Dixie, are you delusional, a liar, or just wrong?

Then the argument that Reagan sold WMD to Iraq fails.

do you not understand that the decaying process of chemical compounds gives chemical weapons like sarin extremely limited shelf lives? Do you not understand that the chemical weapons sold to Saddam by Reagan and Rummy have LONG since decayed into worthless buckets of goo that are NO LONGER WMD's?

You may have served me a steak last night...but the turd in the toilet this morning is no longer a steak.

get it?
do you not understand that the decaying process of chemical compounds gives chemical weapons like sarin extremely limited shelf lives? Do you not understand that the chemical weapons sold to Saddam by Reagan and Rummy have LONG since decayed into worthless buckets of goo that are NO LONGER WMD's?

You may have served me a steak last night...but the turd in the toilet this morning is no longer a steak.

get it?

Okay so you put it more elequently than I did!
Then the argument that Reagan sold WMD to Iraq fails.

I've never said he sold WMD to iraq. So, I have no idea what your talking about.

From what I understand, Reagan sold dual-use techonology, and chemical precursors to Iraq, which could potentially be converted later to WMD.
-Cypress: The nation's foremost experts on Iraq WMD - Charles Duelfer and David Kay - say the 20-year old chemical shells aren't WMD.

-Dixie: “I keep hearing this repeated, haven't seen it proven that either man actually said it…”

Then you must be blind, because I posted this at least five times:

Charles Duelfer, June 22 2006: ..."the ones which have been found are left over from the Iran-Iraq war. They are almost 20 years old, and they are in a decayed fashion. It is very interesting that there are so many that were unaccounted for, but they do not constitute a weapon of mass destruction, although they could be a local hazard."


I made a copy of this Dixie, for the next time you say you've "never" seen proof that Duelfer said the abandoned shells weren't WMD.

I had to do the same when you claimed over and over that the Dems "don't have any plans" for Iraq. I got tired of correcting your lie, and made a copy with links to all the Democratic plans out there.
do you not understand that the decaying process of chemical compounds gives chemical weapons like sarin extremely limited shelf lives? Do you not understand that the chemical weapons sold to Saddam by Reagan and Rummy have LONG since decayed into worthless buckets of goo that are NO LONGER WMD's?

Do you not understand the Binary process of chemical weapon production? Do you not understand the WMD's we found were not supposed to be in Iraq? Do you understand they are the same WMD's you claimed had been destroyed by Saddam, or Clinton with his handful of missiles? Do you not understand that the scientists who were responsible for perfecting the binary process of chemical weapon production, were still on Saddam's payroll? Do you not understand the sort of havoc a terrorist could unleash with even a 'degraded' Sarin bomb in a major American, European, or any other city? Do you not understand the same pinhead logic of Saddam "not knowing" about alQaeda training camps in his country, also applies to the hundreds of degraded chemical weapons across his country? Do you not understand that mixing terrorists with bombs of any kind, is not a good idea, conducive with peace?

Apparently NOT!
-CHARLES DUELFER: "They are almost 20 years old, and they are in a decayed fashion. It is very interesting that there are so many that were unaccounted for, but they do not constitute a weapon of mass destruction, although they could be a local hazard..... These are leftover rounds, which Iraq probably did not even know that it had."

do you not understand that the decaying process of chemical compounds gives chemical weapons like sarin extremely limited shelf lives? Do you not understand that the chemical weapons sold to Saddam by Reagan and Rummy have LONG since decayed into worthless buckets of goo that are NO LONGER WMD's?

Do you not understand the Binary process of chemical weapon production? Do you not understand the WMD's we found were not supposed to be in Iraq? Do you understand they are the same WMD's you claimed had been destroyed by Saddam, or Clinton with his handful of missiles? Do you not understand that the scientists who were responsible for perfecting the binary process of chemical weapon production, were still on Saddam's payroll? Do you not understand the sort of havoc a terrorist could unleash with even a 'degraded' Sarin bomb in a major American, European, or any other city? Do you not understand the same pinhead logic of Saddam "not knowing" about alQaeda training camps in his country, also applies to the hundreds of degraded chemical weapons across his country? Do you not understand that mixing terrorists with bombs of any kind, is not a good idea, conducive with peace?

Apparently NOT!

We understand that Mixing a bomb of any kind with Al Queda is a bad idea..... But that does not make these degraded 20 year old buried munitions WMD... No matter how much you want it to be true.

The truth matters.

Just because you want it to be true, or because other things are true about Iraq or Saddam does not make the WMD argument true!

You are sounding very desperate.

Hitler was a bad guy, but that does not mean he beat his wife. You see my point!
I made a copy of this Dixie, for the next time you say you've "never" seen proof that Duelfer said the abandoned shells weren't WMD.

I had to do the same when you claimed over and over that the Dems "don't have any plans" for Iraq. I got tired of correcting your lie, and made a copy with links to all the Democratic plans out there.

Like I said, the CWC and UN are not subject to the opinion of Charles Duelfer. Nothing in the Geneva Convention or any Chemical Weapons treaty I've ever read, says one word about leaving it up to Charles Duelfer to decide what constitutes a WMD. I frankly think he misspoke, and meant to say, they do not constitute weapons capable of mass destruction. Not that I necessarily agree with that, "mass destruction" is subject to a lot of interpretation, I can certainly see where a Sarin bomb in an elementary school, would be considered an attack of 'mass destruction' to suburbia America.
Like I said, the CWC and UN are not subject to the opinion of Charles Duelfer. Nothing in the Geneva Convention or any Chemical Weapons treaty I've ever read, says one word about leaving it up to Charles Duelfer to decide what constitutes a WMD. I frankly think he misspoke, and meant to say, they do not constitute weapons capable of mass destruction. Not that I necessarily agree with that, "mass destruction" is subject to a lot of interpretation, I can certainly see where a Sarin bomb in an elementary school, would be considered an attack of 'mass destruction' to suburbia America.

Dixie, you have shown nuthing that says all Seirn is a WMD. No matter how much you claim something says it, when it does not say what you want it to say it still does not say it!
do you not understand that the decaying process of chemical compounds gives chemical weapons like sarin extremely limited shelf lives? Do you not understand that the chemical weapons sold to Saddam by Reagan and Rummy have LONG since decayed into worthless buckets of goo that are NO LONGER WMD's?

[1]Do you not understand the Binary process of chemical weapon production? [2]Do you not understand the WMD's we found were not supposed to be in Iraq? [3]Do you understand they are the same WMD's you claimed had been destroyed by Saddam, or Clinton with his handful of missiles? [4]Do you not understand that the scientists who were responsible for perfecting the binary process of chemical weapon production, were still on Saddam's payroll?[5] Do you not understand the sort of havoc a terrorist could unleash with even a 'degraded' Sarin bomb in a major American, European, or any other city? [6]Do you not understand the same pinhead logic of Saddam "not knowing" about alQaeda training camps in his country, also applies to the hundreds of degraded chemical weapons across his country? [7]Do you not understand that mixing terrorists with bombs of any kind, is not a good idea, conducive with peace?

Apparently NOT!

question by question:
1. yes. My understanding of the process does not alter the fact that the rusty 20 year old sarin cannisters found in Iraq were NO LONGER weapons of mass destruction anymore than an ancient trebuchet - a seige engine that inspired great fear in its day - inspires any fear today.

2. Again...what was found were not WMD's....they USED to be but are not now....any we have posted enough quotes from Bush and Duelfer and Kay to make that point clearly.

3. Again...Duelfer addresses this.... they USED to be WMD's and they were old and insignificant and probably forgotten about. They were as useable as year old milk.

4. So what? I don't care if he had magicians on his payroll.... none of those folks were gonna make those rusty old cannisters into WMD's

5. I do... and I know that Saddam was well aware of the havoc that a cannister of degraded sarin would cause in downtown Baghdad if given to terrorists bent on the destruction of secular arab states..... so why would Saddam give them to AQ, even if he had remembered where the rusty old buckets were? Do you really think he would have said...."here you go, Osama... here are some buckets of degraded sarin goo.... but you gotta promise to forget about the fact that you seek to overthrow my government and promise that you'll only use them on America"??????

6. I do not think there is any connection.... Saddam would not have known about AQ camps in the kurdish north that was protected by no-fly zones. He had no operational control over those areas whatsoever.

7. Of course.... but I do not think that a handful of rusty old buckets of stuff that used to be sarin is any reason to forget about the real war on islamic extremism and rush off to invade Iraq at the cost of thousands of lives, billions of dollars and untold esteem.
Dixie, you have shown nuthing that says all Seirn is a WMD. No matter how much you claim something says it, when it does not say what you want it to say it still does not say it!

Yes, actually, I have. I posted the conclusions of the CWC, which listed Sarin as the first on the list of chemicals considered to be WMD's. Primarilly, this is because Sarin was created and invented to be a WMD, and has no other fundamental use. You've offered absolutely no proof that any Sarin isn't a WMD, you just continue to misquote Dulfer and Kay, and claim a horse is a pig because it is old.
Yes, actually, I have. I posted the conclusions of the CWC, which listed Sarin as the first on the list of chemicals considered to be WMD's. Primarilly, this is because Sarin was created and invented to be a WMD, and has no other fundamental use. You've offered absolutely no proof that any Sarin isn't a WMD, you just continue to misquote Dulfer and Kay, and claim a horse is a pig because it is old.

What you posted never said all seirn or anything that once was seirn is a wmd!
if we are "misquoting Duelfer and Kay". please feel free to post the actual quotes that we have "misquoted".

He never ever posts actuall quotes, he just interperates them to say what he chooses then claimes they said whatever fits his purpose!
What you posted never said all seirn or anything that once was seirn is a wmd!

Contrary to your beliefs, the CWC and UN don't go by what I say any more than they go by what Duelfer and Kay say, so it doesn't matter what I think constitutes a WMD. What matters, is what is in the CWC and GC, which was signed by numerous countries, including the ones we are talking about. They specifically list Sarin as a chemical weapon, the GC labels this type of weapon as a "weapon of mass destruction" and neither body recognizes age of Sarin as a valid criteria for definition, nor do they recognize what you, Duelfer, Kay, or maineman think should be considered a WMD. Furthermore, the CWC establishes what criteria a WMD has to meet, to be considered an "old munition" as you are trying to apply to these particular Sarin bombs, and they say the weapon must have been made prior to 1946, so they lack about 40 years qualifying as an "old WMD munition."

Sarin is a chemical developed for the sole purpose of being a WMD. It's not produced for any other reason by anyone. To arm munitions with Sarin, is to create a WMD, and this device will be a WMD until it is destroyed, using the guidelines established by the CWC for destroying WMDs, not dunkin donuts. Now, you can reside in some liberal fantasy land, where Sarin isn't a real WMD, and old WMD's aren't really WMD's, and you can make all the simple-minded observations and express all the bird-brain opinions you like, Sarin bombs are still WMD's, and will be WMD's until they are destroyed.
I know they say its a Chemical weapon, I saw where that was stated and I believe it... but where do any of your cites say it is a WMD?
just like it is not a fantasy world where the steak I ate last night is now just a turd.... degradation.... decomposition.... it works its magic on beef and sarin....
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I know they say its a Chemical weapon, I saw where that was stated and I believe it... but where do any of your cites say it is a WMD?
Are you questioning Maine ? Maine says Sarin is WMD and you question this?

Don't worry....he won't get on your ass....you're on his side....Lmao!!!