"Smaller government." Those words are meaningless without specifics.
Obviously not true, or the Tea Party support would not be what it is.
"Take back our country." Arrogant, presumptuous and again without specifics.
Seems very specific to me. Democrat Marxist-Socialists control the country, and the Tea Party plans to take it back. No arrogance, no presumption, just a specific fact.
You guys are just sore that the Tea Party isn't giving you specific things you can run around and lie about, distort and overblow, like you have traditionally done in the past. I hate that for ya, but like I said, you should just assume that the Tea Party is opposed to Marxist Socialism, and you should be telling America why Marxist Socialism is the best way to go, as opposed to Conservative Capitalism. This stuff you're floating isn't working for you. People aren't going to stop supporting smaller limited government because you posted some blog about how the Tea Party is 'divided' or because you trump up a bunch of bullshit about religious intolerance or whatnot. You'd better get on message, and start promoting your Marxist Socialist agenda, because THAT is what is being contested here, nothing else. All the other stuff, is bluster and diversion, distraction and obfuscation. Now, if your Marxist Socialist policies were actually working, you could point to the success and run on that, but since they are failing, as most conservative capitalists predicted they would, you have a little problem on your hands. This is why you are adamantly trying to cajole the Tea Party into 'defining specifics' so you can lie and distort those, and maybe win some power back. Hate to tell ya this, but it ain't gonna happen.
Doesn't matter that Tea Party people are clueless... why don't you clue them in? Educate us all in the merits of Communist Socialist Marxist policies! Explain why we should abandon free market capitalism and turn our personal freedoms over to the state! You believe in this, so why not advocate it and explain it to the rest of us who just don't get it? Seems like that would be a rather simple way to combat the Tea Party, on the merit of ideologies. Why don't you do that?
Hmm... other than her comments about how porn and masturbation is detrimental to healthy marriages, and some past trouble repaying a student loan, is there something else I've missed? Seems to me, her actual POLITICAL message of smaller limited government, has yet to be challenged.
Problem is, you don't have two months, you have a month and a half. I'm not counting anything... I am on record as saying I don't believe the GOP will win the house or senate this go-around. I think it's a housecleaning round, we're getting rid of RINOs and putting conservative butts in a few seats. The REAL tsunami will happen in 2012, when we oust the Communist in Chief.