Divorce and women getting half+????


Abreast of the situations
So i was reading about Arods pending divorce. His wife since 2002 hired 4 divorce attorneys in different states and wants alimony to match lifestyle with his and the 12M beach front home

My question is why do woman who simply marry a superstar deserve huge amounts of money for what is seemingly a short period of time. Do these woman really deserve it?

Take Heather Mills as another example.

I just dont get it?
ESPN reported that Cynthia Rodriguez filed for divorce on July 7, 2008, citing "emotional abandonment" and marital infidelity by her husband. Even though Mrs. Rodriguez signed a prenuptial agreement, she plans to argue it is not valid, and seeks alimony, distribution of assets, child support including private school tuition, life and health insurance, and retention of the couple's $12-million marital home in Coral Gables, Florida.
If there is a prenup, which there was, and it didn't have an infidelity clause, then Mrs. Arod should not have access to the money that HE earned.

IMO he should handle all expenses for the children, including childcare and school tuition, and that should enable her to go back to work and support herself perfectly well. BTW wasn't she a doctor??
i just dont get that. ist bs.. either way.. lets step away from celebrities for a moment and talk about joe shmo

Say joe works ass off and invests lots of money into his savings.. pushes for house and pays mortgage entirely.. Jane is lackadaisical, doesn't save, doesn't want to work hard, never contributes..

Then joe and jane get divorced. jane gets half. Its just a shitty rule.
Cause women are to smart to lose half to a giggalo.

Men are stoopid for whoopie.

women still control over half of the money in the USA I think.
i just dont get that. ist bs.. either way.. lets step away from celebrities for a moment and talk about joe shmo

Say joe works ass off and invests lots of money into his savings.. pushes for house and pays mortgage entirely.. Jane is lackadaisical, doesn't save, doesn't want to work hard, never contributes..

Then joe and jane get divorced. jane gets half. Its just a sHty rule.

Then don't marry someone who's lazy.
ahh the old adage has a lot of truth.
A man marries a woman hoping she will never change.
A woman marries a man with plans on how to change him.
In my observations, women tend to change more than men do during their lifetime.
Just my observations though.

A lot of it has basis in biology.
In my observations, women tend to change more than men do during their lifetime.
Just my observations though.

A lot of it has basis in biology.

when women change it's usually for a reason, and that reason usually tends to revolve around resentment or bitterness.
I have to tell you guys, I find it sooo funny how men are all up in arms over the Arod thing. Yesterday morning I went to the deli downstairs. I hate this deli, the guys are all sexist pigs, and one of them in particular is a total perv. And of course it was the total perv, who is like 45 years old and always checking you out and all “hiiiiiiii sweeeettttheaarttt’ as if the professional women who frequent this place are just dying to fuck a deli guy. Anyway, this guy is going on and on to his deli buddy “it’s none of your business who I sleep with. If I do drugs, that’s one thing, but it’s none of your business who I sleep with”. And he was real loud and angry about it. And I was like, well, who the fuck cares who you’re sleeping with, I would be shocked to find out you were sleeping with anybody? And then after another moment I realized they were talking about Arod and this freak was all up in arms over the pounding he was getting over his extra-curricular sex life.

And this just astounded me. Nobody is ever going to care who this guy is sleeping with, and he is so far removed from Arod. But it is like Simone de Beauvoir wrote “one man wrote Remembrance of Things Past and they think they all wrote it. It’s so true. Don’t worry about Arod. You ain’t him and you ain’t never gonna have his “problems”.
Arod, who the heck is Arod anyway? I keep hearing his name in the background buzz of life, but have not cared enough to figure out who he is.