yeah, fuck you
yay, unity ROFL and fuck off, eat shit, and die.
yeah, fuck you
I would also add that not being able to attend sporting events, fly on an airplane, go to a movie, or dine out might not be a winning tactic either. Many business ARE going to require that you're vaccinated. It will be nice not having to fly with stupid people.
what do you think happens when you shut out people because they make choices you don't agree with?
When they are bad health choices the impacts the health of others it makes the entire Society Safer. You did not know that?
Quick question have you Ever had any Vaccine?
yet you approve of open border policies letting in unchecked and unhealthy take your faux moral superiority and shove it up your ass.
I'm a Marine, so yes.....i've had vaccinations before.
Do I, maybe you can show where I have Ever I support it, I'll wait for your concession.
Great, then you should have no problem being smart enough to take this one and encouraging those among your friends and family to do so also.
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I have no time for treasonous scumbags. Hopefully they'll lock you up for a long time.
hold your breath. i've asked that same question of nearly everyone here over the last 6 months as they tripped over themselves labeling me as a liberal or a trumper, nobody has shown the proof of their claims about me yet it doesn't stop them from maintaining their bullshit.
i'm smart enough to know you NEVER buy the first edition of anything (thank you microsoft)............i'll sit back and wait a while til more information, details, and proof come out that this rushed vaccine is safe.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the federal government's top infectious disease expert, on Sunday lamented the "disturbing" trend of people refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine if they voted for former President Donald Trump.
NBC's Chuck Todd asked Fauci about a recent poll which found that 47% of Trump voters said that they would not get the vaccine, while only 10% of Biden voters rejected inoculations.
"Do you think [President Donald Trump] needs to be enlisted here at all to get his voters to take this vaccine?" Todd wondered.
Chuck, I hope he does because the numbers that you gave are so disturbing," Fauci replied, "how such a large proportion of a certain group of people would not want to get vaccinated merely because of political consideration. It makes absolutely no sense and I've been saying that for so long."
"We've got to dissociate political persuasion from what's common sense, no-brainer public health things," he added. "The history of vaccinology has rescued us from small pox, from polio, from measles, from all of the other diseases. What is the problem here? This is a vaccine that is going to be life saving for millions of people. How some groups would not want to do it for reasons that I just don't understand."
Do I, maybe you can show where I have Ever I support it, I'll wait for your concession.
Great, then you should have no problem being smart enough to take this one and encouraging those among your friends and family to do so also.
Seems this is a made up issue to me at least. with it being so hard to get a vaccine as it is in the states, why would people saying they refuse matter at this time?
I think that is changing rapidly. Today is the first day I'm eligible in Florida. On Saturday night, I got a message from the state site (where I had signed up maybe a month ago) offering me an opportunity to schedule an appointment. I'm getting my first dose in an hour. Looking at the CVS and Publix websites, those appointments are no longer filling immediately. So supply is going up as demand begins to drop. I think vaccines will be widely available to the public at large before the end of April, maybe sooner. This is what real competent leadership looks like.
I think by Memorial Day, a vaccine card will be a passport to near normalcy.
Seems this is a made up issue to me at least. with it being so hard to get a vaccine as it is in the states, why would people saying they refuse matter at this time?
yet you approve of open border policies letting in unchecked and unhealthy take your faux moral superiority and shove it up your ass.
I'm a Marine, so yes.....i've had vaccinations before.
That's great, hopefully soon you guys can send some of the excess vaccines down here!
no, somewhere south of Mexico.
This shows how lefties like controlling people. This problem is not vaccine or mask specific, it is a general problem with lefties. Lefties are vile creeps.