Divorce and women getting half+????

I usually just mentally tune out on those and ask someone by im to im me if I am needed.

"Ohh sorry I was busy on a chat session, what was that question again ?"

One of the uses of the computer and the multitasking environment.

I've been chatting with other associates the whole time.

I don't even know why I'm involved anyway its not an FIS system.
back on topic somewhat. The most valuable advise I can give to someone thinking about getting married is to study their spouses parents and family. In most cases they will turn out fairly close to their parents.
So i was reading about Arods pending divorce. His wife since 2002 hired 4 divorce attorneys in different states and wants alimony to match lifestyle with his and the 12M beach front home

My question is why do woman who simply marry a superstar deserve huge amounts of money for what is seemingly a short period of time. Do these woman really deserve it?

Take Heather Mills as another example.

I just dont get it?

I think it's something that really only happens in California due to their special kind of marriage laws (which literally unite the property of the two), but I could be wrong.
back on topic somewhat. The most valuable advise I can give to someone thinking about getting married is to study their spouses parents and family. In most cases they will turn out fairly close to their parents.
We should do a study on that, and list it with the other recent studies from Captain Obvious.
So many think, Just goes to show How unique I really am :D

No homo bones here. Well topper in his little pink tennis skirt.....

Yeah, that's just wrong... Anyway, I see little difference between your statements about sports and a seventeen-year-old boy declaring that he doesn't like girls...