bastards in DC control this government as mandated by our Constitution. The problem is they're supposed to be controlling it by the letter of our Constitution. They have long since trashed that mandate.

I never stated that Democracy and Republic are both controlled by the people, not by Big Government? Big Government is what happens when our leaders don't listen to our people. When a Republic doesn't listen to the people, it gets elected out of office. I rest my case...
I never stated that Democracy and Republic are both controlled by the people, not by Big Government? Big Government is what happens when our leaders don't listen to our people. When a Republic doesn't listen to the people, it gets elected out of office. I rest my case...

What case? When have “The People” ever voted BIG government “out of office?” Government gets BIGGER after every election Goober!

[ri-puhb-lik] Show IPA

a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.

any body of persons viewed as a commonwealth.

a state in which the head of government is not a monarch or other hereditary head of state.

( initial capital letter ) any of the five periods of republican government in France. Compare First Republic, Second Republic, Third Republic, Fourth Republic, Fifth Republic.

( initial capital letter, italics ) a philosophical dialogue (4th century b.c.) by Plato dealing with the composition and structure of the ideal state.
dear idiot have you ever READ THE DEFINITIONS OF THE WORDS?

Dear moron; you aren't capable of comprehending what you read, understanding truth or dealing with reality. How could you; you're an incredibly vulgar, ignorant partisan dullard.

[ri-puhb-lik] Show IPA

a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.

any body of persons viewed as a commonwealth.

a state in which the head of government is not a monarch or other hereditary head of state.

( initial capital letter ) any of the five periods of republican government in France. Compare First Republic, Second Republic, Third Republic, Fourth Republic, Fifth Republic.

( initial capital letter, italics ) a philosophical dialogue (4th century b.c.) by Plato dealing with the composition and structure of the ideal state.

you denied the definition of this word
to solve this problem I propose a change......from hereinafter, all members of the House of Representatives should be elected.......
Why don't you want to debate the Constitution? Skeered?

The left hates the Constitution, they deny its strict construction by claiming its some kind of “living document” open to corrupt interpretations dreamed up by their sorry asses. That is if they bother with it at all.

The right are just as pathetic, they claim alliance with the Constitution while they deny it and submit their own corruption and violations of it. Undeclared wars, the Drug War, anti-gay marriage contract laws, and the Patriot Act. The right bemoans BIG government then starts two BIG government undeclared unconstitutional wars, promotes BIG government maintaining military forces in over 120 other countries, promotes BIG government nation building abroad and establishes and maintains the BIG government Military Industrial Complex that their own “Republican” President warned them about.
The left hates the Constitution, they deny its strict construction by claiming its some kind of “living document” open to corrupt interpretations dreamed up by their sorry asses. That is if they bother with it at all.

The right are just as pathetic, they claim alliance with the Constitution while they deny it and submit their own corruption and violations of it. Undeclared wars, the Drug War, anti-gay marriage contract laws, and the Patriot Act. The right bemoans BIG government then starts two BIG government undeclared unconstitutional wars, promotes BIG government maintaining military forces in over 120 other countries, promotes BIG government nation building abroad and establishes and maintains the BIG government Military Industrial Complex that their own “Republican” President warned them about.

Quite the dilemna for you eh? The Republicans are liars, the Democrats are just incredibly dumb; perhaps you would feel better about politics living in Venezeula; they don't have these problems there. Or how about Cuba, or France...maybe Russia? After all, why have a Constitution if politicians are so corrupt on Both sides of the aisle? I say move to a place without a Constitution; it has got to be better right?