Did you ever get an Apology?

Did you ever receive an Apology?

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  • No

    Votes: 9 100.0%

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Will work for Scooby snacks
If you were anti-Iraq war from the beginning, and had to constantly run a guantlet of "Traitor!" and "Saddam-lover!" insults like me -- did you ever recieve an apology from any of those wingnuts, after it turned out you were right all along?

Yes or no?
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If you were anti-Iraq war from the beginning, and had constatnly to run a guantlet of "Traitor!" and "Saddam-lover!" insults like me -- did you ever recieve an apology from any of those wingnuts, after it turned out you were right all along?

Yes or no?
Where's the "This is a joke, right?" option?
Nope. I have heard that I was "right for the wrong reasons though". Apparently, I didn't want to attack Iraq because I "hate America", whereas "legitimate critics" of the war, ie; those who supported going in, but have since decided it was a mistake, changed their minds, not because they hate America, but because they are fluid thinkers.
Amazingly, nobody has ever called me a traitor for being against undeclared war.

Probably because you're not a democrat or a liberal, and therefore, can also be considered a "legitimate critic" of the war, even though you were not for it before you were against it, which is the best way to gain legitimacy as a critic of the war.
Nope. I have heard that I was "right for the wrong reasons though". Apparently, I didn't want to attack Iraq because I "hate America", whereas "legitimate critics" of the war, ie; those who supported going in, but have since decided it was a mistake, changed their minds, not because they hate America, but because they are fluid thinkers.


It's all very convoluted, isn't it? My position has been very simple from day one, and it hasn't changed: war and invasion wasn't neccessary.

The wingnuts have had to spend the last four years constantly changing and updating the reasons they supported, and still support the war.

It's all very convoluted, isn't it? My position has been very simple from day one, and it hasn't changed: war and invasion wasn't neccessary.

The wingnuts have had to spend the last four years constantly changing and updating the reasons they supported, and still support the war.

I'm sorry, being against the war from before we waged it, and correctly pointing out some of the big problems which were going to ensue, makes you an illegitimate critic of the war.

That is the message I've received from watching political shows where the phrase "legitimate critic of the war" is used very often. And we know who the illegitimate ones are don't we?
I'm sorry, being against the war from before we waged it, and correctly pointing out some of the big problems which were going to ensue, makes you an illegitimate critic of the war.

That is the message I've received from watching political shows where the phrase "legitimate critic of the war" is used very often. And we know who the illegitimate ones are don't we?

This is too funny! HeHeHe

Anecdotally, you know what the lamest thing I personally ever saw wingnuts do to an anti-war protester? My elderly step dad - who happens to be a world war 2 combat vet - went to the trouble of making a protest sign, and wheeling himself out to a protest in his wheelchair. And some young punks in a muscle car drove up next to him, flipped him the bird, and yelled some obscenities at him.

I wasn't with him at the time, but if I had, I think I might have taken a baseball bat to those punk's car :D
This is too funny! HeHeHe

Anecdotally, you know what the lamest thing I personally ever saw wingnuts do to an anti-war protester? My elderly step dad - who happens to be a world war 2 combat vet - went to the trouble of making a protest sign, and wheeling himself out to a protest in his wheelchair. And some young punks in a muscle car drove up next to him, flipped him the bird, and yelled some obscenities at him.

I wasn't with him at the time, but if I had, I think I might have taken a baseball bat to those punk's car :D

RU serious? That's insane.

See Darla, if we beat kids in school, that would have never happened :pke:
This is too funny! HeHeHe

Anecdotally, you know what the lamest thing I personally ever saw wingnuts do to an anti-war protester? My elderly step dad - who happens to be a world war 2 combat vet - went to the trouble of making a protest sign, and wheeling himself out to a protest in his wheelchair. And some young punks in a muscle car drove up next to him, flipped him the bird, and yelled some obscenities at him.

I wasn't with him at the time, but if I had, I think I might have taken a baseball bat to those punk's car :D

Wow, you must have a great step dad. That's great that he did that.

Instead of yelling obscenities at elderly war veterans, they should be at the recruiter's office.
RU serious? That's insane.

See Darla, if we beat kids in school, that would have never happened :pke:

My mom was at the protest, and told me about it. I was livid. Evidently they were yelling "Bomb Iraq" and flipping off my stepdad.

HaHa - forget beating kids. Darla's right. We need a military draft for republicans-only. Send their asses to iraq.
My mom was at the protest, and told me about it. I was livid. Evidently they were yelling "Bomb Iraq" and flipping off my stepdad.

HaHa - forget beating kids. Darla's right. We need a military draft for republicans-only. Send their asses to iraq.

I am sooo into doing that. God would I love to see their faces.
My mom was at the protest, and told me about it. I was livid. Evidently they were yelling "Bomb Iraq" and flipping off my stepdad.

HaHa - forget beating kids. Darla's right. We need a military draft for republicans-only. Send their asses to iraq.
This reminds me of the time I was walking with a Buddhist Monk (way at the beginning of my Path) in the D.C. area. As we came up to a Planned Parenthood there were two groups, one on each side of the street, one protesting the other angry at the protestors. As we approached the "angry" group crossed over, I actually watched a "Pro-Choicer" punch a Buddhist Monk who had nothing to do with the protests... We just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
If Iraq keeps on very much longer... well the draft is likely to come back...But bush will leave that pre-staged for the Demo president.
and then repubs will run against him/her on the basis of "see they started up the draft", when they were the cause.
It is not doubt in their long term planning.
If Iraq keeps on very much longer... well the draft is likely to come back...But bush will leave that pre-staged for the Demo president.
and then repubs will run against him/her on the basis of "see they started up the draft", when they were the cause.
It is not doubt in their long term planning.

Or if Dems have a spine they will withhold funding and revoke that b@stards war powers.