Dixie Prediction Update

you don't expect Dixie to admit that he was wrong about Saddam and Al Qaeda, do you?

that patehtic fuck has never once admitted he was wrong about ANYTHING.....except when he was caught in a profoundly racist statement earlier in the week, he knew he needed to back quickly away from his assertion that nobody in America thought that the black man was equal to the white man at the time of the civil war...and he even used a quote from Sojourner Truth to PROVE that she did not consider herself to be equal.....

other than that self serving retraction (which was only done to hide his own racism), Dixie has NEVER admitted any errors or made any apologies.

Don't hold your breath!

you don't expect Dixie to admit that he was wrong about Saddam and Al Qaeda, do you?

Good lord, no!

United States Senate Bipartisan Iraq Intelligence Investigation - Phase 2

Released September 8 2006

-Conclusion: "Postwar findings indicate Zarqawi was in Bagdad from May 2002 until late November 2003. Postwar assessment indicates that Saddam Hussein attempted, unsuccessfuly to locate and capture Zarqawi and that the regime DID NOT have a relationship, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi. "
100 dead Americans this month.

When will the "final throes" ever be "finally" over with?

When will we ever admit that attempting to establish a vibrant multicultural democracy in Iraq by invading conquering and occupying that country and cramming our style of democracy down their throats at gunpoint was a stupid idea?

When will Dixie ever admit he has been wrong about Iraq from day one?
100 dead Americans this month.

When will the "final throes" ever be "finally" over with?

When will we ever admit that attempting to establish a vibrant multicultural democracy in Iraq by invading conquering and occupying that country and cramming our style of democracy down their throats at gunpoint was a stupid idea?

When will Dixie ever admit he has been wrong about Iraq from day one?

Perhaps not surprisingly, I think the answer to both questions is the same, probably not in Dixie's lifetime. As long as we remain in Iraq we will be subject to the level of voilence and resistence represented by Cheney's "last throes" of the insurgency, and as long as Dixie will not admit he was wrong as long as he lives.
100 dead Americans this month.

When will the "final throes" ever be "finally" over with?

When will we ever admit that attempting to establish a vibrant multicultural democracy in Iraq by invading conquering and occupying that country and cramming our style of democracy down their throats at gunpoint was a stupid idea?

When will Dixie ever admit he has been wrong about Iraq from day one?

In all likelyhood, forty years from now, Dixie will be sitting in his rocking chair in his retirement home, muttering under his breath over and over that "Bush was right.....Bush was right....Bush was right....we found WMD..."

United States Senate Bipartisan Iraq Intelligence Investigation - Phase 2
Released September 8 2006

-Conclusion: "Postwar findings indicate Zarqawi was in Bagdad from May 2002 until late November 2003. Postwar assessment indicates that Saddam Hussein attempted, unsuccessfuly to locate and capture Zarqawi and that the regime DID NOT have a relationship, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi. "
DIXIE, November 30 2005:

“In the past two months, we have killed more than 700 "insurgents" and captured more than 1,500……to cut and run now, on the brink of this monumental victory and achievment, is just plain stupid.” (fullpolitics.com)
Back on the 1st of December 2005, Dixie predicted that we would be out of Iraq before we lost 500 more American troops in battle.

As of today, we have lost 462 US military personnel in Iraq since that prediction.

As the current rate, we will reach the 500 mark before the end of August.

Neocons have NEVER known what the fuck they were talking about regarding Iraq or Islam or the war on terror.

fair enough....what is your plan?
that is really quite a funny question.... Bush drives the car off the cliff..we are in free fall headed for the rocks below, and you say, "fair enough...what is your plan?" The very first part of any plan has to be an admission that we are, in fact, in free fall after being driven over the cliff by an idiot at the wheel...and that the landing will, inevitably, be painful and extreme....and the very next part of any plan has got to be a commitment to take the keys away from the idiots that did this and make them get in the back seat for a while until they can prove to America that they deserve another chance. The third part of any plan has got to be an immediate determination as to what we can do differently and NOW to lessen the impending impact. The fourth part of the plan has got to be a reassessment of the entire boneheaded approach to islamic extremism that resulted in us going over the cliff in the first place.

I would suggest that for part three, we give the Iraqi government six months to get their act together and then pull the vast majority of our forces out of the battle space... if that means we pull them out to bases in Saudi Arabia, or Jordan, so be it....

I would also suggest that part three contain a reallocation of assets to vigorously ramp up our border and port of entry defenses as well as vigorously increase our intelligence gathering efforts including a massive recruitment effort to bring native arabic speakers into our intelligence communites...we will be unable to defeat AQ from the outside...we need to have ears on the inside.

Part four should look closely at the underlying causes - the socio-economic inequities - that create the attraction for wahabbism. If we do not somehow change the calculus in the region...if we cannot find ways to aggressively promote and demand democratic reforms in Petro-land, then we will be unable to provide any young muslim with an alternative to hating the west and hating the secular gangs of thugs and royals that control the riches of the region.

That's just stuff off the top of my head...because your question, as explained above, caught me a bit off guard..... why don't you honestly critique it?
1003 dead Americans since Dixie predicted we'd be out before losing another 500. The deadliest four month span in the entire war... how many more brave yong American men have to die before Dixie and his koolaid drinking buddies admit this war was a terrible mistake?
And lets just add up the ones wounded by hostile fire and not the ones injured while in Iraq, but not by enemy fire.
Keep those figures down, keep the malarky flowing, some people actually believe it. ie Dixie.