Differential equations test tommorrow

I suspect differential equation tests serve an important purpose....they keep folks like WM away from positions of responsibility so that they have no opportunity to fuck things up....

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I suspect differential equation tests serve an important purpose....they keep folks like WM away from positions of responsibility so that they have no opportunity to fuck things up....

Hey, retard, if someone who believes fairytales are real can pass the law exam, they must not set the bar very high for these kinds of things.
Is there anything on Earth that contributes less to humanity than PMP?

Do us a favor. Put a bullet in your worthless head, be prepared for nothingness. You're fairytales aren't going to come true.
Is there anything on Earth that contributes less to humanity than PMP?

Do us a favor. Put a bullet in your worthless head, be prepared for nothingness. You're fairytales aren't going to come true.

ah, I take it the test didn't go well?......don't take it so hard......they'll still let you hold a shovel.....
Hey, retard, if someone who believes fairytales are real can pass the law exam, they must not set the bar very high for these kinds of things.

I was a bit vague about where the bar was set.....I sailed over it so high I couldn't actually see it through the clouds......
DE is the hardest class I've had besides Engineering Mechanics.

Good Christ, that has to be the most frightening class at the undergraduate level. I was only able to hack my way through calculus, but everyone I know who went on to DE came out of it shell shocked. I’m sure if I had attempted it I would have been reduced to a ball of quivering jello. Kudos on being a brainiac.

After surviving this God-forsaken terror, no worries. I don’t think you’ll ever use it in the professional world. The high level mathematics stuff is all pretty much embedded in scientific and engineering modeling programs. We’re all dunces now, the math is all just floating around inside the software. I can’t even remember the last time I had to do long-division on paper, I wonder if I can even remember (Ha-j/k)). Tip of the day: Statistics is more valuable, unless you’re going to do some high end academic research crap.
Nows time to enjoy the glorious one hour and thirty minutes of sleep I have planned. Then I awake and try to do that whole thing over again.

Besides the last problem, which is just hopeless.
Been 20 years since I had Diff-ee... I kind of like it. Liked my Linear classes the most. Love matrices.
Been 20 years since I had Diff-ee... I kind of like it. Liked my Linear classes the most. Love matrices.

I can't say that! I had less exposure to them, and just found them annoying, didn't have the patience they needed. Strange, because I like other kinds of grid-type problems.
Nows time to enjoy the glorious one hour and thirty minutes of sleep I have planned. Then I awake and try to do that whole thing over again.

Besides the last problem, which is just hopeless.
I would never be able to do that, if there was one problem unsolved I had to drive at it until I got it. It drove me to distraction. It's the OCD in me I guess.
I would never be able to do that, if there was one problem unsolved I had to drive at it until I got it. It drove me to distraction. It's the OCD in me I guess.

On the way to class the problem suddenly started making sense to me and I pulled out the thing and worked through it. I didn't have enough time to finish it on the test though.

I fully completed two problems, and left three problems half complete. At best I made a seventy.

/self pity

May PostModernAsshole is right, and I should just start looking to see if Popeye's has any management positions open. Write a few books that never get published and die of liver failure at 40.

I'm going to go buy a case of stress reliever now.
That's why engineers actually know what we're talking about. :)
Un huh....math isn't the only tough course. We had 3 chem E majors in my Organic Chem sequence. Two dropped the class midway and switched to ME majors. They were great at math but the counterintuitive abstract logic (more like illogic) of Organic drove them nuts. I also had a biomed E flunk out of our physiology class and had to take it over. Blew my mind. He could pass thermo but flunked human physiology.

It's always fascinated me why one discipline can be so hard for one person but almost intuitive for another?
On the way to class the problem suddenly started making sense to me and I pulled out the thing and worked through it. I didn't have enough time to finish it on the test though.

I fully completed two problems, and left three problems half complete. At best I made a seventy.

/self pity

May PostModernAsshole is right, and I should just start looking to see if Popeye's has any management positions open. Write a few books that never get published and die of liver failure at 40.

I'm going to go buy a case of stress reliever now.

Can we start calling you "Water Kourack" then? :pke:

Go get some sleep ya whiny little bitch and enjoy being a student while you can.
Un huh....math isn't the only tough course. We had 3 chem E majors in my Organic Chem sequence. Two dropped the class midway and switched to ME majors. They were great at math but the counterintuitive abstract logic (more like illogic) of Organic drove them nuts. I also had a biomed E flunk out of our physiology class and had to take it over. Blew my mind. He could pass thermo but flunked human physiology.

It's always fascinated me why one discipline can be so hard for one person but almost intuitive for another?

That's just the way the mind works my friend. Some of us are hard wired for rational thought (conservatives) and some are hard-wired for counter-intuition (libs). ;)