Division in the Tea Party

This miller nut job is just saying in public, what many tea baggers say privately, Cawacko.

You've been on the inter tubes long enough to know that most message board tea baggers have at one time or another, said that pretty much everything FDR and LBJ passed is "unconstitutional"....from food stamps, to medicare, to social security. The New Deal is routinely panned in the wingnutospere as a horrific Marxist-Socialist experiment gone awry!

I don't think Apple is really stretching too much here.

But, if you think Miller is some sort of anomalous outlier, and that conservatives more broadly speaking are genuinely and passionately pro-food stamps, pro-medicare, and pro-unemployment insurance, and scrupulous regulators of the free markets, then this is good news! I learn something new every day!

There is a very very big difference between what random people say on a message board and what people in the U.S. Senate do.
Your rhetoric of old people dying on the streets from starvation is truly a load of crap. It's weak.

There's nothing weak about it. I suggest you do some research regarding the conditions of the elderly at the time SS was implemented.

As for the Repubs doing nothing to SS and Medicare it isn't from their lack of wanting. Where were you when Bush and his buddies were suggesting privatizing SS? Did you not see the link on Miller and his views on Medicare?

Have you heard so much as one Tea Bag supported Repub saying SS and Medicare would not be touched while they all say they're going to cut spending?


Not quite sure how I got that "lies" emocon (is that what they are called?) on there. Then again I guess I shouldn't be surprised by anything my dumb drunk ass does.

Well considering Joe Miller is running for election in Alaska I'm not quite sure why Republican office holders elsewhere would speak out against him for a position he holds on an issue when he's not even in office yet. If Miller wins the election comes to D.C. and puts out proposals to eliminate S.S. then you'll hear something.

Outside of personal accounts in 2005 Republicans have been in office for years and done nothing to S.S. and Medicare. Hell the Republican hero Ronald Reagan raised taxes to help bolster S.S. Your rhetoric of old people dying on the streets from starvation is truly a load of crap. It's weak.
There's nothing weak about it. I suggest you do some research regarding the conditions of the elderly at the time SS was implemented.

As for the Repubs doing nothing to SS and Medicare it isn't from their lack of wanting. Where were you when Bush and his buddies were suggesting privatizing SS? Did you not see the link on Miller and his views on Medicare?

Have you heard so much as one Tea Bag supported Repub saying SS and Medicare would not be touched while they all say they're going to cut spending?


Here is what every Republican has proposed to deal with the SS crisis we are now facing...

Allowing (not requiring) persons under 55, to voluntarily (not mandatory) have 1/3 (not all) of their SS contributions, invested in a stock plan, which would be monitored by the government, who would guarantee a 1% return on investment. Does that sound like "privatization?" Anyone???

The most obvious benefit would be the fact that you would OWN the retirement account, no matter what. If you die, your heirs would get the money you had invested, just as if you had it in the bank. Under the current system, you are shit out of luck, your family would receive nothing. In fact, there is absolutely nothing in the Constitution or rule of law, that obligates the government to pay you one red cent of the monies you've contributed to SS. They could come out next week and say, it's over, no more SS... sorry! And that would be the end of it... all the money you've put in your whole life would be gone in the blink of an eye. Nothing is preventing that from happening.
There's nothing weak about it. I suggest you do some research regarding the conditions of the elderly at the time SS was implemented.

As for the Repubs doing nothing to SS and Medicare it isn't from their lack of wanting. Where were you when Bush and his buddies were suggesting privatizing SS? Did you not see the link on Miller and his views on Medicare?

Have you heard so much as one Tea Bag supported Repub saying SS and Medicare would not be touched while they all say they're going to cut spending?


Did you read my response? I said outside of 2005 and the attempt at personal accounts. And I also referenced Reagan. If any Republican was going to try and do something to S.S. it would have been him and he attempted to strengthen it with tax increases.

The reality is social security is a popular program. If reforms are made (and they are needed) it is going to take a bi-partisan coalition to make them. If Republicans did something to S.S. that people didn't like then the voters would punish them severly at the polls. But this idea that they are trying to eliminate S.S. is just complete fear mongering rhetoric by you.
Here is what every Republican has proposed to deal with the SS crisis we are now facing...

Allowing (not requiring) persons under 55, to voluntarily (not mandatory) have 1/3 (not all) of their SS contributions, invested in a stock plan, which would be monitored by the government, who would guarantee a 1% return on investment. Does that sound like "privatization?" Anyone???

The most obvious benefit would be the fact that you would OWN the retirement account, no matter what. If you die, your heirs would get the money you had invested, just as if you had it in the bank. Under the current system, you are shit out of luck, your family would receive nothing. In fact, there is absolutely nothing in the Constitution or rule of law, that obligates the government to pay you one red cent of the monies you've contributed to SS. They could come out next week and say, it's over, no more SS... sorry! And that would be the end of it... all the money you've put in your whole life would be gone in the blink of an eye. Nothing is preventing that from happening.

Bush's plan was to allow individuals to put in like 4% of their SS money into a personal account.
Bush's plan was to allow individuals to put in like 4% of their SS money into a personal account.

Well the numbers and ideas for a plan have certainly evolved over the years, but the idea I outlined is the current thinking on a viable solution to the solvency problem. In any event, the Democrats are steadfastly opposed to any percent greater than 0% being diverted anywhere except their grubby hands in Washington, they have too much shit to pay for with the money we'll never see, which is supposed to be our retirement.
no, you should call them after you shoot the intruder. your family safety comes first and foremost. when seconds count, the police are only minutes away....usually arriving in time to draw chalk outlines around your murdered and raped wife and daughters.

This woman fired because she thought "intruders" were breaking in and now she's up on a murder charge.

When Christina Korbe heard a loud banging noise at the front door of her Indiana Township home early Wednesday morning, her first thought was the safety of her two children, a brother said.

"She'd die for those kids. They were her life," Bert Roland Jr., Ms. Korbe's brother, said yesterday.

One person did die in her home that morning: FBI Special Agent Samuel Hicks. He was hit by a single shot when Ms. Korbe fired her .38-caliber handgun from the top of a staircase, according to court records.

Ms. Korbe told police and relatives she didn't know law enforcement officials had entered the house to apprehend her husband, Robert, on drug charges. She feared her home, on Wood Runs Road, was being robbed, and her protective maternal instincts kicked in.

"They busted the door. She was scared. She shot," said Mr. Roland, who talked to his sister on the phone Wednesday night after she'd been arrested.

"I didn't know. I didn't know," she told her brother. He said she cried as they spoke.

Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08326/929641-85.stm#ixzz10ODFZz7j
This woman fired because she thought "intruders" were breaking in and now she's up on a murder charge.

When Christina Korbe heard a loud banging noise at the front door of her Indiana Township home early Wednesday morning, her first thought was the safety of her two children, a brother said.

"She'd die for those kids. They were her life," Bert Roland Jr., Ms. Korbe's brother, said yesterday.

One person did die in her home that morning: FBI Special Agent Samuel Hicks. He was hit by a single shot when Ms. Korbe fired her .38-caliber handgun from the top of a staircase, according to court records.

Ms. Korbe told police and relatives she didn't know law enforcement officials had entered the house to apprehend her husband, Robert, on drug charges. She feared her home, on Wood Runs Road, was being robbed, and her protective maternal instincts kicked in.

"They busted the door. She was scared. She shot," said Mr. Roland, who talked to his sister on the phone Wednesday night after she'd been arrested.

"I didn't know. I didn't know," she told her brother. He said she cried as they spoke.

Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08326/929641-85.stm#ixzz10ODFZz7j

funny how the gov gets their panties all up in a bunch when you kill them for breaking the law, isn't it? I wish the lady luck, but she probably should have taken more than one out.