Well-known member
This miller nut job is just saying in public, what many tea baggers say privately, Cawacko.
You've been on the inter tubes long enough to know that most message board tea baggers have at one time or another, said that pretty much everything FDR and LBJ passed is "unconstitutional"....from food stamps, to medicare, to social security. The New Deal is routinely panned in the wingnutospere as a horrific Marxist-Socialist experiment gone awry!
I don't think Apple is really stretching too much here.
But, if you think Miller is some sort of anomalous outlier, and that conservatives more broadly speaking are genuinely and passionately pro-food stamps, pro-medicare, and pro-unemployment insurance, and scrupulous regulators of the free markets, then this is good news! I learn something new every day!
There is a very very big difference between what random people say on a message board and what people in the U.S. Senate do.