Disturbing trend of Trump voters rejecting Covid vaccines

My guess is he wants to cook his own meth, own a nuke and kill anyone he dislikes. ;)

LMAO -- yeah, that's fairly typical for those who claim to be libertarians. Basically they don't want to abide by the norms and rules of civilization. They also tend to be very Q-like or cult-like, in that they believe that they are superior, know better than the rest of us, and are destined for whatever they believe is greatness/heaven.
You are cherry picking what I said.

Go back and read the list of developed countries I highlighted which were reasonably successful in managing the pandemic outbreak. Developed democratic countries are on that list.

Let me guess. This is another one of those debates with an unarmed man, the kind who believes that being made to wear a mask in public is like being put on the train bound for Auschwitz, eh?
LMAO -- yeah, that's fairly typical for those who claim to be libertarians. Basically they don't want to abide by the norms and rules of civilization. They also tend to be very Q-like or cult-like, in that they believe that they are superior, know better than the rest of us, and are destined for whatever they believe is greatness/heaven.

and here I thought that you were going to be more intelligent than the dutch idiot fake marine. too bad for you
Let me guess. This is another one of those debates with an unarmed man, the kind who believes that being made to wear a mask in public is like being put on the train bound for Auschwitz, eh?

For sure.

I do not subscribe to the theory that South Koreans are simply better than us.

South Koreans, to my knowledge, were not bombarded with a steady stream of lies and misinformation from their government and media.

A substantial part of the reason we did not have a well organized and effective COVID reponse like Korea and some other developed nations, is because we had an administration, a rightwing media, and their enablers in the GOP which willfully sowed misinformation, propagated bad science and pseudoscience, and made masks and social distancing guidelines into a supposed harbinger of an impending communist takeover.
LMAO -- yeah, that's fairly typical for those who claim to be libertarians. Basically they don't want to abide by the norms and rules of civilization. They also tend to be very Q-like or cult-like, in that they believe that they are superior, know better than the rest of us, and are destined for whatever they believe is greatness/heaven.

THPPPPT! I'm Libertarian. No libertarians I know want to commit mass murder.

What, in the LP platform, says "they don't want to abide by the norms and rules of civilization"? https://www.lp.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/2020-LP-Platform-0720.pdf

IMO, anyone who wants to tear down the government of We, the People, murder other Americans or deprive any American of their rights isn't a big L or small L libertarian. They're just selfish assholes using libertarianism as a mask just like the KKK uses masks to hide their true selves.
and here I thought that you were going to be more intelligent than the dutch idiot fake marine. too bad for you

I love it when you lie. It proves everything I've written about you from our discussions.

When is the FBI coming back....or did they ever really leave? :thinking:
I love it when you lie. It proves everything I've written about you from our discussions.
like what rank you were????? you were outed as a fake marine. own it

When is the FBI coming back....or did they ever really leave? :thinking:
speaking of lies........I understand that it is a desire of liberals to see those they hate persecuted by their tyrannical overlords.................too bad it didn't happen to me. so sad for you.
LMAO -- yeah, that's fairly typical for those who claim to be libertarians. Basically they don't want to abide by the norms and rules of civilization. They also tend to be very Q-like or cult-like, in that they believe that they are superior, know better than the rest of us, and are destined for whatever they believe is greatness/heaven.

This is patently false and shows a gross misunderstand of who libertarians are. Most libertarians like my self believe in something called the Non Aggression Principle and do not think government is the answer to all of our problems. It is unfortunate that both republicans and democrats view each other on a sliding scale but tend to view libertarianism as an all or nothing death cult.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the federal government's top infectious disease expert, on Sunday lamented the "disturbing" trend of people refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine if they voted for former President Donald Trump.

NBC's Chuck Todd asked Fauci about a recent poll which found that 47% of Trump voters said that they would not get the vaccine, while only 10% of Biden voters rejected inoculations.

"Do you think [President Donald Trump] needs to be enlisted here at all to get his voters to take this vaccine?" Todd wondered.

Chuck, I hope he does because the numbers that you gave are so disturbing," Fauci replied, "how such a large proportion of a certain group of people would not want to get vaccinated merely because of political consideration. It makes absolutely no sense and I've been saying that for so long."

"We've got to dissociate political persuasion from what's common sense, no-brainer public health things," he added. "The history of vaccinology has rescued us from small pox, from polio, from measles, from all of the other diseases. What is the problem here? This is a vaccine that is going to be life saving for millions of people. How some groups would not want to do it for reasons that I just don't understand."

Make me take it dickhead.
Even if every single person who loves them some Trump didn't get a vaccine we'd still have 67% saturation and herd immunity. This is nothing to worry about.
This is patently false and shows a gross misunderstand of who libertarians are. Most libertarians like my self believe in something called the Non Aggression Principle and do not think government is the answer to all of our problems. It is unfortunate that both republicans and democrats view each other on a sliding scale but tend to view libertarianism as an all or nothing death cult.

Another fallacy, much like those subscribed to by our very own Oath Keeper, STY.
Let me guess. This is another one of those debates with an unarmed man, the kind who believes that being made to wear a mask in public is like being put on the train bound for Auschwitz, eh?

I never said anything remotely close to this. And madam, I am very well armed.