Dixie Prediction Update

590 as of today....

the place is boiling over in sectarian violence that WE set into motion and now are caught in the middle of. Why in the fuck does ANYONE support the idea that we should remain there?
590 as of today....

the place is boiling over in sectarian violence that WE set into motion and now are caught in the middle of. Why in the fuck does ANYONE support the idea that we should remain there?

Good question. Dixie should be able to enlighten us.


For your convenience Dixie, I've put the findings of the U.S. Government (Duelfer Report, Bipartisan Senate Report, and new NIE) in outline form:

1) there were no WMD in iraq;
2) Saddam hated al qaeda;
3) Saddam was not cooperating at all with al qaeda;
4) Saddam was not harboring Zarqawi;
5) in fact Saddam was trying to find and arrest Zarqawi;
6) torture and murder is as bad (or worse) in Iraq now than under Saddam;
7) the new National Intelligence Estimate (the most authorative document put out by the U.S. Intelligence Community), says that Bush's Iraq war has made the threat of terrorism worse.

Dixie, Please present your dissertation on why the iraq war was a good idea.

October is shaping up to be an extraordinarily bloody month for American servicemen.....

only six days into the month and we've already lost 23 brave young Americans. We've blown by Dixie's prediction of 500 by 125 and will be somewhere near 725-750 by the end of this month if the carnage continues at its present rate.

When will the neocons admit that this dream of establishing a vibrant multicultural democracy in the heart of the middle east shining like a beacon of freedom and serving as an example that the rest of the Islamic world would jump to emulate was fucking INSANE?????

When will they admit that, as bad as Saddam was, he WAS, as Colin Powell said, NOT a threat to the United States and he had been doing a great job keeping the lid on sectarian violence and Iranian hegemony?

When will they admit that we would be better off today - with 2737 more members of our armed forces, with a half a trillion dollars more in our treasury - with the post 9/11 good will of the world - if we had concentrated on finding and eliminating the guys who attacked us and left Saddam right where he was?

"The number of U.S. troops wounded in Iraq has surged to its highest level in nearly two years as American GIs fight block-by-block in Baghdad to try to check a spiral of sectarian violence that U.S. commanders warn could lead to civil war.

Last month, 776 U.S. troops were wounded in action in Iraq, the highest number since the military assault to retake the insurgent-held city of Fallujah in November 2004, according to Defense Department data. It was the fourth-highest monthly total since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in March 2003."

when will Dixie ever admit that the war in Iraq has been a terrible mistake????
July: 43
August: 65
September: 71
October: 86

We're on track to lose 120 for the month by the time Halloween arrives.

we have already lost 187 MORE than Dixie predicted we'd lose in total with NO END IN SIGHT.

When will Dixie EVER admit that this was a terrible mistake?
July: 43
August: 65
September: 71
October: 86

We're on track to lose 120 for the month by the time Halloween arrives.

we have already lost 187 MORE than Dixie predicted we'd lose in total with NO END IN SIGHT.

When will Dixie EVER admit that this was a terrible mistake?


-Dixie, October 20: "There is no way to turn back the hands of time, and not go into Iraq, if we could do that, and voting for Democrats would make that happen, I would probably vote Democrat!
are you suggesting that the quote listed is as close as Dixie will ever come to admitting the terrible error of invading Iraq?

Yet in another post he calls the Iraq war 'the single greatest military accomplishment of our generation!" I guess he is still quite confused about the war. He appears to be a bit of a will o' the wisp when it comes to Iraq, blowing first one way then another.

Must be the meth, HUH Dixie?
exactly....he is saying that if it were possible to avoiding having accomplished the greatest military accomplishment of our generation, he would switch parties and vote democratic in order to avoid it. Now THAT makes a shitload of sense!
-DIXIE, August 10, on Iraq: "… how utterly desperate the anti-war crowd is. Still trying to lie and mislead people with propaganda like this, and still chanting to "bring them home" when it's clear, they are coming home soon, the job is almost complete! Our forces will come back home when the job is finished, and not because you pinheads 'spirited' them back with your war protests."
-DICK CHENEY, May 2005: "The insurgency is in it's final throes".

-DIXIE, March 22 2006: "I think the VP was right, they have been in the final throes, and we are in the process of finishing them off." (fullpolitics.com)
DIXIE, 14 Dec. 2005: “Iraqi people will go to the polls tomorrow, under the threat of death from radical terrorists who want to stop them…..Iraq will become the first and only Constitutional Democracy in the heart of radical Islam, and it is a monumental and historic event in world history!. …DEMOCRACY! Voting in FREE elections! FAIRLY! (Jihaddists) are opposed to it because it will deal a death blow to radical fundamentalist insanity! Those of you who have postured yourselves on the side of these fanatics better move out of the way, because the freight train of freedom is due tomorrow, and she's not slowing down boys!” (fullpolitics.com)
1) DIXIE: June 2005: “WAY back... when Pinheads were arguing that WMD's weren't a good enough reason to go to war in Iraq, I made a very detailed post on Politics.com Opinion board, where I listed 22 connections between Saddam and alQaeda. People mostly laughed at me and called me names... questioned my credibility, and never even noticed that I had posted Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's name for the first time on the board. When he was wounded from fighting us in Afghanistan, he left there and went to Iraq. He was treated at a hospital operated by one of Saddam's sons, and this was not Zarqawi's first visit to Iraq, nor his last….So, alQaeda was inside of Iraq, and fully operational before we went into Iraq.”

2) United States Senate Bipartisan Iraq Intelligence Investigation - Phase 2

Released September 8 2006

-Conclusion: "Postwar findings indicate Zarqawi was in Bagdad from May 2002 until late November 2003. Postwar assessment indicates that Saddam Hussein attempted, unsuccessfuly to locate and capture Zarqawi and that the regime DID NOT have a relationship, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi. "

-Conclusion 1: "Postwar finding indicate that the CIA assessment that the relationship between Iraq and Al Qaeda resembled "two independent actors trying to exploit each other," accurately characterized bin Ladin's actions, but not those of Saddam Hussein. Postwar finding indicate that Saddam Hussein was distrustful of Al Qaeda and viewed Islamic extremists as a threat to his regime, refusing all requests from Al Qaeda to provide material or operations support.
you don't expect Dixie to admit that he was wrong about Saddam and Al Qaeda, do you?

that patehtic fuck has never once admitted he was wrong about ANYTHING.....except when he was caught in a profoundly racist statement earlier in the week, he knew he needed to back quickly away from his assertion that nobody in America thought that the black man was equal to the white man at the time of the civil war...and he even used a quote from Sojourner Truth to PROVE that she did not consider herself to be equal.....

other than that self serving retraction (which was only done to hide his own racism), Dixie has NEVER admitted any errors or made any apologies.

Don't hold your breath!