‘Dilbert’ dropped by The Post, other papers, after cartoonist’s racist rant

You poor little snowflake. You think "the future is bright, not white" is racist? I bet you think Black Lives Matter is racist too. :laugh:

Yes I do. Black Lives Matter has just turned out to be a vehicle for the founders to get rich and disappear.
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What McWhorter describes is what Robin DiAngelo calls white fragility. As soon as woke became a national movement in 2020, a very specific kind of white people went into a racist panic. In the clearest terms yet, they saw their white privilege challenged. They developed a massive attack to redefine what woke means.

Naturally, the only people they tricked were each other: Mostly racist MAGA morons. They have been brainwashed to believe that woke represents the death of the country. In fact, woke represents the country's salvation and rebirth. The only thing dying is white oppression.

Bullshit on steroids. McWhorter detests books like White Fragility.

DiAngelo is an education professor and—most prominently today—a diversity consultant who argues that whites in America must face the racist bias implanted in them by a racist society. Their resistance to acknowledging this, she maintains, constitutes a “white fragility” that they must overcome in order for meaningful progress on both interpersonal and societal racism to happen.

White Fragility was published in 2018 but jumped to the top of the New York Times best-seller list amid the protests following the death of George Floyd and the ensuing national reckoning about racism. DiAngelo has convinced university administrators, corporate human-resources offices, and no small part of the reading public that white Americans must embark on a self-critical project of looking inward to examine and work against racist biases that many have barely known they had.

I am not convinced. Rather, I have learned that one of America’s favorite advice books of the moment is actually a racist tract. Despite the sincere intentions of its author, the book diminishes Black people in the name of dignifying us. This is unintentional, of course, like the racism DiAngelo sees in all whites. Still, the book is pernicious because of the authority that its author has been granted over the way innocent readers think.

It lays out a rationale for white readers to engage in a self-examination that, she notes, will be awkward and painful. Her chapters are shortish, as if each were a 45-minute session. DiAngelo seeks to instruct.

She operates from the now-familiar concern with white privilege, aware of the unintentional racism ever lurking inside of her that was inculcated from birth by the white supremacy on which America was founded. To atone for this original sin, she is devoted to endlessly exploring, acknowledging, and seeking to undo whites’ “complicity with and investment in” racism. To DiAngelo, any failure to do this “work,” as adherents of this paradigm often put it, renders one racist.

As such, a major bugbear for DiAngelo is the white American, often of modest education, who makes statements like I don’t see color or asks questions like How dare you call me “racist”? Her assumption that all people have a racist bias is reasonable—science has demonstrated it. The problem is what DiAngelo thinks must follow as the result of it.

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Fascinating. A man highly successful for over what, 25 years....suddenly just can't contain his deep seated hatred for black folk and publicly shoots himself in the foot!

I won't cry for him, because he's obviously loaded via syndication, merchandising, etc. (unless his accountants ripped him off and he was too stupid to catch on....or he just blew through his earnings).

Quite frankly, I never got the wild success of his strip...I found it mildly and occasionally amusing at best. But, there's no accounting for taste.

Maybe he'll have a few guest shots on one of the extreme right wing talk shows or a pod cast. The climate is right for bigotry these days.

And the band played on.
Fascinating. A man highly successful for over what, 25 years....suddenly just can't contain his deep seated hatred for black folk and publicly shoots himself in the foot!

I won't cry for him, because he's obviously loaded via syndication, merchandising, etc. (unless his accountants ripped him off and he was too stupid to catch on....or he just blew through his earnings).

Quite frankly, I never got the wild success of his strip...I found it mildly and occasionally amusing at best. But, there's no accounting for taste.

Maybe he'll have a few guest shots on one of the extreme right wing talk shows or a pod cast. The climate is right for bigotry these days.

And the band played on.

He was a favorite of my husband, who spent his life working in the IT world like the Dilbert character. I used to get him the Dilbert daily desk calendar every year for Yule. He agrees with me that it's fairly obvious that Mr. Adams has some sort of mental or personality disorder. Chalk this up to one more idiot who thought that he was so popular that he could say whatever dreck he wanted, without consequences.
Too bad Scott Adams isn't Black. Then he could get away with all sorts of racist shit like Aaron McGruder does in the strip Boondocks. By the way, both cartoons are hilarious...

I remember Boondocks being carried by my main local papers (The NY Daily News, Newsday) for a bit, then it disappeared. That was YEARS ago....and he did have a cartoon for a very brief moment. I don't even know if McGruder stills pens the script. So I find your claim dubious at best.
I think he's going nuts, too. Coincidentally it started when he swallowed the trump swill.

"The shift in Adams’s public image was initially intertwined with his praise for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. Since then, he has identified himself with increasingly extremist viewpoints.

In 2019, he apologized to the victims of a mass shooting at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California for a tweet in which he used the tragedy to advertise an app he created.

Adams also claimed in June 2020 that the “Dilbert” television show was canceled because he’s White, adding that it “was the third job I lost for being White.” He tweeted in January 2022 that he planned to “self-identify as a Black woman.” He has suggested Americans were brainwashed into supporting Ukraine, and praised anti-vaccine advocates last month.

]Last May, Adams used “Dilbert” to mock workplace diversity and transgender politics through a new character called Dave the Black Engineer."


I thought he really seemed to be going downhill since #TRE45ON unleashed the KKK types to rise again. I subscribe to a comics service (GoComics) and they have dropped his Classic Dilbert strips too.

What a shame. Wonder what is rotting his brain?
You cannot understand. We have free speech, but we suffer the social consequences of what we say. There are limits to free speech too. He was not jailed for what he said. His tantrum was a display of hate and bigotry. He knew he was destroying his career. Why can't understand that?
I was a fan of his cartoons for all 30 years. His slant on office politics strikes home regularly. I think he wanted an excuse to retire.

Hell of an "excuse" for retirement!

Obviously, these sentiments have been festering for years....maybe realizing he's officially what use to be retirement age was just too much for him...so he decided to let it all hang out.

I've been saying for YEARS that our freedom of speech does not make one immune from the consequences of that speech...which his why we have laws against slander, inciting to riot, etc.

I never found Dilbert more than occasionally amusing, and I never quite understood it's wild success. Anyway, I won't shed a tear for Adams. If he's lucky, he has family, relatives or friends that will get him some psychiatric help.
“If nearly half of all Blacks are not okay with White people … that’s a hate group,” Adams said on his live-streaming YouTube show. “I don’t want to have anything to do with them. And I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to White people is to get the hell away from Black people … because there is no fixing this.”


We have a very serious problem with hypersensitivity in this country.

Humor that doesn't offend somebody doesn't exist.

The woke concept appear to be
that everybody is entitled to never ever feel offended,
but frankly, being asked to walk on eggs seriously offends me.

If it's ok to offend me, I'm not going to pander to everybody's neurotic hypersensitivity.

We are absolutely unable to concentrate on what's really important anymore,
and frankly,
the righteously indignant are doing their best to find a little corner of that basket of deplorables world for themselves.
I thought he really seemed to be going downhill since #TRE45ON unleashed the KKK types to rise again. I subscribe to a comics service (GoComics) and they have dropped his Classic Dilbert strips too.

What a shame. Wonder what is rotting his brain?
It's not illegal to be insane in the US. Among Trumpers, it's encouraged. :thup:
I recall a pilot Dilbert cartoon that ran on local TV awhile back. I found that funnier than the daily strip.

The late Robin Williams said that people should be careful to praise "talent" and "intellect" as a judge of good moral character because both were used by the Nazi's.

And the band played on.
We have a very serious problem with hypersensitivity in this country.

Humor that doesn't offend somebody doesn't exist.

The woke concept appear to be
that everybody is entitled to never ever feel offended,
but frankly, being asked to walk on eggs seriously offends me.

If it's ok to offend me, I'm not going to pander to everybody's neurotic hypersensitivity.

We are absolutely unable to concentrate on what's really important anymore,
and frankly,
the righteously indignant are doing their best to find a little corner of that basket of deplorables world for themselves.

Scott Adams made an explicitly racist rant he provided on youtube. As usual, you speak in utter ignorance.
We have a very serious problem with hypersensitivity in this country.
This got over posted quickly so I'm going to say it again--it's that important to me.

Humor that doesn't offend somebody doesn't exist.

The woke concept appear to be
that everybody is entitled to never ever feel offended,
but frankly, being asked to walk on eggs seriously offends me.

If it's ok to offend me, I'm not going to pander to everybody's neurotic hypersensitivity.

We are absolutely unable to concentrate on what's really important anymore,
and frankly,
the righteously indignant are doing their best to find a little corner of that basket of deplorables world for themselves.
We have a very serious problem with hypersensitivity in this country.

Humor that doesn't offend somebody doesn't exist.

The woke concept appear to be
that everybody is entitled to never ever feel offended,
but frankly, being asked to walk on eggs seriously offends me.

If it's ok to offend me, I'm not going to pander to everybody's neurotic hypersensitivity.

We are absolutely unable to concentrate on what's really important anymore,
and frankly,
the righteously indignant are doing their best to find a little corner of that basket of deplorables world for themselves.
Hypersensitivity is a good word for "woke". :)

Civil rights, equal protection clause, unity and tolerance are all good words or phrases.
We have a very serious problem with hypersensitivity in this country.

Humor that doesn't offend somebody doesn't exist.

The woke concept appear to be
that everybody is entitled to never ever feel offended,
but frankly, being asked to walk on eggs seriously offends me.

If it's ok to offend me, I'm not going to pander to everybody's neurotic hypersensitivity.

We are absolutely unable to concentrate on what's really important anymore,
and frankly,
the righteously indignant are doing their best to find a little corner of that basket of deplorables world for themselves.

Hypersensitivity has been around ever since you and I have been on the earth...it's just more prevalent and marketable with the increase in instant communications media and an unhealthy (IMHO) dependance on it. People use it to defend or explain or blame their assertions, beliefs, etc.

Whatever the reason, Adams has torn himself a new one, and will suffer the consequences. He's rich, so I won't shed a tear.
I remember Boondocks being carried by my main local papers (The NY Daily News, Newsday) for a bit, then it disappeared. That was YEARS ago....and he did have a cartoon for a very brief moment. I don't even know if McGruder stills pens the script. So I find your claim dubious at best.

I loved Boondocks and hated that it disappeared. The two wanna-be gangstas lived in the suburbs on Timid Deer Lane and it was killing them. :D