I love Italy with full knowledge of their failures. Russia has been infinitely worse at establishing governments than even Italy.
If they can't do it, how can we expect them to do it?
People at an earlier stage of evolution are not those against whom I measure myself, by the way.
The Provisional government of Russia in 1917 was arguably the most liberal government on the planet to that point in history.
I think capitalism killed incipient democracy in Russia in the 1990s. On the advice of American economic advisors, Russia implemented a radical form of cowboy capitalism in the 1990s, and that was the genesis of the gangster oligarchs. They should have stuck with the gradualist approach of Gorbachev.
People have different definitions of freedom, and I doubt a Russian democracy should it evolve in the generation after ours, will look like ours.
I do not think Chinese, Africans, Arabs, or North Koreans are inferior people for not having a liberal democracy. We Americans got lucky because our heritage and our model was the English constitutional system.