Dixie Prediction Update

maineman said:
I am beginning to believe this religious right "End of Times" bullshit might have some substance to it.

A classic self-fulfilling prophecy perhaps?
Beefy said:
A classic self-fulfilling prophecy perhaps?

I think that is exactly right. They want to hasten the time to the rapture and getting us totally embroiled in a knock down drag out fight in the middle east that serves no purpose other than to enflame the Islamic world will do just that.

We NEED to take the keys away from these loonies right away!
maineman said:
I think that is exactly right. They want to hasten the time to the rapture and getting us totally embroiled in a knock down drag out fight in the middle east that serves no purpose other than to enflame the Islamic world will do just that.

We NEED to take the keys away from these loonies right away!

Intentionally or unintentionally thats what they are doing..
Beefy said:
Yes, it was extremely unlucky for him to accidentially sign evey spending bill placed before him save one, to invade another country on accident, and to squander the goodwill the world had towards my country, all in a few years. He's a really good card player getting bad cards. Yeah, that's it.
Clinton did that by weakening the US and lowering opinion--- don't be a fool, the world already hated us.
I never said he was a good president, but he is certainly not the worst....no other president has had to deal with the things that he has had to address...
And plenty of presidents have never vetoed a bill....the fact that he hasn't simply means that he was happy with his party's legislation....and that is all it means.

On both sides you ideologues try to imply a lot that isn't there. It's sad really.
maineman said:
precisely beefy....very well said!

by the way...did you ever get back to that thread about the UN observation post?
Well said if you are fifteen year old with a black/white perspective on reality and very little real world experience, or if you happen to be a left wing idiot who follows every "hip" trend that comes his way.

I swear liberals must always have a body temperature of 41.11 degrees C--- the temperature at which the brain dies.
gonzojournals said:
Well said if you are fifteen year old with a black/white perspective on reality and very little real world experience, or if you happen to be a left wing idiot who follows every "hip" trend that comes his way.

I swear liberals must always have a body temperature of 41.11 degrees C--- the temperature at which the brain dies.

are you suggesting, perhaps, that Bush has NOT signed every spending bill put in front of him? OR, are you perhaps suggesting that our standing in the world community has NOT been significantly degraded by our ill advised misadventure in Iraq?
The more I read your shit, it seems like you really only produce half baked one-liner insults and that you add precious little of any substance to the debate itself.... like a heckler at a political rally... Hunter Thompson would roll over in his grave to know you have failed so badly with his moniker. Wanna try working on that?
we'd better pull out of Iraq pretty quickly. Eleven more dead Americans and Dixie's prediction will have been proven wrong.
A sad day for America.... an embarrassing day for Dixie...

we're at 506 since 12/1/05 when Dixie predicted we wouldn't lose 500 more Americans.

we're at 2618 dead since we senseless invaded Iraq

19323 brave Americans have been wounded.

The Marines just issued an involuntary call up for the inactive reserve.... more troops are going INTO Iraq....

the place is dissolving into a civil war that WE set in motion.

we are no safer now than on 9/11.

Take the keys away from these idiotic neocons supported by this moron Dixie.
It is a sad day for America. It is sad any day an American soldier bravely gives up his life for America and even more so in this war because of the circumstances behind the war.

But, a prediction is nothing more than a guess of something that will happen in the future. Sometimes it is an educated guess. I would say this time it was a foolish wish.

Dixie predicted on Dec 1, 2005 to me that less than 500 more soldiers would die in Iraq. He was wrong and I said at the time he said it that he was crazy. He still is crazy, but geez, a prediction is not a promise nor a guarantee.

Every year, Dr. Gray (I think that is his name), predicts the number of hurricanes and tropical storms that the Atlantic will have. Every year he revises his predictions in the middle of the year. Every year he is wrong. Yet, he is considered to be the authority on hurricanes or at least the prediction of such.

Dixie made a prediction. Dixie was wrong. So what?

Let's pray there won't be 500 more. Hell, let's pray there won't be 50 more.

But I do agree. Let's take the keys away from the moron that put us there.

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the point is: Dixie CONTINUES to paint a rosy scenario: everything is fine...things are getting better... the media never gives the good news...the insurgency will wither away now that Zarqawi is dead...the insurgency will wither away now that government is formed... blah blah blah ad infinitum.... and he and Rush and Hannity just keep it up and keep it up. I wish that all those fucking chickenhawks would be willing to spill THEIR blood for this senseless venture!
the point is: Dixie CONTINUES to paint a rosy scenario: everything is fine...things are getting better... the media never gives the good news...the insurgency will wither away now that Zarqawi is dead...the insurgency will wither away now that government is formed... blah blah blah ad infinitum.... and he and Rush and Hannity just keep it up and keep it up. I wish that all those fucking chickenhawks would be willing to spill THEIR blood for this senseless venture!
Do you listen to Rush? I have no idea what the guy says about this war, but the last time I heard him it wasn't "rosy"... That, admittedly, was several months ago and only for about 10 minutes...
I listen to Rush about once a week when I am driving to one of our far flung facilities...and I listen to Hannity every night on the way home because at that time of the day, my blood pressure isn't QUITE high enough.

And I "listen" to Dixie's flatulent rants for much the same reason! ;)
I listen to Rush about once a week when I am driving to one of our far flung facilities...and I listen to Hannity every night on the way home because at that time of the day, my blood pressure isn't QUITE high enough.

And I "listen" to Dixie's flatulent rants for much the same reason! ;)
Cool. Just looking for a reference...
the point is: Dixie CONTINUES to paint a rosy scenario: everything is fine...things are getting better... the media never gives the good news...the insurgency will wither away now that Zarqawi is dead...the insurgency will wither away now that government is formed... blah blah blah ad infinitum.... and he and Rush and Hannity just keep it up and keep it up. I wish that all those fucking chickenhawks would be willing to spill THEIR blood for this senseless venture!

We are all guilty of wishful thinking at times.

I wish I would win the lottery.

We are all guilty of wishful thinking at times.

I wish I would win the lottery.


The difference is that you dont go around claiming you did... or spending all your money today b/c you are sure you will win tomorrow!
A sad day for America.... an embarrassing day for Dixie...

we're at 506 since 12/1/05 when Dixie predicted we wouldn't lose 500 more Americans.

we're at 2618 dead since we senseless invaded Iraq

19323 brave Americans have been wounded.

The Marines just issued an involuntary call up for the inactive reserve.... more troops are going INTO Iraq....

the place is dissolving into a civil war that WE set in motion.

we are no safer now than on 9/11.

Take the keys away from these idiotic neocons supported by this moron Dixie.

When had Dixie EVER been right about Iraq. I cringe when he makes rosy predictions, because its like bad karma- usually, the exact opposite will happen.
August was a bloody month for Americans and Iraqis alike.... 552 Americans have now died since Dixie made his confident prediction that we would not lose 500 more troops. Iraqis are killing Iraqis at a rapidly increasing rate...

one would think that at some point in time, rational people would admit that they fucked up and that this war in Iraq was not the great idea that they thought it would be.

one would think that the rise of Hezbollah, the increasing power of Iran in the region, the diminished stature of America around the world, the ability of north korea to slap us across the face with impunity on our national birthday, the resurgence of the taliban in afghanistan, and Osama's undisturbed presence in the hills of pakistan would all serve to give us reason to rethink this whole iraq adventure and perhaps come to the conclusion that we had made a big mess.