Yeah still the minority though LadyT.
Most women use their main asset pretty well
Ducking for cover.
Oh well LadyT you can beat me properly when I become your yard slave
Ohh and that is who Arod is ? No wonder I did not know.
Pro sports worship, sheesh.
....... But it is like Simone de Beauvoir wrote “one man wrote Remembrance of Things Past and they think they all wrote it. It’s so true. Don’t worry about Arod. You ain’t him and you ain’t never gonna have his “problems”.
Arod is a player for the yankees, and a selfless martyr for all men everywhere chafing under the iron heel of a feminine-dominated society.
Ha, my Darlabait caught LadyT instead.
"GOOOOooooooo *Team That Lives Near Me*. Beat that other team from far away!!!!!!!"
Ha, my Darlabait caught LadyT instead.
STFU Watermark!
You're no fun when you know my game.
wow darla that was enlightening. So do u think its right for a woman (or a man) to get half plus the lifestyle alimony after less then 10 years when they were clearly the weaker link in a marriage in terms of work ethic and earnings?