Difference of North v. South - Grind Edition

Fair is fair. It's almost impossible to get a decent glass of iced tea north of the Mason Dixon line. Good BBQ is hard to find up north too (though there are some diamonds in the rough up here).

There's great BBQ around here. You just won't get three pounds of it on your plate in one serving.
Ahh Jersay! The state with the highest concentration of Superfund sites on the National Priority List. :) I remember the place fondly. God knows I've worked enough clean ups there! LOL

Jersey is freaken weird. The industrial sections are a complete and total eye sore but get away from them and Jersey is a bucolic paradise.

stop telling people about the nice parts. I'm on a personal crusade to trash talk the state to keep people out. My soul purpose in life is to reduce traffic.
stop telling people about the nice parts. I'm on a personal crusade to trash talk the state to keep people out. My soul purpose in life is to reduce traffic.

LOLZ You sound like SM talking about how low population density keeps the South paradisical, so just keep the trash talking up... :pke:

Everyone is welcome to come out here to Warshington. Its beautiful, and the traffic couldn't possibly get any worse, and it sure as hell is never going to get better, so bring it on peoplez!! :cool: