
Incorrect. I voted against a lying corrupt inept woman who blatantly abused the protections designed to protect national security information. A woman who used her position as SOS to enrich her family thru it's so called charity, a woman who would have done more damage to the very fabric of the nation than Trump.

Deflection away from a man even you don't like!
I'm headed to Upstate NY next week to visit with old friends. Although we moved 23 years ago, we were there for 11 years and still keep in touch with many folks. One of the events was to have dinner with a gal that my wife went to school with and of course her husband. We hung out together dozens of times back then and always had a great time. So we've known this couple for 34 years.

Last week her husband, I'll call him John here, commented on one of my FB posts. I had posted about how Biden is losing it, as demonstrated most lately by his war story that keeps changing. John commented that 'Trump has lied 12,000 times', and my response was a simple: "Nope." So he linked to a newspaper article claiming it 'has documented all of his lies'. I read the article and it referenced an ongoing university project, and read a couple of their claims. Basically the logic behind this study is that if something isn't accurate, then they deem it to be a lie.

So I responded to John, that his post was inaccurate because he was incorrect on the source. "See how that works, John?"

His response: "Did Trump lie or not?"

Me: "According to the study logic, you both did."

My wife got a text from his wife this morning dis-inviting us to dinner.


Did your wife tell you DBAA?
Cool for your friends! Love ppl with principles. I'd invite you to the McDonalds that is located right inside our local Walmart, and I wouldn't eat any of their food, but that's about it.

Sorry, but no one wants to be infected with The Stupid. You Trumplickers wanted this, you wanted to see "liberal heads explode." You wanted to make a good part of America -- including family and friends -- angry because you voted for an incompetent, inept, clueless, classless, bankrupt, TV game show host only because you hate true American values.

Hey, reap what you sow!

YOU elected Trump ..... YOU picked Hillary !
You don't think that I have principles lol? Why not speak the truth, that you love people who agree with your principles? And of course, are intolerant of those who don't.

How can you be seen as having principles when you shill for Trump and his massive, never ending string of DELIBERATE falsehoods?

Earlier, in the OP, you stated..."Basically the logic behind this study is that if something isn't accurate, then they deem it to be a lie."

That is utter bullshit.

First, you're trying to imply that Trump just occasionally makes an honest mistake and gets his facts wrong. Forgetting for a minute that any time a Democrat has ever innocently misspoke on a subject, you and the rest of the jackals screamed LIAR!!!! so loud and long the Mars Rover picked up the sound waves, the FACT is that the vast majority of Trump's innumerable lies were either deliberate, or just spoken off the top of his head for convenience, because he didn't know the correct answer to a question.

Yet you defend the worst liar in the history of American politics by twisting the truth about him just as badly as he does.

And you want people to see you as having principles???? :palm:
I'm headed to Upstate NY next week to visit with old friends. Although we moved 23 years ago, we were there for 11 years and still keep in touch with many folks. One of the events was to have dinner with a gal that my wife went to school with and of course her husband. We hung out together dozens of times back then and always had a great time. So we've known this couple for 34 years.

Last week her husband, I'll call him John here, commented on one of my FB posts. I had posted about how Biden is losing it, as demonstrated most lately by his war story that keeps changing. John commented that 'Trump has lied 12,000 times', and my response was a simple: "Nope." So he linked to a newspaper article claiming it 'has documented all of his lies'. I read the article and it referenced an ongoing university project, and read a couple of their claims. Basically the logic behind this study is that if something isn't accurate, then they deem it to be a lie.

So I responded to John, that his post was inaccurate because he was incorrect on the source. "See how that works, John?"

His response: "Did Trump lie or not?"

Me: "According to the study logic, you both did."

My wife got a text from his wife this morning dis-inviting us to dinner.

You called your supposed life long friend a liar to his face, and you are surprised he dis-invited you?

Here is a social etiquette tip: Do not call "life long" friends a liar to their face.
Douchebag Donald would go a long way toward convincing me he's not a pathological liar if he became better informed about the topics he chooses to speak about. If he's not really telling lies, that's unfortunate, because it is impossible to tell.
My wife has realized that I was a major asshole long before I married her, if that's what you mean.
I'm sure she did but I'm also pretty sure she's a very smart lady so....listen to her if she says DBAA. :)

or as my wife says to me at social engagements. My job is to look pretty and keep my mouth shut....both of which I suck at. LOL
I'm headed to Upstate NY next week to visit with old friends. Although we moved 23 years ago, we were there for 11 years and still keep in touch with many folks. One of the events was to have dinner with a gal that my wife went to school with and of course her husband. We hung out together dozens of times back then and always had a great time. So we've known this couple for 34 years.

Last week her husband, I'll call him John here, commented on one of my FB posts. I had posted about how Biden is losing it, as demonstrated most lately by his war story that keeps changing. John commented that 'Trump has lied 12,000 times', and my response was a simple: "Nope." So he linked to a newspaper article claiming it 'has documented all of his lies'. I read the article and it referenced an ongoing university project, and read a couple of their claims. Basically the logic behind this study is that if something isn't accurate, then they deem it to be a lie.

So I responded to John, that his post was inaccurate because he was incorrect on the source. "See how that works, John?"

His response: "Did Trump lie or not?"

Me: "According to the study logic, you both did."

My wife got a text from his wife this morning dis-inviting us to dinner.

Classic example why you don't discuss politics or religion with friends, or people you don't know, if they are real friends, there is no reason to bring up either

And to believe that Trump's fabrications are just inaccuracies is rather gullible, the guy lies at an Olympian record pace

I'm sure she did but I'm also pretty sure she's a very smart lady so....listen to her if she says DBAA. :)

or as my wife says to me at social engagements. My job is to look pretty and keep my mouth shut....both of which I suck at. LOL

Since John's wife texted her to notify us, she is aware of the reason and discussed it with me. I assure you that I have her support, 100%. Her comments about John, paraphrasing: will never understand what it takes to be an entrepreneur; public union employee; dead end job; indoctrinated; he's lost it.

She did ask me not to bring up politics with our common friends and I reminded her that I never do. But if they bring it up then I will likely voice my opinion, with my usual of 'facts don't care about feelings' attitude.
Douchebag Donald would go a long way toward convincing me he's not a pathological liar if he became better informed about the topics he chooses to speak about. If he's not really telling lies, that's unfortunate, because it is impossible to tell.

He knows what he is doing, it is all part of his schtick, coming from reality TV he knows if you muddle understanding of anything you can create your own reality, and if challenged, play the martyr.

Been a trademark of the right for decades, Ailes realized it after the fall of Nixon, Limbaugh made himself a millionaire at it, Alex Jones was even so brazen to title it, "InfoWars," don't be mistaken, Trump knows what he is doing