Differential equations test tommorrow

I would never be able to do that, if there was one problem unsolved I had to drive at it until I got it. It drove me to distraction. It's the OCD in me I guess.

Me too. We're not alone. Many years ago, before I met my husband, I went on a first date with an engineer who had scored in the 99th percentile on his GREs, but who still was plagued by a question that he wasn't certain he'd answered correctly. We spent a good part of the evening reworking that problem on a napkin in the Chinese restaurant where we went for dinner. It was a lot of fun, we finally answered the problem to both our satisfaction, and we realized that we were destined to be great friends but not romantic friends. I think we shared a bit of that OCD characteristic perhaps a little too much. :)
I had to cut down from 2 joints in the morning to one to get through calculus to get in Grad school.
That's just the way the mind works my friend. Some of us are hard wired for rational thought (conservatives) and some are hard-wired for counter-intuition (libs). ;)
Oh that's horse manure SM. Science is often not rational and is often counterintuitive. I'd use Einsteins theory of special relativity as an example of that.
The irony is that scientists and engineers rely on each other so much but think in such different ways.

I'm actualy going to school hoping to get accepted to an Astrophysics program. I really don't want to be stuck in engineering for my life, but it's no worse than Popeye's manager and it pays about 10 times as much.
The irony is that scientists and engineers rely on each other so much but think in such different ways.

I'm actualy going to school hoping to get accepted to an Astrophysics program. I really don't want to be stuck in engineering for my life, but it's no worse than Popeye's manager and it pays about 10 times as much.

I graduated from a large university, class of 7000. They don't call everyone up on stage since it would take about a week, so they call out schools and some noted accomplishments of each. When they called us we shouted out "We've got jobs".

Not so much for this years' class in this Obameconomy.:palm:
And that's why I'm worried about this class. I can't make C's. I'm already doing awful, making B's in nearly every math related class.
The best that I did in all my basic math was B's and C's, not including three do-overs. I was too stubborn to quit. After that was over I could apply it well, Ace'ing most of my higher level engineering classes, graduating cum laude. :good4u: