Dixie, Im interested in your opinion...

It's Sean's show. He gave a platform to an anti-muslim bigot.


Hannity suggested use of Quran in representative's swearing-in same as using "Nazi bible" Mein Kampf

Summary: Echoing columnist Dennis Prager, Sean Hannity claimed that incoming Rep. Keith Ellison's reported intention to use a copy of the Quran apparently during the ceremonial photo op on the day he is sworn in "will embolden Islamic extremists and make new ones" and suggested that using the Quran for a swearing-in is comparable to using "Hitler's Mein Kampf, which is the Nazi bible."


HANNITY: Malik, I want to ask you a question, as it relates to Dennis' column. Thank you both for being here. And he says, you know, on what grounds will those of you defending this congressman's decision and his right to choose his favorite book, you know, would you have allowed him to choose, you know, Hitler's Mein Kampf, which is the Nazi bible? In other words, where does this stop? Is there any limitations whatsoever? Does anybody get any choice they want, Malik?


Wow did you twist that one! Hannity asked a question regarding DENNIS PRAEGER'S statement.
Wow....trog didn't even read the whole transcript. Where Hannity equated using the Koran, to Using Hitler's Mein Kampf:

HANNITY: "And he says, you know, on what grounds will those of you defending this congressman's decision and his right to choose his favorite book, you know, would you have allowed him to choose, you know, Hitler's Mein Kampf, which is the Nazi bible? In other words, where does this stop? Is there any limitations whatsoever? Does anybody get any choice they want, Malik? "

SHABAZZ: "Well, I think we're not talking about that expansive of notion here --"

HANNITY: Oh, yes, we are.
Wow....trog didn't even read the whole transcript. Where Hannity equated using the Koran, to Using Hitler's Mein Kampf:

HANNITY: "And he says, you know, on what grounds will those of you defending this congressman's decision and his right to choose his favorite book, you know, would you have allowed him to choose, you know, Hitler's Mein Kampf, which is the Nazi bible? In other words, where does this stop? Is there any limitations whatsoever? Does anybody get any choice they want, Malik? "

SHABAZZ: "Well, I think we're not talking about that expansive of notion here --"

HANNITY: Oh, yes, we are.
In the quote YOU provided, the Hannity excerpt is a question to Malik Shabazz regarding PRAEGER'S position. Do you see that? I like how you shortened the excerpt this time so the linking phraseology is missing.

And I did read the link, too.
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Dixie fear of muslim extremeists is one thing fear of all muslims is an entirely different thing.

I agree. Fear of all Muslims is a somewhat bigoted viewpoint. It is not necessarily racist, although it may have similarities with racial bigotry. I am not arguing this guy's point, I am arguing whether it is proven that he is a bigoted racist by his opinions.

I think an argument can be made, that we all have a little bigotry of some nature, or we wouldn't be so addicted to stubbornly arguing our points here. Remember, a bigot is someone who believes his ideas are right, and is intolerant of any others.... tell me that doesn't fit Maine to a tee?

A "prejudiced bigot" is someone who makes broad generalized statements, based on stereotypes and past history of prejudice, and will accept no other view of "how Southerners were" or how Republicans are not all racist bigots.

And finally, a "racially prejudiced bigot" is someone who is a racist, and bigoted in their views on racial equality. They either believe their race is superior... ie; Aryans, Blue-blood Liberal Elitists... or they believe another race is inferior... 'Blacks and Hispanics require our constant attention to insure their ignorant asses don't become enslaved again'...

THIS debate is over the opinion of some people, that electing Muslims to office is not a good idea as a general rule, in the midst of a war they perceive to be, against Muslims. I don't agree with their premise, but I don't see where this viewpoint is rooted in any racial bigotry or prejudice against any group except potential enemies of the state at a time of war. That is a reasonable opinion to have, and it has nothing to do with racial bigotry. The philosophical point can be debated without having to resort to labeling it as "racism" or "bigotry" by addressing the religious aspects and the schism between radical and un-radical Islam.
as stated, everyone but the indiginous tribes came from some other country.... are we to distrust any descendants of folks who came from our enemy du jour? Can anyone really say that such an attitude is sound and reasonable or even American?

Can Dixie really justify distrusting a native born african american who converted to Islam and still claim that such distrust is sound and reasonable and not the product of hatred and bigotry? Is suggesting that it is not a good idea to elect muslims who meet all the constitutional requirements to congress really anything approaching reasonable? Can any patriotic American NOT be disgusted by such discrimination and hate?

Is this really so very far removed from "the only good dune coon is a dead dune coon"?
and Dixie...I tolerate a great deal in this world and on this board. If I am bigoted, it is only against morons. I don't tolerate morons very well... especially morons who view themselves as infallible - everyone else is pretty safe. Which is why I have grown to find YOU so very distasteful over the years.... that and the slander, of course.
Is this really so very far removed from "the only good dune coon is a dead dune coon"?

No, but your interpretation of what I said, think, or feel, are completely removed from the reality of what I have posted, how I live, and who I am.

It's amazing how far you will go to be able to post derogatory and racist remarks in fits of fake outrage. I guess it just eats you up to not be able to talk like that in our society, for fear of persecution, so you get it out of your system that way? Is that it? My mind doesn't even comprehend how to type something as revolting and offensive as you routinely come up with. ...Oh, I know, I understand, it's your way of saying those things in my proxy... you would never actually say these things you think up. Well, you do not captain my ship, Maine. You do not know me, you have no idea of what you are talking about, and you can't possibly speak for me on ANY issue.

I will continue to be the bigger man, and not respond to your attempts at smearing me personally, I will continue to exhibit tolerance with the ignorant rantings of a hypocrite. This is how Christ teaches me to behave.
the fact remains that you routinely come to the defense of and act as an apologist for people who are racist and bigoted.... whether its these guys who distrust all muslims - even african american native born all-american ones - because we are fighting a war on the other side of the planet against islamic extremists...or you and your neighbors for speaking out against interracial marriage. After a while, seeing you step up to vigorously defend such racist and discriminatory behavior and beliefs time after time after time, it becomes pretty clear that you share their beliefs and their passion for those beliefs regardless of your weightless protestations to the contrary.

You are obviously a racist - albeit a closet racist - but your are not so far in the closet than you can refrain from defending your fellow racists from any and all attacks.

and your cute little toss off line about not responding to my smearing YOU is really funny given your history of smearing me... now THAT was the rantings of a hypocrite!
the fact remains that you routinely come to the defense of and act as an apologist for people who are racist and bigoted....

No, I come to the defense of people you accuse of being racist and bigoted, often armed without anything more than your profound and illustrious opinion. It is no more fair for you to cast your judgements on someone without proof, than it is for someone to cast judgements on you with no proof. I think, if you are going to call a man a "racist" you should have to support the charge. It shouldn't be determined as a fact, based solely on your opinions and perceptions.

whether its these guys who distrust all muslims - even african american native born all-american ones - because we are fighting a war on the other side of the planet against islamic extremists..

I've seen nothing from them to indicate they distrust "all Muslims" as you claim. I've admitted, people who have that view, are bigots. We are not fighting a war on terror on the other side of the planet, we are fighting it worldwide, including here in the US. There have been a number of terror plot foiled, in case you've forgotten. The point I made was, because these men fear electing people who might be potential enemies of the state, right or wrong, that is not racial bigotry. It is not founded or based in racism, it has another tenable justification, that of national security.

...or you and your neighbors for speaking out against interracial marriage.

Again, I merely pointed out, in Southern Baptist culture, which I am slightly more familiar with than you, there is a biblical justification associated with 'race-mixing' and it's part of their religious teaching. Jewish people have the same religious understanding, so it's not something unique to Southern Baptists. From a purely philosophical standpoint, does a man who follows the tenants of his faith to keep his bloodline pure, automatically become a racist?

After a while, seeing you step up to vigorously defend such racist and discriminatory behavior and beliefs time after time after time, it becomes pretty clear that you share their beliefs and their passion for those beliefs regardless of your weightless protestations to the contrary.

I suppose you are free to think whatever you wish about me, I can't prove or disprove anything, and neither can you. I think you will find a distinct pattern to what I will speak out on and defend. Generally speaking, whenever people are being lied about, or lied to. I am particularly sensitive to "racism" and feel it is grossly overused and misused in our society, and that is one of the main problems in overcoming our racial divisiveness in this country. Racism is the belief that one race is superior or inferior to another. Period! When those viewpoints are espoused, they should be condemned and scorned with vigor, and those speaking them should be ostracized and shamed. Too often is the case, the charge of "racism" is unfounded and unwarranted, it simply doesn't 'rise to the level' of what "racism" really is. It's become so easy for us to 'proclaim' someone a racist, a Maineman could do it!

You are obviously a racist - albeit a closet racist - but your are not so far in the closet than you can refrain from defending your fellow racists from any and all attacks.

No, I am not a racist. My God teaches me that all men are created equal, so no "race" of people is superior or inferior. I have known people who are racist, and I have even witnessed to them and tried to change their views, but I don't think it ever worked. The point is, there are racist people in the world, who do actually think that one race is superior or another is inferior, and they have a plethora of prejudices and bigotry to go along with that view. They are despicable people, for the most part, and ignorant beyond belief. It is those people, who deserve our focus, who deserve the intensity of our ridicule and scorn, not people who really have no racial motive for their view.

When we attack people as "racist" who aren't really being racist, it marginalizes true racism, it diminishes the intensity of focus on the true racist. I thought of a good illustrative analogy... instead of "racist", let's use "rapist"... Let's say there is a rapist on the loose in our neighborhood... our objective should be, to eliminate the rapist and end 'rapism'... You are combing the neighborhood, arresting anyone who even makes eye contact with a woman, and proclaiming you've caught a rapist. I'm staking out the alley behind the bar, where all of the rapes have occurred, because I believe this is where our focus should be, to catch the real rapist.

See... I have a little different take than most politically correct pinheads out there, when it comes to racism and discussing racial viewpoints and issues. I know what is in my heart, and I am certainly not racist in any way. I do think that people can be prejudiced without being racist, as prejudice is a fundamental part of being human. I think that it's important we understand this distinction, and focus on racial prejudice borne from genuine racist views.