Diversity Makes Greatness
Hello Big Money Dolla,
He did not.
I am not a scientist. I believe I am being wise by listening to the most respected scientist in the USA.
Trying to make this about me is not going to work.
Another attempt to make it personal.
1. incorrect. did he or did he not do all those things regarding masks that I posted?
He did not.
2. I reached my personal decision based on the plethora of peer reviewed scientific studies not by what some guy told me as you seem to have with yours.
I am not a scientist. I believe I am being wise by listening to the most respected scientist in the USA.
3. That is a gross and unfair characterization and one that could only be uttered by one choosing to be ignorant..
Trying to make this about me is not going to work.
4. I know several medical professionals who would say this, including the esteemed medical professional in the first article I posted as well as my wife who is a nurse practitioner, my personal physician as well, etc. I bet if you asked your doctor he would agree with me. see they tell you this crap not because its right, it's because they think you are stupid.
Another attempt to make it personal.
5. I don't mind, I have approached this from both a scientific and academic standpoint. I provided links to numerous peer reviewed studies and you have responded dismissing all of them without any counter other than "st fauci said". so the problem isnt I as an example but your lack of scientific and academic contribution.