Difference of North v. South - Grind Edition

#1: Our brightest Minds:





#2: Our finest educational institutions:





#3 - How we spend our leisure time:






"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Self Transforming Machine Elf again."
Picking on the South isn't bigotry, just like picking on any other failed society isn't bigotry...
Yeah that's why the NE has been losing population, as a percentage of the whole, to The South for decades now. That also translates to Congressional allocation and electoral votes. LOL
LOL, Although I think this is a funny thread , you responding and actually owning up to living in the Garbage state makes me LOL even harder

I was born and raised in NJ, left there 18 years ago, the North does have some beautiful places and great Italian food( can't get good pizza in the south, lol) but there is no way you can compare the North east to the south as far as a vacation spot

If the north has it all over top of the south why are all the vacation spots in the south? Yea there are some great spots to vacation in the North but most of the norther's come south for vaca,

As for schools do some checking there a lot of great schools in the south

I guess it all boils down to, do you want to be the only person in the mall that speaks English or the only person without a southern accent, lol

But as far as NJ goes, my boss tries to send me there twice a week or to the north east anyway cause I lived up there, and I just assume to drive 100 miles out of my way to stay out of the Garbage state

The best site NJ has is looking at it in the rear view mirror from the Delaware Memorial Bridge , LOL
I guess that depends on what your looking for. The skiing sucks in Florida. The south's big advantage as a vacation spot is the warm weather. Cause, as everyone up north knows, winter sucks.

Having said that. I've been in all the NE and SE states and the most beatifull regions I've seen (in order) are;

Northern glacial region of MN, WI and the UP of MI in the summer.
A toss up between W. VA, NH and VT mountains in the fall (Spectacular).
The Blue Ridge and Smokey Mtns of Virginia and Tenn.

Land between the lakes region of KY and Tenn.

Ugliest region in east of the Mississippi;

By far and away Florida is the ugliest state east of the Mississippi.

Most diverse state biologically;

Again Flordia by far and away. Swamps are certainly diverse.

Most Romantic Cities east of the Mississippi;

Savannah, GA and Charelston, SC.

City that's the biggest eye sore east of the Mississippi;

Tie between Dearborn, MI and Newark, NJ and East St. Louis, ILL.
NJ has great food no doubt- I've never had a bad meal there.

With regards to pizza, yeah I also know what you're saying. We've got a small chain that does make a good pie though. It's called Mario's, and the owner's from NJ. There's also an excellent, inexpensive Italian restaurant in Wilkesboro, and a great Italian restaurant in the mountains near my cabin, both places owned by folks that moved from, where else, NJ.
Fair is fair. It's almost impossible to get a decent glass of iced tea north of the Mason Dixon line. Good BBQ is hard to find up north too (though there are some diamonds in the rough up here).
LOL, yeah, I have to agree. poking fun of geography is pretty funny. And that's coming from a Jersey girl.
Ahh Jersay! The state with the highest concentration of Superfund sites on the National Priority List. :) I remember the place fondly. God knows I've worked enough clean ups there! LOL

Jersey is freaken weird. The industrial sections are a complete and total eye sore but get away from them and Jersey is a bucolic paradise.
Ya know that may fly in the Boot Leg or some back water like Cape Girardeau, but that sure as hell wouldn't fly in Joplin, KC or St. Louis. Not to mention Hannibal. Which, btw, have you ever been to Hannibal, MO? I have, I can assure you, they do not consider themselves "Southern". The "southern" area of Missouri is pretty much limited to the Bootleg and to the Ozarks.

LMAO... go visit the massive pig farms up in northern Misery. They are every bit southern. I grew up in KC... on the proper side of the border. The Misery side is as fine a bunch of southern types as you could ever hope to meet.
The best food in the country and the hottest woman are in Nawlins.
you can have your pocket protector GPA's I'll take the food and the chicks.
Yeah that's why the NE has been losing population, as a percentage of the whole, to The South for decades now. That also translates to Congressional allocation and electoral votes. LOL

ok lets get something straight, we come down to the south to feel better about ourselves... in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

It's no different than someone making 40k a year and moving to mexico to buy a mansion with guard turrets and servants
LMAO... go visit the massive pig farms up in northern Misery. They are every bit southern. I grew up in KC... on the proper side of the border. The Misery side is as fine a bunch of southern types as you could ever hope to meet.
Not in the NE part of the state. Their midwestern clod hoppers.
The best food in the country and the hottest woman are in Nawlins.
you can have your pocket protector GPA's I'll take the food and the chicks.
I'll agree with you on the food....but Miami has Nawlins beat when it comes to da womenz. Which is saying a lot cause Nawlins is loaded with gorgeous women of every shade from the paleist white to golden cinnaman to the darkest ebony. Lots of lovely ladies in Nawlins to be sure.
ok lets get something straight, we come down to the south to feel better about ourselves... in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

It's no different than someone making 40k a year and moving to mexico to buy a mansion with guard turrets and servants
As I've said to other regional bigots here, I'm glad that you've been taught this and swallow it balls-on-chin. The last thing we want down here are crowds, folks that drive and talk like Bostonians, then want to take our guns away. LOL